Virtual Machine Allocation Errors
Virtual Machine Allocation Errors
Error in Rack Selection
The first virtual machine in a virtual appliance selects the rack to be used for all the virtual images in this appliance.
- No rack can be selected: all exceed the max VLANs allowed. All racks are full of VLANs.
- No rack can be selected: Not enough physical machine capacity to instantiate the required virtual appliance. The system tried to select machines on all the racks based on network utilization and none fulfilled the requirements. Also logs "The rack is already selected" error message for each candidate rack.
The Rack is Already Selected
After the first virtual machine is allocated the rack is determined for all the other virtual machines in the appliance.
Ordering Constraints
These errors are ordered: that is, if the last one is reached this means none of the previous conditions is violated.
- Not enough VLAN resources on rack rackname to instantiate the required virtual appliance. VLAN per switch is exceeded on the current rack.
- There are no machines on the required rack idrack and in virtual datacenter idVirtualDatacenter. Please check the racks and hypervisor technology in the infrastructure. The current rack does not have any machines with the target hypervisor technology required by the current virtual datacenter.
- There are no MANAGED machines on the required rack idrack and in virtual datacenter idrack. Please check the machine health status in the infrastructure. There are machines on the rack with the required hypervisor technology but none of them are managed by Abiquo.
- There are no MANAGED machines on the required rack idrack and in virtual datacenter idVirtualDatacenter available for the current enterprise enterpriseName. Please check the machine reservation policies. The managed machines on the rack are reserved for another enterprise.
- There are no machines with the required datastore capacity hardDriveRequirementsOnBytes. No machine has an enabled datastore with the required free capacity.
- All the candidate machines are excluded by virtual machines deployed on them by other enterprises. Please check the enterprise affinity rules. The enterprise affinity rules (an enterprise cannot deploy on the same machine that another enterprise has deployed on) discard all the machines.
- There are numCandidates candidate machines but all are discarded by the current workload rules (RAM and CPU over-subscription) and name - ip of all the candidate machines). There are candidate machines but they cannot be used because of RAM and CPU utilization/over-subscription. If no rules are defined the default rule specifies 100% utilization for both CPU and RAM.
- The target physical machine has no datastores enabled with the required free size. The datastore cannot hold the virtual image disk files.
All the errors include the name, UUID and id of the current virtual machine.
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