Abiquo Cloud Broker Tenant Creation Guide

Abiquo Cloud Broker Tenant Creation Guide

This page describes how to create a customer tenant under a reseller in the cloud broker.

  1. To create a scope in the API, get public cloud regions and datacenters (as required)

  2. Create the scope for the customer
    1. Go to Users → Scopes
    2. Click the + button

      1. Enter the Name, which will be the customer name
      2. As the Parent scope, select the BU scope
      3. In the Datacenters column, select the providers or regions as required

  3. Create the customer enterprise

    General how-to: Create Tenants via API

    At the top of the Enterprises list, click the + button to add an enterprise

    On the General tab

    1. Enter the customer name
    2. As the Default scope, set the customer scope
    3. For the customer headquarters, select Key node
  4. On the Datacenters tab, drag and drop providers. For example, Amazon. Select and edit providers (or regions) and datacenters to set the default VDC role for each provider for the enterprise.

    This is a separate request in the API. For each region or datacenter, create a datacenter limit.
    API: https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/EnterpriseLimitsByDatacentersResource.html#create-a-datacenter-limit

  5. On the Properties tab, enter the appropriate properties for the customer type as described in the following tables
    1. For each property, enter a Key and Value, and click Add
    2. When you have finished editing the tenant, click Save

      This document describes all the enterprise properties for each type of customer and for all features including billing dashboard and price list synchronization.

      Customer of CSP and reseller

      The customer does not have their own pricing credentials because they use the reseller credentials. Within the CSP account, the customer is identified by their compute credentials.






      If the customer is a key node.
      Account_id. Replaces "contractId".



      • Used to calculate the user invoice for billing dashboard. Replaces "AWS_PriceFactor"
      • Used to calculate the user pricing. For retrieving hardware profile prices from the provider



      • Used to calculate the user invoice for billing dashboard. Replaces "CSP_PriceFactor"
      • Used to calculate the user pricing. For retrieving hardware profile prices from the provider


      STANDARD or RESERVED (only one of these per enterprise)



      If the customer is a key node.
      The price factor to apply (by multiplication) to the prices set for the reseller

      Standard customer 
      The customer is not a customer of the reseller.
      The customer must enable programmatic billing and access to billing records, and pricing in the provider, and supply their own credentials for compute, pricing, and billing dashboard.






      If the customer is a key node.
      Account ID. Replaces "contractId"



      • Used to calculate the user invoice for billing dashboard. Replaces "AWS_PriceFactor"
      • Used to calculate the user pricing. For retrieving hardware profile prices from the provider



      The name of the bucket with the billing data files. See Display Amazon billing data

      • Used for the billing dashboard
      • Part of the path: bucketname/report_prefix/report_name/file.csv

      • Used for the billing dashboard
      • Part of the path: bucketname/report_prefix/report_name/file.csv



      • Used to calculate the user invoice for billing dashboard. Replaces "CSP_PriceFactor"
      • Used to calculate the user pricing. For retrieving hardware profile prices from the provider



      Use value from Azure account. See Obtain Azure ARM credentials and Display Azure billing data



      Used for billing dashboard. Default is USD



      Used for billing dashboard. Default is en-US



      Used for billing dashboard. Default is “US”. Two digit ISO code representing the country where you purchased the subscription



      STANDARD or RESERVED (only one of these per enterprise)



      If the enterprise is a key node.
      The price factor to apply (by multiplication) to the prices set for the reseller

      For properties that apply to Reseller enterprises, see Abiquo Broker Enterprise Properties for Resellers.

      This is a separate request in the API. When you update properties you will overwrite any existing properties
      API: https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/EnterprisesResource.html#update-enterprise-properties

  6. Add the customer enterprise to the customer scope
    1. Go to Users → Scopes --> select the scope
    2. Click the pencil button to edit
    3. Select the customer enterprise in the Enterprises list

      API: https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/ScopesResource.html#update-a-scope
      Add a basic link to the scope with a "rel" value of "ENTERPRISE".

  7. Create a pricing template
    1. Go to Pricing → Pricing models
    2. Click + and enter details

  8. API step Get the enterprise
  9. Assign the pricing model to the enterprise. 
    1. Go to Pricing → Enterprise associations
    2. Select the pricing model
    3. Find the enterprise in the list and select the pricing model from the pull-down list beside the enterprise name

    API: https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/EnterprisesResource.html#upate-an-enterprise
    Update the enterprise to add a link to the pricing model with a "rel" value of "pricingtemplate".

  10. Create a customer administrator user
    1. Go to Users → Select enterprise → Users
    2. Click the + button to add a user
      (Note the screenshot does not show the enterprise filter)
    3. On the General tab, select the following values
      1. Role: CUSTOMER_ADMIN
      2. Scope: Customer scope (enterprise scope)

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