GUI Create a disk from local file

GUI Create a disk from local file




The type of the template disk. See Disk Format Information.
To use the disk in the platform, it must have a correct type (not Unknown).
(warning) If you have not added any hypervisors yet, the V2V conversion process will generate conversions for ALL supported hypervisors


The hard disk size required for the deployed disk in MB, GB, or TB. See Determine the size of a VM Disk File.

  • Fixed formats, the capacity is the physical size of the template disk.
  • For sparse and compressed formats, the capacity is the provisioning size.
File nameClick Select file and use your browser to choose the file to upload.
Require DS tierSelect Datastore tier will be required when creating a virtual machine to ensure that the user will select a datastore tier.
Allocation typeThe user with appropriate privileges can modify this value in a VM before they deploy it
Controller type

Select a controller type from: IDE, SCSI, SATA (ESXi), and VIRTIO (KVM)

ControllerOn ESXi you can enter a SCSI controller type. The default value is the lsilogic controller.
NameThe name of the disk

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