GUI Edit template Recommended
GUI Edit template Recommended
Hardware profiles
Field | Value |
Hardware profiles - Recommended | To recommend a hardware profile for this template, mark the checkbox beside the hardware profile name. The platform will display these profiles in the selection list with "(Recommended)" beside them. Remember that the administrator must allow the user's tenant to access the hardware profiles. |
Enable only recommended HPs | Select this checkbox to allow the user to select from recommended hardware profiles only. |
Datastore tiers
Field | Value |
Datastore tiers - Recommended | To recommend a datastore tier for this template, select the checkbox beside the datastore tier name. The platform will display the these tiers in the selection list with "(Recommended)" beside them. Remember that the administrator must allow the user's tenant to access the datastore tiers. |
Enable only recommended DS Tiers | In private cloud, select this checkbox to allow the user to select from recommended datastore tiers only. |
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