GUI Create load balancer App Routing rules

GUI Create load balancer App Routing rules



Common protocols

Select one of the common protocols to load presets


The incoming protocol to the load balancer. See AWS documentation for accepted values.


The incoming port to the load balancer. See AWS documentation for accepted values.

Target group

Select a target group

SSL CertificateFor secure connections (e.g. HTTPS), you can add an SSL certificate.
  • The platform will never store or validate the SSL certificate 
  • The platform will pass the certificate directly to the provider
Select an existing certificate or add a new one. Cannot be used in platform-only load balancers
AddClick Add to include the routing rule for the load balancer

To delete a routing rule, click the delete button beside the name of the routing rule in the list.

After you create the load balancer, you can edit it, and edit the conditional actions for routing rules. 

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