GUI Edit virtual machine General

GUI Edit virtual machine General

The DVD functionality has been replaced with the ISO functionality.




The Unique Identifier of the VM


The Name of the VM. Defaults to the VM template name. If the provider does not support duplicate names, for example vCenter, Abiquo will add a number in parentheses after the name. For example, if you or another user already created two VMs from a template named TEMPLATE, then your next two VMs will be named TEMPLATE (2) and TEMPLATE (3). If the other user later deletes their second VM, your next VM may be TEMPLATE (1).

The platform powers on VMs in ascending alphanumeric name order, so for example, 1_WebServer will power on before 2_Database. However, there is no guarantee that the VMs will finish starting up in the same order.

(warning) If you try to rename the VM to a name that already exists in a provider that does not support duplicate names, then Abiquo will return the hypervisor error.

Fully qualified domain nameOptionally enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VM. You can edit this value before you deploy the VM. If you don't enter a FQDN, the platform will automatically generate one. The hostname will be the VM name (format ABQ-uuid) or another Abiquo identifier (format ABQ-id). The domain will be the domain value of the private or external networks that the VM belongs to, or localdomain. After you deploy the VM, if you change the value in the operating system, then Abiquo will synchronize and obtain the new value.


The enterprise and user that owns the VM

Guest initial passwordGenerate an initial root or Administrator password for the VM and email it to the owner. You can change this value before you deploy the VM. See Guest setup


The number of CPUs. You may only change this value when the VM is undeployed or stopped or when using hot add/reconfigure. Requires the privilege to Edit VM details. The virtual datacenter and enterprise allocation limits will be checked when you enter this number. The number of CPUs available in the hypervisors will be checked when the VM is deployed or restarted. Read-only value when hardware profiles are used.

Cores per socketThe number of cores per socket. The number of CPUs must be divisible by the number of cores per socket. Not shown when hardware profiles are used.


The amount of RAM. Select MB or GB. You may only change this value when the VM is undeployed or stopped, or with hot add/reconfigure. Requires privilege Edit VM details privilege. The virtual datacenter and enterprise allocation limits will be checked when you enter this number. The number of CPUs available in the hypervisors will be checked when the VM is deployed or restarted. Read-only value when hardware profiles are used.

Enable Remote AccessHypervisors with Remote Access Support only. Enable remote access on this VM. If the VM was created without remote access enabled on the hypervisor, it will be enabled. If you disable remote access, the configuration will remain but you cannot access it via the console icon.

Remote access

Remote Access to the VM by VNC may be Not Available, usually because the VM is not deployed. If it is available and you have the View datacenter details privilege, the Remote Access IP and Port may display.

Remote Access Password

To open the VNC remote access window to your VM from the console button on the control panel, you must enter this password. By default Abiquo will generate a random password for your VM. To change the password, enter a maximum of 8 characters that are alphanumeric characters only, i.e. [a..z][A..Z][0..9]. 

If you delete the password, the screen requesting the password will not appear. On ESXi hypervisors, if you set a password and later delete it, the password will be blank, not null. The screen requesting the password will appear, and you should press <Enter> to continue.

If the VM is deployed when you change the password, the change will be applied when you save the VM.

  • Limitation: On ESXi hypervisors you cannot change the password with hot-reconfigure; you must reboot to update the password for the VM
Show passwordOptionally mark the checkbox to show the remote access password
SSH user / passwordThe default user and password from the VM template

VM Keymap

ESX/ESXi only - If Remote Access is Available, you can select the keyboard type for remote access through the eye button for ESXi hypervisors


A description of the VM. The default value is copied from the VM template

  • Enter the URL for the template's icon. This must be an accessible URL with a public or routable IP address, not localhost or It may contain the IP address of the API server. It should use the same protocol as the server to avoid mixed content errors.
  • Square icon images with a size of 128x128 pixels and a transparent background look best. The compatible image formats are PNG, JPG, and GIF.
  • This icon will have priority over the VM template's icon and the platform default icon.
Hardware profileIf your provider uses hardware profiles, select a hardware profile for the VM
CreatedDate and time that the VM was created

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