Abiquo 4.6 release notes
These release notes are for Abiquo v4.6.x. For the release notes of the current version, see Release notes
Platform changes
For platform and component upgrades, see Changes#4.6
Abiquo 4.5+ does not support CentOS 6
All lang_xx_XX_labels.json files MUST end with an "__EOF" label (with double underscore character "_") or the UI will not load correctly
For changes to the Abiquo API, see https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/#changelog.
Note: you may need to clear your browser cache to display the latest versions in the changelog menu
Changes to the Abiquo user interface configuration are described in Changes to UI configuration
To upgrade all Abiquo Platform Servers, follow the notes in Upgrade Abiquo.
New features
Features described in the Abiquo 4.6 feature guides section.
Automatically create scaling actions
Public cloud price list synchronization
Backup pricing
Azure VPNs
Set resource allocation limits per provider
Multicloud infrastructure privileges
New public cloud regions in Amazon and Azure
Asynchronous tasks and display task progress
Changes to Discovery Manager remote service
Monitoring improvements
Default firewalls for virtual datacenters
Private IP reservation
Move a VM to a different VDC
Create more than one VDC in NSX ECMP
Support for more guest operating systems on VMware
Dell EMC Networker backup plugin
Allow access to VM initial passwords
Changes to Azure CSP credentials
Dashboard improvements
Detect vCenter management IPs
Improvements to vCloud Director Integration
Protect enterprise properties with types
Usage data in VM hours from the API
Control VDC default roles for enterprises in locations
JSON templates to define action plan entries
Key | Description | |
11775 | Simplify the creation of an autoscaling action |
11745 | Monitoring performance test ⚔ |
11210 | Add backup in pricing and pricing template models |
11208 | Set allocation limits at the provider level |
11205 | Azure VPN |
11173 | Azure: Update price information from Azure in each HP in the Enterprise Pricing Model |
11172 | AWS: Create process to get price (PVP) from AWS price list and update HP prices in Enterprise Pricing list |
11816 | Improvements in monitoring. See Configure VM Monitoring and Metrics
11796 | Encrypt internal account ID for Azure, which is "subscription_ID#application_ID#tenant_ID" (not pricing access ID)
11779 | Add currency to pricing for public cloud region and datacenter level, which will also be used in pricing estimate |
10760 | New Discovery manager remote service (NARS). |
Key | Description | |
12109 | Log failed executions in nars log |
12087 | Improve display of virtual appliance pricing button and currency in UI |
12086 | User interface - error StackTraces always display "Show less" |
12079 | UI - Scope - allow create/edit with all enterprises and parent scope |
12052 | Fix options button of VM so that it always displays; if there are no options, display an "empty" message when the user activates the button |
12042 | ARM - Add new Azure regions in South Africa |
11991 | Get prices from provider should apply currency of region from pricing |
11933 | vCenter-tags tool - Allow user to specify which tags to apply. If no list of tags to apply is specified, apply all tags |
11917 | Retrieve metrics from powered off VMs in VCD live metrics / ESX.
| |
11905 | For a Scaling group, display scaling actions with action plans / alerts / alarms / metrics, when the user edits the scaling group |
11904 | Create defaults for a Scaling group in the UI. The defaults are in the UI configuration (client-config-default.json) and the admin can configure them |
11898 | Add an empty view to VApp list: include a message telling the user to create a VApp and a create button. |
11807 | UI performance: remove "last_task" query param from virtual appliances list |
11805 | UI performance: remove query param ''expand=last_task'' in list virtual appliances |
11784 | UI - track asynchronous tasks of a user on VDCs and VPNs. New Tasks tab in Events view.
11783 | New API endpoint to list asynctasks of a user |
11778 | In Infrastructure view, Public and Private should be managed by different privileges
11718 | Create events when the platform runs an action plan |
11667 | ARM - Hide NIC sequence because plugin does not support reorder |
11666 | Allow push of data points to scaling group clone VMs. User cannot create alarms for custom metrics of clone VMs. Scaling groups have alarms that use all the aggregate of metrics of all VMs |
11448 | jclouds - Implement detection of SKUs for Load Balancers and Public IPs |
11376 | Scopes - Should be able to add a scope with "Use all Datacenters" / "Use all enterprises" to a hierarchy |
11374 | API - Return public cloud region's Account ID for enterprise credentials |
11338 | Upgrade Liquibase Version in development environments |
11317 | Define which interfaces a Device could implement and generate DevicePluginManager |
11250 | UI - Remember last language used. All lang_xx_XX_labels.json files MUST end with an "__EOF" label (with double underscore character "_") We have added the label for en_US and es_ES. |
11131 | Action plan entry templates are using String where integer/long applies |
10296 | Allow user to set their own private network gateway. |
10252 | Avoid error log in Watchtower emmett.log for getMetric if metric is not found |
10160 | We are trying to retrieve metrics from powered off VMs. This is legitimate because some measurements could exist before power off |
10027 | Load Balancers - Modify action should notify that an embedded address is required |
9717 | Load Balancers - Not able to attach them into VDC after synchronization process. Requires Load balancers tab at VDC level |
Resolved Issues
12238 | Not able to upload ISO file (mandatory ''requiredRAMInMB'' ) | 4.5.x |
12190 | vCloud - Undeploy action fails when using cloud-init with multiple orgVdcs |
12169 | vCloud - Existing VMs in OFF state are automatically set to Power ON after deploying another VM |
12153 | Cannot capture VM with 2 SCSI and 1 DVD if using ''abiquo.capturedhcp'' property to capture DHCP configuration |
12151 | Cannot reconfigure a captured VM with 2 SCSI and 1 DVD. Allow modifications that do not affect disk. Known issue key 12154 with disconnected default client DVD on SATA 0:0 related to possible changes from vCenter 6.5 | 4.4.1, 4.5.x |
12149 | Stoptime value in "accouting_event_vm","accouting_event_vm_on" and "accouting_event_vm_off" should be NULL for synced VMs |
12098 | Error accessing a VApp with pricing - It is possible to have create a VM with CPU / RAM values by editing hardware profiles |
12088 | Error when entering a VApp when user does not have "Access Pricing view" privilege |
12071 | Backup result check running while backup or restore is in progress causes duplicated results in DB and future errors. |
12044 | Jenkins - packages sometimes come without "powershell-scripts/filelist" file |
12040 | Action plan entry 'send email' should send email from the platform, not from the user who created the action plan |
12026 | Changing hardware profile in Azure does not upgrade the old one in the platform after sync |
11989 | ARM - Reconfigure fails at random when checking Disk SKU to handle premium storage. Abiquo does not support premium storage in Azure |
11974 | Veeam jobs are not disabled when the VMs are undeployed if they were vMotioned before | Ticket: 5931 |
11930 | All allowed vCloud regions are listed in the Apps Library (even if no credentials are added) |
11924 | Events lost: cannot store some events with long entity names in the database |
11919 | vCloud - Retrieving templates returns VIM_NOT_CONNECTED error. Adjust vCloud timeouts to allow template retrieval |
11903 | Ec2 billing - "billing_period_enddate" values not added to API correctly |
11901 | Improve VM list performance for more than 100 VMs |
11854 | Upgraded liquibase version to 3.1.1 |
11844 | Remove auto-create of virtual appliance when creating virtual datacenter. Now a user must create a virtual appliance in order to create a VM. Added an extra button to encourage user to create a VM |
11842 | The IP fields for creating a physical machine should accept host name (FQDN). This includes Server IP for discovery, Manager IP, Service IP, Agent IP, and IPMI IP |
11841 | Editing VM from Infrastructure / VMs tab, user is not able to save |
11839 | Default cloud admin user needs a default email. Default is now none at abiquo com. Please change the cloud admin's email address when you first log in! |
11769 | Reconfigure operations stop ongoing backup accounting events |
11686 | API pagination of hardware profiles in public cloud region does not work |
11681 | ARM - Cannot reconfigure a VM added to a firewall |
11668 | Amazon - Add support for AWS China Northwest region | Ticket: |
11650 | Abiquo RAM metric has incorrect description (abq-ram-usage) |
11639 | Unable to create concurrently alarms for same metric |
11498 | Review labels in Spanish |
11446 | ARM - Cannot undeploy a VM with multiple NICs and assigned to multiple SGs/FWs |
11429 | ARM - Undeploy VM fails if there are names repeated in provider |
11402 | Restrict access to VDC has a behavior contrary to the expected. Label changed to "Limit access to VDCs" |
11401 | Errors in Virtual Machines Resource method names for API docs |
11386 | Load balancer attached Nodes preview does not show NOT_ALLOCATED VMs |
11385 | Editing a VM, the button to "Synchronize public IPs" doesn't work |
11380 | Invalid pricing model - enterprise association is not correctly maintained after switching enterprise |
11375 | Bad scroll over scroll in VApp spec review window |
11358 | Azure ARM - Error deploying with nonexistent network |
11332 | vCloud - Synced private networks are recreated in the platform with wrong address. Private network CIDR was using the first IP in the scope range, but it should use a network address. No database upgrade is done, user must import a VDC again to fix the issue. |
11328 | Selecting wrong provider while attaching enterprise credentials perform bad requests |
11246 | Change to tokens in OpenID authentication. See Abiquo OpenID Connect Integration | 4.2.x |
11192 | Veeam - Backups do not expire in Abiquo so we show results of backups that have expired in Veeam.
| Ticket: 5735, 5903 |
11176 | Wrong URL in event management for datastore tier creation |
11147 | Azure - Not possible to delete public IP without VDC |
11128 | Stored Procedure VM_HOURS takes too long and causes connections to time out. Added new index to accounting database |
10984 | vcenter-tags tool - Should use vmname query parameter |
10867 | Missing virtual appliance name in 'Create restricted VApp' event |
10854 | Veeam - Error in list_results method if restore_result state stays IN_PROGRESS | Ticket: 5691 |
10621 | Delete disks that are not in repo when VM destroy request is received (Cloud-init ISO) |
10551 | Improve management of concurrent creation of public IPs |
10472 | It's not possible to edit the description of backup policies when they are assigned to a VM. User can now edit: name, code, description |
10466 | UI - Create Load balancer displays subnets section even when private IPs are not allowed by configuration | Ticket: 5529 |
10346 | Incomplete "ESX needs reboot" message. Added HostSystem name (customer name and its mob id) to logs and exceptions in the discovery process |
9090 | Resellers can display the pricing model applied to their tenant, but they should also be able to display its prices |
Selected known issue
Key | Description | |
11902 | Amazon - Creating a VDC no longer retrieves its "default" firewall. |
Key | Summary | Notes |
12186 | Improve Optimization dashboard 4.6.1. See Dashboard improvements. If your documentation contains screenshots, you may wish to update them. | |
12082 | Enable administrator to create multiple VDCs for NSX-ECMP Plugin by entering context properties. See Create more than one VDC in NSX ECMP | |
12030 | Private IP Reservation via Abiquo. See Private IP reservation | |
11830 | Default firewall policy for a VDC. See Default firewalls for virtual datacenters | |
11828 | Move a VM between two VDCs. See Move a VM to a different VDC |
Key | Summary | Notes |
12367 | Veeam - Try not to lose old backups if product API fails when returning results | Ticket: 6049 |
12356 | API/MODEL - Add VM_RETRIEVE_INITIAL_PASSWORD privilege to allow administrator to retrieve initial password, as well as VM owner | Ticket: 6054 |
12354 | Round down percentages over 100% on Optimization dashboard for KVM hypervisor | |
12350 | UI - Enable user other than VM owner to retrieve initial password with new privilege | Ticket: 6054 |
12348 | ARM - Increase default polling interval to improve performance and reduce API rate limit concerns. abiquo.vsm.pollingfrequency.azurecompute-arm=900000
abiquo.vsm.vmmetrics.collectfrequency.azurecompute-arm=300000 | |
12344 | Improve hybrid dashboard. See Dashboard improvements | |
12335 | ARM - Deploy operations force too many unneeded calls | |
12326 | Do not show "Default credentials" button if the VM does not have a user and a password, from the VM template. | |
12319 | Adapt Azure billing dashboard script to use new token model for CSP. See Changes to Azure CSP credentials | |
12318 | Adapt Azure price list synchronization process to use token for CSP. See Changes to Azure CSP credentials | |
12312 | ARM - Improvements in listAllLoadBalancers in jclouds | |
12309 | Do not log large, unhelpful stack trace when UI aborts certain requests | |
12301 | Interpret constraint ''SNAPSHOT_CANNOT_SELECT_HARD_DISKS''. | |
12276 | Fix links for metrics with '/' in the name | |
12274 | Review links using entity name in API path to check for URL encoding | |
12200 | UI should use the "TEMPLATE_LIST_CAN_FILTER_OSTYPE" constraint. | |
12191 | Improve efficiency during JSON communications with NARS | |
12189 | Optimization dashboard - MostTimeOn - change to "Most time deployed" and use VM attributes to get the value | |
12188 | Optimization dashboard - MostTimeOn - Undeployed VMs should not be shown | |
12187 | Metrics - To get vmUsage of CPU/RAM used over/under a percentage and limit results via API, add query parameters. | |
12167 | Improve import template in vCloud Director by not including OsType for the list of templates to import via API | |
12141 | Add Cores per Socket in vCloud Director for templates and VMs. See Improvements to vCloud Director Integration | |
12133 | ARM - Improvements to listNetworkSecurityGroups (firewalls) in Azure jclouds provider and Abiquo plugin | |
12132 | ARM - Improvements to listVirtualMachines in Azure plugin | |
12131 | ARM - Improvements to listVirtualMachines in Azure jclouds provider | |
12126 | ARM - Use VPC providerId in virtual machine identifier to avoid checking all the resource groups | |
12121 | ARM - Skip obtaining all versions of an SKU in a template search and only return the latest version available for deploy | |
12107 | User interface - Interpret missing properties error during create virtual datacenter | |
12046 | Fix provider column in the UsageDetailVW view so that it is based on the hypervisor type | |
11934 | Remove deprecated API fields from UI, especially for usage of enterprise resources and limits | |
10589 | ARM - Improve code efficiency when checking existing IPs by using new API calls | |
10416 | vCenter - Virtual remote desktop IP address (vrdIp) is not always obtained from the hypervisor. | |
8491 | Add a warning message when importing a Marketplace template so user can accept EULA in the AWS console |
Resolved Issues
Key | Summary | Notes |
12417 | AWS - Error trying to access information about network interfaces of hardware profiles that are not defined in Abiquo | |
12384 | Cannot get the async task after creating a virtual datacenter when the location is not in scope | |
12370 | For enterprises with accounts that are not managed (i.e. not CSP), the platform should not look for discounts and price factor properties | |
12366 | vCloud Director - Sometimes cpu, coresXsocket, or ram of a deployed VM are not the values from the Abiquo VM configuration. | |
12345 | OpenID - User deactivation issue | |
12320 | Action plan - Old email address appears when creating a second action plan | |
12300 | vCloud - Cannot take instance of an imported virtual machine | |
12295 | vCloud - Cannot synchronize or use firewalls (NOT classic firewall) created using a version prior to 4.6 | |
12289 | Conversions lose VHD extension so Azure Export fails | |
12286 | Dashboard widgets - public IPs are not displayed as Unused IPs when they are created but not purchased yet | |
12285 | Show virtual machines usage and limits on Metrics tab of dashboard for enterprise resources and VDC resources | |
12278 | "Infinity" value displays in "Average cost per virtual machine" on billing dashboard on Hybrid tab | |
12277 | "Needs synchronization" message on VApp is confusing. Changed to "Partially deployed" | |
12276 | Encode metric names to resolve link issue | |
12275 | Create/Edit Alarm/Alert events won't work for unresolvable IPs (i.e. Public API IP) | |
12267 | vCloud - Synchronization process does not detect extra disks on VMs (but import does). | |
12264 | API documentation - Missing forward slash in method URL for get VLAN tag availability in a datacenter | |
12252 | Failed reconfigure does not restore the layer/anti-affinity rules | |
12251 | User interface - Error in connection data for check, before creating physical machine | |
12249 | ARM - jclouds - 409 Conflict concurrently creating rules in Firewall. Changes made in jclouds | |
12245 | Error creating an action plan with a name longer than 40 characters | |
12240 | Accounting does not stop for VMs when we DELETE instead of UNDEPLOY | |
12236 | Failed reconfigure does not restore the network configuration | |
12231 | Edit physical machine form auto-completes password with user stored by browser | |
12230 | API documentation - text area does not display an example properly in Firefox | |
12219 | Layers - VM cannot be selected while it is being deployed | |
12201 | ARM - Delete private network returns OK but sometimes does NOT delete the subnet in Azure | |
12183 | Add new OSTYPES (ESX). Upgrade to CIM 2.51.0 Add GuestOsIdentifiers from 6.7. Recognize new ostypes in OVF. | Ticket: 5998 |
12106 | Amazon - New ARM architecture requires recommended HP not supported by Abiquo | |
12078 | No vCloud Director on credentials tab when creating an enterprise but it is present on the edit dialog | |
12031 | Provide ContextProperties from request - Create more than one VDC in NSX-ECMP | |
11902 | Amazon - Creating a VDC no longer retrieves the "default" firewall | |
11900 | Amazon - Error synchronizing firewalls when no VPCs | |
11814 | User interface - Undeploy post sends a VM but specifies virtualmachinetask media type, and undeploying a VM requires forceUndeploy attribute | |
11639 | Unable to concurrently create two alarms for the same metric | |
11116 | Azure - Sync floating IP used by load balancer is not updating VDC. | |
10237 | Backup - API returns an error if the JSON payload is missing a Type attribute | |
9810 | vCenter plugin does not filter management IPs. |
Resolved Issues
Key | Summary |
12462 | Error in Azure ARM server response makes the provider unusable: you cannot add credentials, import templates, or deploy VMs. We have decided not to wait for the Azure fix because the problem has been fixed through jclouds. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCLOUDS-1503 This version of Abiquo has the latest version of jclouds to fix the issue in customer environments. |
Key | Summary | Notes |
12147 | Use JSON templates for Action plans. This feature enables clients of the API (including the UI) to obtain the details of actions in JSON format for use in creating action plans, making the API easier to use. | |
12104 | Introduce read-only and hidden enterprise properties.
See Protect enterprise properties with types | |
10689 | Usage API to get Accounting and Billing information. See Usage data in VM hours from the API |
Key | Summary | Notes |
12469 | Custom vCloud Director pricing | |
12480 | Add Azure Dubai region | |
12474 | Internal VNC password improvement on ESXi | Ticket: 12457 |
12420 | On Optimization dashboard for highest and lowest panels for CPU and RAM, add percentage over and under | |
12362 | Use APIError codes when a LimitErrorException occurs | |
12359 | Support Veeam version 9.5.4a, which does not work with the previous Veeam plugin. Created a new plugin to support Veeam 9.5 update version 4. Dropped support for Veeam 8.0. | Ticket: 6062 |
12313 | ARM - Improvements in listAllVirtualNetworks in jclouds | |
12123 | Improve AMQPProducer reliability | |
12053 | Improvements to Default role tab for Allowed datacenters. Add a privilege "Manage default VDC roles" to allow access to the tab. Prevent users from creating a VDC if they will not have enough privileges to work in it: this can occur when the user does not have the "No VDC restriction" privilege and the default VDC role is read only. See Control VDC default roles for enterprises in locations | |
11899 | UI - Show pricing estimate message when moving VM between VDCs. See Move a VM to a different VDC |
Resolved Issues
Key | Summary | Notes |
12528 | Azure - Cannot create an instnace | |
12526 | Machine update (add machine or periodic check) does not apply any changes - returns empty clusters for a vCenter machine | |
12522 | Error while reconfiguring a VM in a layer with special characters in its name | |
12520 | Error retrieving action plans when an old one exists without scaling group attached to VM | |
12491 | Missing logo for 4.5 and 4.6 | |
12479 | vCloud - cannot redeploy a VM under certain conditions | |
12476 | Cannot change VNC password (ESXi version >= 6.5) | |
12470 | Default network in VDC does not store ranges for NSX-ECMP. Default gateway IP from autogenerated private network is created and available to be attached | |
12464 | In API resource documentation, links to API methods are not working properly | |
12458 | Optimization dashboard widgets should filter by "average" parameter, not maximum or minimum | |
12457 | Improve VNC connection on ESXi | Ticket: 6071 |
12436 | Pricing credentials tab must only be displayed if users have the MANAGE_PRICING_CREDENTIALS privilege | |
12357 | Revoke users' sessions when they are deactivated | |
12338 | Creating a VM generates accounting rows | |
12328 | Events tab option to update automatically does not work | |
12325 | Azure - Abiquo can import VPCs or VNets in locations other than the selected region | |
12291 | Amazon - Do not allow users to add unusable public cloud regions. When adding credentials, check that it is possible to connect. | |
12240 | Accounting does not stop for VMs when user directly uses DELETE action instead of UNDEPLOY | |
11852 | Connection leak in VF when client connects to message queue after a failure.
| Ticket: 5897 |
11852 | Error deploying VM with more than 1 private IP in the same network |
Known Issues
Key | Summary | Notes |
12510 | Cannot change remote access password when using hot reconfigure of remote access. This is a VMware issue with ESXi version >= 6.5 |
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Notes |
12610 | On the Optimization dashboard "Virtual machines - longest time deployed" should display the time threshold. To configure the threshold, see Configure Abiquo UI | |
12602 | Default Role for virtual datacenters: the administrator should be able to assign a role for a provider to copy to all regions. See Set a default role to limit tenant access to VDCs in a provider or location | |
12053 | Improvements with Default role tab for allowed datacenters. Apply "Manage VDC default roles" privilege for Allowed Datacenters. See Set a default role to limit tenant access to VDCs in a provider or location |
Resolved issues
Key | Summary | Notes |
12616 | On the Infrastructure Statistics screen, the labels show "Available"/"Used" for VMs. These should be: VMs Powered On/Powered Off | |
12603 | Billing dashboard - Rename enterprise properties for price factor and discount. The old property names have been deleted. You must use the new property names to display data on the Billing dashboard. The changes are as follows:
| |
12601 | For Cost Usage API, rename enterprise properties and in billing period. The old property names have been deleted. You must use the new properties to obtain Cost Usage reports. The changes are as follows:
Resolved issues
Key | Summary | Notes |
12684 | VEEAM - Some backup results are not shown | Customer ticket: 6225 |
Key | Summary | Notes |
12738 | Use cost codes to match hardware profiles during capture or synchronization and when enabling hardware profiles
Resolved issues
Key | Summary | Notes |
12533 | Abiquo assigns private reserved IPs addresses to VM when deploying it | Customer ticket: 6153 |
Key | Summary | Notes |
12798 | Provide a way to bypass the restriction on multiple VMs using the same disk
Resolved issues
Key | Summary | Notes |
Share backup cache with expiration check and limit put a time limit on the check |
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