Create a test VM and run PIM planner on a database dump

Create a test VM and run PIM planner on a database dump

This page explains how to configure a VM to test the provider ID migration (PIM) on a dump of your production database. 

  1. Create a test VM with CentOS 7 with network connectivity.

  2. Prepare the environment. Replace XXXXX with your username and YYYYY with your password for the Abiquo repository mirror credentials:

    yum install --assumeyes http://user:passwd@mirror.abiquo.com/el7/5.3/os/x86_64/abiquo-release-ee-5.3.0-9252.el7.noarch.rpm yum-config-manager --disable abiquo-updates yum-config-manager --save --setopt=abiquo-*.username=XXXXX yum-config-manager --save --setopt=abiquo-*.password=YYYYY yum install --assumeyes abiquo-model abiquo-pim-tools abiquo-core mariadb-server liquibase mkdir --parents /opt/abiquo/config touch /opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties chown tomcat:root /opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties

  3. Enable and start MariaDB:

    systemctl enable mariadb systemctl start mariadb

  4. Log in to your API server and copy the Abiquo configuration file:

    ssh myusername@myAPIserverFQDN scp /opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties root@myTestVM:/opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties

  5. Log in to your database server and create a database dump of the kinton database:

  6. Log in to your test server and extract the database dump:

  7. On the test server, load the database dump

  8. Update the database to version 5.3.0 :

  9. Run the PIM planner tool:

  10. Carefully review the content of the log file output_pimplanner.log: if there are any warnings or errors, please check the VMs before you continue.

  11. We kindly encourage you to dry run the pimmigrator tool as detailed in the Upgrade Abiquo documentation, so you can check in advance that the migration plan works as expected in each one of your real RS servers.

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