Abiquo and Azure subscription types


Subscription types

Abiquo supports the following Azure subscription types:

  • Standard: the customer has purchased an Azure subscription directly from Microsoft Azure

    • For each subscription, enter one set of credentials in one enterprise only

  • CSP: for an Azure partner and the customer's subscriptions are obtained from the partner

    • For each reseller, enter one set of credentials in one reseller enterprise only

    • For each reseller customer, enter one set of compute credentials in one enterprise only


Credential types

Abiquo supports the following types of Azure credentials:

  • Compute credentials, which use an application in the Azure subscription

  • Pricing and billing credentials, which identify or provide access to the billing data of the subscription.


Reseller customers

Resellers can enter their customers' credentials for:


Azure plans

Azure plans are a type of subscription that contains a group of subscriptions.

In Abiquo, you can define a key node enterprise above a group of enterprises, and use this hierarchy to manage an Azure plan with multiple subscriptions.

You can create one subtenant enterprise for each Azure plan subscription.

Generally, the key node enterprise will be the “headquarters” of an organization and it should receive the billing data for customer products and services.

In a subtenant enterprise, for each Azure plan subscription, you can enter compute and billing credentials, or billing only credentials.

To mark subtenant enterprises so they do not receive billing data for customer products and services, set the azurecompute-arm_only_bill_subscription enterprise property to true.

The following diagram shows a possible hierarchy for managing a customer with Azure plans and two subscriptions, which are in standard enterprises (Subtenant1 and Subtenant2).

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