Add a customer AWS account for billing only

Add a customer AWS account for billing only




This document describes how to add your customer's own AWS account for billing only.

  • For details of how to obtain credentials of a customer of your AWS partner account for billing only, see Obtain AWS credentials


Introduction to customer accounts for billing only

If one of your customers already has their own AWS account, you can onboard them into the platform gradually, starting with their billing dashboards only.

This page describes how to add obtain AWS credentials with billing access only and how to add them to Abiquo to display billing dashboards only.

The accounts you create with this process will have no compute access to AWS through Abiquo.

Obtain billing-only credentials for a customer AWS account

These steps describe how to obtain billing-only credentials for a main account and a sub-account (AWSAccount2).
You can repeat the sub-account steps to create more sub-accounts as required.

  1. Log in to the root AWS account of your customer

  2. From the same web browser where you logged into AWS, go to this link to create the billing user for pricing credentials 

    1. This CloudFormation template will create the abiquo-billing-user.
      This user will belong to an account that we will call AWSAccount1.
      The abiquo-billing-user will access the S3 billing bucket to get the billing information. We recommend that you don't change the user name

    2. Enter a Password and note it down!

    3. At the end of the page, select the acknowledgement checkbox, then click Create stack

  3. When the stack creation is complete, go to the Outputs tab, and take a screenshot of the details for AWSAccount1

  4. Log out from the root AWS account and log into AWSAccount1 (the new child account from the previous step)

  5. From the same web browser where you logged into AWS, follow this link to create the billing user for public credentials

    1. This CloudFormation template will create the abiquo-billing-user-public user.
      This user will belong to an account that we will call AWSAccount2.
      This abiquo-billing-user-public user will identify to Abiquo which billing data to process for the account. We recommend that you don't change the user name

    2. Enter a Password and note it down!

    3. At the end of the page, select the acknowledgement checkbox, then click Create stack.  

  6. When the stack creation is complete, go to the Outputs tab and take a screenshot of the details for AWSAccount2

  7. Log into each account (AWSAccount1AWSAccount2, etc) and create a new access key for each of them.
    See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_access-keys.html#Using_CreateAccessKey.

Create an Abiquo keynode and enterprises for billing only

In Abiquo, the main customer account will be a keynode enterprise under a reseller enterprise.
You will add the customer's basic pricing credentials to the keynode enterprise.

Then for each AWS account under the keynode, you will create a standard enterprise and add a minimal public cloud credential. This will enable the platform to identify each of these enterprises in the billing data.

For the keynode enterprise:

  1. Create a new scope for the keynode enterprise.

    1. For the Parent scope, select the scope of your main reseller enterprise.

    2. On the Entities tab, check that no computing resources are activated for this scope

  2. Create an enterprise for your customer.

    1. For the Default scope, select the enterprise scope.

    2. Select the Keynode checkbox. Save the enterprise

  3. Edit the new keynode enterprise

    1. Go to Credentials → Pricing

    2. For the Access key ID, add the key for user abiquo-billing-user (AWSAccount1)

    3. For more details, see Add public cloud pricing credentials for a tenant


For each AWS account of the customer:

  1. For each AWS account, create a new standard enterprise.

    1. For the Default scope, select the scope of the keynode enterprise

  2. Edit the new standard enterprise

    1. Go to the Credentials → Public

    2. For the the Access key ID, add the key for user abiquo-billing-user-public (AWSAccount2).

    3. Do NOT select the Only for billing checkbox

    4. For more details, see "Add public cloud credentials for the enterprise" from the Compute in public cloud regions  documentation.

Create a cost and usage report in AWS

To display billing data on the Abiquo dashboard, you will need to configure a Cost and Usage Report in an S3 bucket in AWS.

As you work through these steps, note the values you configure so that you can later add them to Abiquo with enterprise properties. 

  1. Log in to the main customer root AWS account

  2. If your customer does not have an S3 bucket for billing data, create one, with a name such as costandusagebillingreport

  3. Within the bucket, create a folder where AWS will store your reports. Give it the name of your report, such as costandusagereport

  4. Go to Cost & Usage Reports

  5. Enter the Report name then click Next

  6. Click Configure and select the S3 bucket. Click Next, then select I have configured that this policy is correct.

  7. For the report prefix, by default, Amazon will put the reports in a folder with the name format /report-name/date-range/.  Note this value to enter it as the amazon_bucket_prefix in Abiquo. 

  8. Click Next

  9. Review your configuration and check that the following parameters are set:

    1. bucket name

    2. path (folder/subfolder)

    3. time detail: Hourly

    4. GZ or ZIP format

Configure Amazon accounts

These steps register the S3 bucket with the Cost and Usage Report in Abiquo, so that Abiquo can obtain the billing data.

  1. In Abiquo, edit the keynode enterprise and go to Properties

  2. Enter the properties with values as described here:

    1. amazon_bucket: bucket_name

    2. amazon_bucket_region: code for the AWS region of the bucket, such as us-east-1

    3. amazon_report_name: amazon_bucket/amazon_bucket_prefix/amazon_report_name/file.csv

    4. amazon_bucket_prefix: amazon_bucket/amazon_bucket_prefix/amazon_report_name/file.csv

    5. amazon_billing_compress_format: ZIP or GZ

    6. amazon_mpa: set to dedicated or no to use blended costs; if not present or shared, use unblended costs

  3. Save the keynode enterprise.

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