Configure Abiquo mail server

Configure Abiquo mail server

The Abiquo platform has its own mail server that can send emails to users of the platform.

  1. On the Abiquo API server, configure the mail server with server.mail properties, including the sender with the from property. You can also define custom properties with the extra property.

    abiquo.server.mail.from= abiquo.server.mail.password=none abiquo.server.mail.port=25 abiquo.server.mail.server= abiquo.server.mail.ssl=false abiquo.server.mail.tls=false abiquo.server.mail.user=none@none.es abiquo.server.mail.extra.{javax mail property}=

You can also configure a separate mail server for a reseller, when you create or edit a reseller enterprise in the UI.

After you change abiquo properties, remember to restart the tomcat server.

To configure the templates for emails sent by Abiquo, see: Customize email and SMS messages.

The following pages also describe email functionality in the platform:




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