Preparing templates for export to public cloud

Preparing templates for export to public cloud

This section describes how to prepare templates for export to public cloud.

AWS templates

The export process will export your template from private cloud to Amazon, and convert it into an Amazon AMI

Please see the AWS documentation for more information about prerequisites and compatible images at Importing a VM as an image - VM Import/Export

To summarize, you'll need:

  • A bucket in each region where you want to export a template. The platform will automatically manage the creation of the S3 bucket, and name it using your credentials and region, to guarantee a unique name.

  • Role vmimport, necessary for the export process. If your credentials have access to the IAM API, the platform will automatically manage this process. If not, you'll have to create the role, and attach a policy with access to the buckets used for export. More information https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vm-import/latest/userguide/vmie_prereqs.html#vmimport-role

The process will use the AWS SDK to upload your template to an S3 bucket and start the export process, track it until it finishes, and finally delete your template from the bucket. The bucket will remain created for future exports.
The export process works with single disks in VMDK format only. If your disk is in a different format, the platform will convert it into VMDK format, and then export it.

There are no known limitations on regions, so you can use any region. Other limitations documented at VM Import/Export Requirements - VM Import/Export

Azure templates

Users must prepare the templates according to the Microsoft documentation for each guest operating system. The following links are provided for convenience, but please see Azure documentation for information about prerequisites and compatible images.

Abiquo recommends that you create a copy of your virtual machine and prepare the copy for export

  • A virtual machine that you have prepared following Microsoft's steps (e.g. sysprep) might not start up in Abiquo.

  • A template that you have prepared for export might not deploy in Abiquo

You can prepare the virtual machine template inside or outside of Abiquo. After you create the template outside of Abiquo, you can upload it to Abiquo and export it.

If you decide to prepare your virtual machine within Abiquo it is NOT necessary to work with a virtual machine template in VHD format or deployed on Hyper-V. It is not necessary for you to have a Hyper-V hypervisor installed in your Abiquo datacenter.

As part of the export to Azure, Abiquo will automatically convert your template to the VHD format that is compatible with Microsoft Azure. See Template compatibility table

Prepare Linux VMs for Azure

For a compatibility table of endorsed distributions, see Linux distributions endorsed on Azure - Azure Virtual Machines

The following links are provided for convenience only. Always check Azure documentation before performing an export. 

Prepare the image following the link for each endorsed distribution in step 1. For example, for RedHat, see Create and upload a Red Hat Enterprise Linux VHD for use in Azure - Azure Virtual Machines and for Ubuntu, see Create and upload an Ubuntu Linux VHD in Azure - Azure Virtual Machines.

Although Microsoft only recommends uploading endorsed distributions, there are also some generic Linux distribution steps. See Prepare Linux for imaging - Azure Virtual Machines

If you are working in Abiquo, create an instance of the VM to save it as a template in the Catalogue.  

Prepare Windows VMs for Azure

The following link is provided for convenience only. Always check Azure documentation before performing an export. 

Prepare the image following the Microsoft instructions at  Prepare a Windows VHD to upload to Azure - Azure Virtual Machines. At the time of writing, these can be summed up as follows: run the default sysprep of the machine with the OOBE, generalized, and shutdown options.

If you are working in Abiquo, create an instance of the VM to save it as a template in the Catalogue. 


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