VMware vCenter host and cluster properties table
This table was filtered from Abiquo configuration properties for Abiquo 6.1.2.
The vmx_04
plugin type is for vCenter hosts, and the vcenter_cluster
plugin type is for vCenter clusters.
Property | Description | API | RS |
abiquo.dvs.portgroup.loadsharingmechanism | Network adapter teaming policy for DVS port groups. This property controls the algorithm used for network adapter load balancing when multiple NICs are used in 'teaming mode'. |
| RS |
abiquo.dvs.portgroup.maxsize | Number of available ports in each port group. |
| RS |
abiquo.esxi.cloudinit.sata | For the CD device used by cloud-init, if this property is true, use the SATA disk controller. If not specified or false, use IDE |
| RS |
com.abiquo.esxi.clusterdatastore.atleastone | If true, the cluster plugin will return datastores that are properly mounted on at least one host in the cluster. If false, the cluster plugin will only return datastores that are accessible and readwrite on all the hosts they are mounted on. |
| RS |
abiquo.esxi.datastoreRdm | Deprecated |
| RS |
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.datastore.ignorebyname | If specified, filter datastores by name. For the filtered datastores, Abiquo will not check if the datastores are mounted or the Abiquo folder UUID. For example, 'some.*' will discard any datastore starting with 'some', and '.*some.*' will discard any datastore containing 'some'. Comma separated list of Java patterns. |
| RS |
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.isoSizeSkip | If true, do not report size or capacity for ISO disks. The default value was changed to true in 6.1.2. |
| RS |
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.networkinterface.networks | Set this property to only use physical network interfaces connected to the specified networks when adding vCenter hosts or clusters. If ''onlymanagementip'' is true, then first check for IPs (management or not) in the specified networks and if none are found, use onlymanagementip filter. The property is a comma separated list of networks in CIDR format, in priority order |
| RS |
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.networkinterface.onlymanagementip | If true, only use virtual NICs of the host that are configured for management traffic. |
| RS |
com.abiquo.esxi.disk.enableuuid | Present Disk UUID as SCSI serial number in the guest OS |
| RS |
abiquo.esxi.metrics.{metric} | On ESXi, to prevent Abiquo from retrieving metrics, set the property to false for each metric you do not want to retrieve. After you change these properties, restart the Monitor Manager (VSM) remote service for the changes to take effect. | API |
abiquo.esxi.metricsid.{metric} | On ESXi, to support dynamic metric IDs, set a value to override the default metric ID as given in the table in Abiquo documentation on Override IDs of ESXi metrics. Contact Abiquo Support for more information about how to determine the required metric IDs._ |
| RS |
abiquo.esxi.scsicontroller | Default VirtualSCSIController implementation when diskController is not specified. |
| RS |
com.abiquo.esxi.webmks.proxypath | When ''com.abiquo.esxi.webmks'' is true (enabled), this property defines the path to a websocket proxy to avoid direct connection to ESXi hosts. You can configure a different value for each datacenter on its Remote Services server. The default of no value means the UI will attempt to connect directly to ESXi hosts. |
| RS |
| Disk format type for instances taken in virtual datacenters for each hypervisor plugin (HV). Set to empty with no value to avoid any additional conversion (use the instance operation result format).
| API |
| If true, the maximum number of simultaneous operations apply on a single virtualdatacenter (instead of single hypervisor or region connection), by type. The default value is the value of abiquo.nars.async.pool.byvdc |
| RS |
| Maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single hypervisor or region connection, by type. The default is the value of abiquo.nars.async.pool.max
| RS |
com.abiquo.virtualfactory.esxi.timeoutConnectionMs | Time to wait to establish the connection to ESXi (milliseconds) |
| RS |
com.abiquo.virtualfactory.esxi.timeoutReadMs | Time to wait to read from the connection to ESXi (milliseconds) |
| RS |
| Maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single hypervisor, by type. The default value is the value of abiquo.virtualfactory.openSession |
| RS |
| If true, the maximum number of simultaneous operations apply to a single virtualdatacenter (instead of single hypervisor), by type. The default value is the value of abiquo.virtualfactory.openSession.byvdc |
| RS |
| If true, the VM state changes (powerOn, powerOff, shutdown, reset, pause, resume) are executed outside the pool (not waiting any operation), by type. The default value is the value of abiquo.virtualfactory.openSession.faststatechanges |
| RS |
| The delay in milliseconds added between the creation of actors on VSM startup for each hypervisor or public cloud plugin. |
| RS |
| Time between executions of infrastructure check in milliseconds. |
| RS |
| The delay between VSM polling of VMs in milliseconds for each hypervisor or public cloud plugin.
| RS |
| The delay between VM metric recollection operations in milliseconds for each hypervisor or public cloud plugin.
| RS |
| Number of VM synchronizer executions before forcing a publish of VM definitions. The default value of 0 means never force. |
| RS |
| The delay between VM synchronizer operations in milliseconds for each hypervisor or public cloud plugin.
| RS |
| Forces VSM VirtualMachineDefinitionsSyncOp to fetch all VMs before looking for differences in VM definitions. |
| RS |
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