Manage enterprise credentials and properties
This page describes how to add credentials, such as public cloud credentials, and configure enterprise properties for cloud tenants.
For details of how to create and modify tenants, see Manage enterprises.
For details of how to set limits and resource access in Allowed datacenters and public cloud regions, see Configure an enterprise in a cloud location.
For details of how to predefine enterprise properties in the UI, see Predefine enterprise properties for the UI
For a table of the enterprise properties used for public cloud and integrations, see Enterprise properties general table
For details of how to configure an application for OAuth, see Add an application for OAuth
Add public cloud credentials for a tenant
See Add public cloud credentials for a tenant
Delete public cloud credentials
We recommend that you wait until the end of the billing period to delete public cloud credentials.
If you delete the public cloud credentials before the next billing check has been run after usage has ended, there may be missing costs in the billIf you delete public cloud credentials, then you cannot delete the public cloud resources using Abiquo
To delete public cloud credentials:
Go to Edit enterprise credentials
Click the trash bin icon next to the provider name in the Current credentials section.
Create a user to access the cloud provider portal
When your enterprise has credentials for a public cloud provider, you can create a user account in a cloud provider. From here you can also click a link to access the cloud provider portal.
Abiquo displays the public cloud account identifiers on the Credentials tab.
Privileges: Manage user creation in provider
To create a user:
Go to Users → Edit enterprise
Go to Credentials
For a provider with credentials that supports user creation, click Create user.
The platform will send the following to the cloud provider:Details from your user account, including the username and email
An automatically generated password
The administrator can configure the generation of the password with the "abiquo.guest.password.length" and "abiquo.guest.password.exclude" properties.
The platform will create an event with the enterprise ID, user ID, user email, date/time, and cloud provider.
The user in the provider will have the following permissions:Azure: built-in Owner role.
AWS: in the same groups as the current user.
vCloud: by default the same as the current user, so usually an Organization Administrator
The administrator can configure the role to assign with the "" property
The platform displays the user credentials only once and it does not store these credentials
Display user credentials for the cloud portalTo access the cloud provider portal, click user portal link or portal link
If you click portal link, on the Edit enterprise dialog, then you will need to enter your account ID and password in the cloud provider
Set enterprise properties to store tenant metadata
To store tenant details and metadata, use enterprise properties. The platform also uses enterprise properties to configure features and integrations.
Enterprise properties can have different types to enable you to use properties in hierarchical organisation models (such as reseller models). Administrators can use types to reserve some properties for internal use, and enable reseller or enterprise admins to view or manage other properties.
The platform controls access to enterprise properties with the following privileges and types.
To retrieve or update enterprise properties in the user interface, you will require the Allow user to switch enterprise privilege.
As well as the regular administrator privileges to Manage enterprises and Manage users of all enterprises.
There are three types of enterprise properties:
Read only
To update Read only or Hidden properties you will also require the Manage enterprise properties privilege.
To store tenant details and metadata, by setting enterprise properties:
Go to Users → edit enterprise → Properties.
To add properties, enter a Key and Value for each property and click the Add button
These fields have a maximum length of 255 characters each
To edit a property's Value, click the pencil edit button. And to delete a property, click the trash bin delete button.
To set default enterprises properties and values for your users, see Predefine enterprise properties for the UI .
For details of how to manage enterprise properties via the API, see Update enterprise properties via API .
To add tenant metadata to VMs, see Inject enterprise properties as VM variables.
Inject enterprise properties as VM variables
You can pass enterprise properties to VMs using cloud-init. An example use case for this feature is to call an external Windows License or AD server and automatically assign your VMs to the appropriate AD group when they deploy.
VM variables and template variables have priority over enterprise properties with the same name
To add enterprise properties as VM variables when you create your VMs:
Create an enterprise property with a Key called "vm_variables_csv"
For the Value, enter a list of regular expressions in CSV format
The platform will try to match the expression with each property key string.
For example, for the following vm_variables_cvaa, bb.*, .*cc.*, .*dd
the platform will create VM variables with any property that is
named "aa"
starts with "bb"
contains "cc"
ends with "dd"
The platform will create VMs with the selected VM variables.
Remember that users can edit the VM variables before they deploy the VMs.
See also VM variables
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