Manage workflow tasks

Manage workflow tasks

Display VM workflow tasks

When workflow is enabled, the user's requests to deploy, reconfigure and undeploy VMs will be held with the status waiting to be reviewed. 

This can include actions on scaling groups, unless the administrator selects the option to disable workflow in the scaling group. 

To view the list of workflow tasks

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Workflow tasks.

To filter workflow tasks, enter text in the filter box at the top of the tasks list.

Workflow tasks in virtual datacenter view
Display workflow tasks

Cancel VM workflow tasks

To cancel workflow tasks:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Workflow tasks

  2. If you are an administrator, to refresh the list with all queued tasks for an enterprise, select a Cloud tenant from the Enterprises pull-down list

  3. To cancel a queued task, click the Reject link next to the task.

Screenshot: A user can cancel their own tasks

Workflow tasks in virtual datacenter view
Cancel a workflow task with the Reject link

Start queued VM workflow tasks

Queued tasks are waiting for workflow control. If there is a problem with the workflow connector integration or tool, users with the privilege to Manage workflow tasks can manually continue the tasks.

To manually start a task and override the workflow control:

  1. Go to Virtual datacentersWorkflow tasks

  2. If you are an administrator, to refresh the list with all queued tasks for an enterprise, select a cloud tenant from the list of enterprises.

  3. To start a task, click the Approve link beside the task

Screenshot: A user with the privilege to Manage workflow tasks can start their own tasks

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