Abiquo and AWS storage
Using Amazon in Abiquo, you can work with storage volumes that are EBS disks.
Users can onboard and create volumes, and attach them to VMs as auxiliary disks. The volumes must be in the same availability zone as the VM network.
When you onboard disks, the platform will make them available to users that can access All virtual datacenters in the tenant.
After users detach auxiliary disks from VMs, the synchronization process will make them available in the virtual datacenter. Users can move disks between virtual datacenters and release them to the region. When users undeploy or delete a VM, the synchronization process will make auxiliary disks available in the virtual datacenter.
If you onboard a VM with Delete on termination disks, when you undeploy or delete the VM, the platform will destroy these disks.
When you detach Delete on termination disks from an onboarded VM, the platform will synchronize them as volumes in the virtual datacenter.
Users can create an instance template with a copy of the selected VM disks. When you create a VM from an instance template, the platform will display one disk only, with the total size of all disks. After you deploy the VM, the platform will update the additional disks.
You can create encrypted EBS disks in Abiquo platform, and you can onboard encrypted disks
If your AWS account has encryption set as the default, all EBS disks will be created with encryption. If you create a disk without encryption, the platform will display a warning message
The platform will use encryption when you create an instance template of an encrypted disk, and when you create a VM from this template
The AWS io2 service level may not be available in all regions. For more details, see New EBS Volume Type (io2) – 100x Higher Durability and 10x More IOPS/GiB | Amazon Web Services
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