Upgrade Abiquo 5.2.0 to 5.4.x distributed by servers

Upgrade Abiquo 5.2.0 to 5.4.x distributed by servers

Table of contents

This section describes how to upgrade from Abiquo 5.2.0 or above to an Abiquo 5.4.x version. Please contact Abiquo Support for further information.

This is a non-official upgrade document from which you can easily cut and paste the commands for each to prepare your own upgrade document.

  • The official upgrade document, that you must read and refer to for your upgrade is still Upgrade Abiquo

Abiquo YUM repositories are no longer open, please contact Abiquo Support to obtain your credentials

This upgrade process starts from Abiquo 5.4.0 or above. To upgrade from earlier versions, please see Upgrade Abiquo from 4.7 to 5.2.x

  • The upgrade will overwrite lang_en_US.json. If you have customized labels or translations, back them up before the upgrade and restore them afterwards accordingly.
  • The upgrade will overwrite the SAML login configuration for multiple IdPs. If you use SAML with multiple IdPs, back up the configuration files before the upgrade and add the multiple IdPs afterwards accordingly. See Restore SAML security beans after upgrade

The upgrade to Abiquo 5.3 includes a migration to provider ID as the identifier of a deployed VM.

See Provider ID as VM identifier upgrade

Prepare the provider ID migration before your upgrade. See Create a test VM and run PIM planner on a database dump

1. Prevent cloud users from performing VM operations

  1. In the UI in the Infrastructure view, select each physical machine and click Disable
  2. Using the API, set the state of each physical machine to DISABLED

2. API Servers

On each API Server do these steps. If you have a separate DB server, do the DB upgrade steps on that server.

# Log in as root
sudo su -

# Check that the Abiquo RabbitMQ queues are empty (API or Datanode).
# The number of messages in all queues must be 0.
# rabbitmqctl list_queues messages name

# Back up the UI
tar cvfz /var/www/html/ui.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /var/www/html/ui

# Back up the /opt/abiquo folder
tar cvfz /opt/abiquo.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /opt/abiquo
# Back up Redis
redis-cli save
cp -a /var/lib/redis /var/lib/redis-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# On DB Server, back up the Abiquo MySQL DBs
mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton            > kinton.sql-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton_accounting > kinton_accounting.sql-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# IF you are using SAML with multiple IdPs, backup security beans files
/opt/abiquo/tomcat/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/springresources/security/saml/security-saml-generated-beans.xml /opt/abiquo/tomcat/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/springresources/security/saml/security-saml-generated-beans.xml-$(date

# Stop  services
systemctl stop httpd
systemctl stop abiquo-tomcat
# Prepare yum repository
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-base
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-updates
# Perform update
yum clean all && yum makecache
yum update 'abiquo-*'

# Upgrade the Abiquo databases
abiquo-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] update

# IF the database upgrade fails because of checksums
abiquo-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] clearCheckSums
abiquo-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] update

# If your upgrade passes through Abiquo 5.3
# 1. ON ALL your servers, upgrade to the PIM STEP and STOP
# 2. On the API Server, run the PIM planner
# 3. On the Remote Services, run the PIM migrator
# 4. On the API (database) Server, update the database for PIM

# 1. Run the PIM planner

# Install the Abiquo PIM tools package
yum install abiquo-pim-tools

# Run the PIM planner against your database and redirect the output to a file
java -jar /opt/abiquo/pim-tools/pimplanner.jar --jdbc-url="jdbc:mysql://<DATABASE_SERVER_IP>:3306/kinton?autoReconnect=true&user=<USER>&password=<PASSWORD>" | tee output_pimplanner.log

# Check the output of the PIM planner for errors

# Copy the migration-plan.data file to EVERY Remote Services server
scp migration-plan.data root@<REMOTE_SERVICES_01_IP>:/opt/abiquo 
scp migration-plan.data root@<REMOTE_SERVICES_02_IP>:/opt/abiquo 
# NOW go to the REMOTE SERVICES and run the PIM MIGRATOR

4. Run the PIM database update 
# Update the Abiquo database with all of the update.sql files. For example
mysql kinton < update_DC1.sql
mysql kinton < update_DC2.sql


# Post-upgrade step for API
chown -R tomcat /opt/abiquo

Additional API and UI upgrade steps

  1. Add translations for new UI labels to lang_xx_XX_custom.json. See Abiquo UI client language configuration

  2. Optionally add new configuration to client-config-custom.json. See Configure Abiquo UI

  3. In your UI configuration, check that the API endpoint is pointing to your Abiquo API server:


  4. Add new API properties to the abiquo.properties file found in the /opt/abiquo/config/ folder. See Changes to Abiquo Configuration Properties

  5. If you are using SAML with multiple IDPs, restore the configuration as described at Restore SAML security beans after upgrade.

3. Remote Services Servers

On each Remote Services Server do these steps

 Remote Services Server upgrade procedure
# Log in as root
sudo su -

# On V2V servers, check for active conversions 
# ps aux | grep v2v
# ps aux | grep mechadora

# Back up the /opt/abiquo folder
tar cvfz /opt/abiquo.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /opt/abiquo
# Back up Redis
redis-cli save
cp -a /var/lib/redis /var/lib/redis-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# Stop services
systemctl stop abiquo-tomcat
# Prepare yum repository
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-base
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-updates
# Perform update
yum clean all && yum makecache
yum update 'abiquo-*'

# If your upgrade passes through Abiquo 5.3:
# 1. Upgrade ALL your servers to the PIM STEP and STOP
# 2. On the API Server, run the PIM planner
# 3. On the RS Servers run the PIM migration
# 4. Update the database for PIM

# 3. Run the PIM migration

# Install the PIM tools
yum install abiquo-pim-tools

# Move the PIM migraton plan to the PIM tools folder
mv migration_plan.data pim-tools

# Obtain the datacenter-id of the Remote Services server from the value of the abiquo.datacenter.id property in the abiquo.properties file.
# e.g. abiquo.datacenter.id=abq_dc1

# Run the PIM migrator in dry-run mode and save the output to a file
java -jar /opt/abiquo/pim-tools/pimmigrator.jar -dc=abq_dc1 -redishost=localhost -plan=migration-plan.data -noseed -output=update_DC1.sql | tee pimmigrator_dry_run_DC1.log

# Check the output file for errors or warnings

# Run the PIM migrator in update mode, by setting the "no dry run" option to true.
java -jar /opt/abiquo/pim-tools/pimmigrator.jar -nodry -dc=abq_dc1 -redishost=localhost -plan=migration-plan.data -noseed -output=update_DC1.sql | tee pimmigrator_DC1.log

# Copy the SQL file from the Remote Services server to the Abiquo database server.
scp update_DC1.sql root@<DATABASE_SERVER_IP>:~/
scp update_DC2.sql root@<DATABASE_SERVER_IP>:~/
# Go the Abiquo database (API) server and run the PIM update


# Post upgrade steps for RS
chown -R tomcat /opt/abiquo
chown -R tomcat /opt/vm_repository
chmod -R a+r /opt/vm_repository

cd /usr/share/doc/abiquo-redis/redis/
bash ./4.2.3/00-old-vsm-definitions.sh

Additional RS upgrade steps

  1. Add new RS properties to the abiquo.properties file found in the /opt/abiquo/config/ folder. See Changes to Abiquo Configuration Properties

4. Monitoring Servers

On each Watchtower Moniitoring Server do these steps

 Monitoring Server upgrade procedure
# Log in as root and stop services
sudo su -
systemctl stop abiquo-emmett
systemctl stop abiquo-delorean
systemctl stop kairosdb
systemctl stop cassandra
# Really kill Cassandra by getting its process number (e.g. XXXXX) and killing it
ps auwx | grep cassandra
kill -9 XXXXX

# Prepare yum repository
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-base
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-updates
# Perform update
yum clean all && yum makecache
yum update 'abiquo-*'
# Update watchtower database
watchtower-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] update

# If your upgrade passes through Abiquo 5.3:
# 1. Upgrade ALL your servers to the PIM STEP and STOP
# 2. On the API Server, run the PIM planner
# 3. On the RS Servers run the PIM migration
# 4. Update the database for PIM

5. Start Abiquo server and services

Start all servers in the correct order.

 Start Abiquo servers procedure
# After you have run the provider ID migration
# and the POST PIM STEPS

# On API Server
service httpd restart
service abiquo-tomcat start
# On Remote Services including V2V
service abiquo-tomcat start
# On the Monitoring Server, start the Cassandra service
sudo service cassandra start
# WAIT about 5 minutes until Cassandra is up and running
# Start the KairosDB service
sudo service kairosdb start
# Start the other services in this order
sudo service abiquo-emmett start
sudo service abiquo-delorean start

6. Reporting server

To upgrade the Abiquo Reports Server for the upgrade to Abiquo 5.3.x, contact Abiquo Support for more information.

  1. The Abiquo Reports Server now runs with JasperReports v7.8.0

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