Abiquo 3.8 release notes
These release notes are for Abiquo v3.8.x. For the release notes of the current version, see Release notes
Platform and Component Upgrades
See Configuration Changes in Abiquo 3.8
Abiquo API Changelog
Upgrade notes
Upgrade all Abiquo Platform Servers following the notes in Upgrade Abiquo
New features
Abiquo 3.8 contains the following new features and improvements.
The pages listed are new feature guides, which means they explain the new features from the perspective of a user who is already familiar with Abiquo concepts. They are found under the page in Version Info.
Accounting and billing changes
Datastore tiers
Docker metrics and version and resource scheduling
Monitoring alarms and alerts
New monitoring alarms and alerts functionality
Improved integration with private cloud firewalls and load balancers
Virtual appliance specs
New virtual appliance specs functionality
VM template variables
Changes to the UI in Abiquo 3.8
Software defined networking with OpenStack Neutron
Hot add and hot reconfigure of ESXi VMs
Multiple IP addresses in AWS
Software Defined Networking with VMware NSX
Restrict CPU and RAM from templates
Changes to Backups in 3.8.5
Changes to backups in 3.8.6
Predefine and edit enterprise properties in the UI
Notes on VM disk and controller management
OpenID Connect Integration
Add icon for user management link to external endpoint
Export template to Rackspace
Remote console in OpenStack and Rackspace
Key | Summary | Other version |
8095 | Improve title on delete DC dialog | |
8199 | Autoselect a gateway if user has not assigned one. Select the gateway of the network of the first NIC | |
8273 | Display the controller of the primary disk. Add diskcontroller column to disk grids | |
8306 | Allow filter of Events by trace message | |
8328 | Replace TightVNC with noVNC. Customers can brand noVNC with CSS | |
8355 | Close popups when user clicks on the "forward" or "back" arrows of the browser | |
8474 | The filter option "Deleted VM templates" should not be selected by default | |
8479 | For ESXi add options for user to enable CPU and RAM hotplug in VM template. Tested with ESXi 5.5 and 6. Users can set these options for a VM template using the UI or API and then perform hotadd operations directly in the hypervisor. In this initial version, import of templates or capture of VMs with these options are not supported | 3.6.4 |
8488 | Add missing regions in Softlayer provider: ams03, che01, dal07, dal09, fra02, mel01, mex01, mil01, mon01, par01, sao01, sjc03, syd01, tok02, wdc04. | |
8551 | Allow multiple SCSI controller implementations on the same virtualmachine | 3.6.5 |
Resolved issues
Key | Summary | Other version |
6011 | The IP list of a virtual machine cannot be sorted |
6604 | Two fields called Name on Create VDC form when using custom private network |
6972 | Undeploy fails if BPM remote service (on V2V server) is not available |
7042 | Can't differentiate between multiple datacenters on map |
7310 | Virtual machine details in Infrastructure are missing VM template and hard disk information |
7380 | Error popup message length is not limited |
7391 | Resource usage tab in datacenter is present even if no privilege is assigned |
7414 | Prevent edit virtual machine to enable remote access when Configuration/Infrastructure/Allow remote access to VM's/ disabled |
7569 | In Home view statistics, VDC and VApp boxes do not update when switching enterprise. Also, when user selects VDCs, a VDC should be selected and its statistics displayed by default |
7570 | Users view does not refresh to All users after Show Logged users but All tab is selected |
7574 | Improve look of new Chef icon that is bigger and doesn't scale down well |
7595 | When reporting is enabled, wrong link is displayed |
7728 | Virtual datacenters in public cloud cannot be deleted if there are no credentials. Allow force option to only delete from Abiquo |
7847 | Wrong link to loadbalancer address in events |
7879 | An error is raised when try to access to the vdc/vapp/repo in an allowed datacenter that is out of scope |
7884 | Pagination links are missing when using limit parameter to obtain results for a custom page size |
7911 | When adding a host, certain characters in host's password result in incorrect API call |
7970 | BPM without initiator-mappings created, if the first BPM request is an instance of a volume not associated with a disk |
7971 | Rasd MySQL table contains old entries with no rasd_management relation |
8015 | File left in repository when instance conversion fails |
8025 | When trying to add a powered on VM to a layer in the UI, no error message is shown |
8250 | Show disk controller type in powered on VM |
8259 | Reconfigure does not allow to reorder and detach the primary disk. E.g. An ISO as disk 0 and a hard disk for installing the OS. You should only be able to edit sequence if the VM state is not ON or PAUSED. You should be able to first assign sequence 0 to the primary disk, and then detach the ISO in the same workflow |
8289 | Upload template -should be possible to remove or edit disk before you save it |
8317 | Cannot release a disk that was a primary disk |
8318 | Inconsistent options in VApps with VMs in UNKNOWN state. Deploy/Undeploy button should not be displayed for these VMs |
8340 | Reconfigures of pre-3.4 VMs will fail for KVM installations |
8342 | When user has no EC2-Classic VMs, a blank popup is shown |
8352 | Filtering templates in the Apps library, UI always adds the queryparam "DONE" + the requested option |
8368 | Filtering IPs when capturing a VM returns invalid IP values |
8369 | 500 internal server error trying to attach (in a specifc way) an ISO disk from file to a template |
8370 | "Download" button does not work after adding an ISO disk from a file to a template |
8377 | The default network service type is not set by default when adding a physical machine in another datacenter |
8384 | Elastic IP created through Abiquo appears both as available and as added after adding it to the VDC |
8390 | "Virtual machine template edition in progress" popup appears during an invalid operation |
8401 | "Create instance" form should select ALL disks by default and user should unselect the ISO disks |
8407 | Not possible to create VM from OVA template with an ISO attached |
8418 | List of external networks refreshes automatically and the selected network is not displayed any more |
8424 | UI auto refresh jumps from VDC statistics to Enterprise statistics on Home page | 3.6.2 |
8428 | Very long event trace displayed after deploy has failed |
8431 | UI has invalid media type in header when trying to select a mechanism for 2FA | 3.6.2 |
8432 | Invalid header added in the request when editing a user who has 2FA enabled | 3.6.2 |
8433 | Properties files for email templates only work with lower case names when using different languages |
8436 | Digital Ocean v2 - Not able to perform an instance (jclouds issue) | 3.6.2 |
8438 | AWS firewall - not able to select "All traffic" option and invalid MYSQL port displayed |
8451 | Azure - Deleting network displays invalid popups |
8461 | Selecting a default tier for a storage pool, drop-down list may be incorrectly located |
8463 | Changing enterprise name, the enterprise name in top right corner does not refresh until user switches to the enterprise again |
8467 | Remove the HPCloud provider |
8483 | Not able to modify VM if there is an unmanaged NIC already attached | 3.6.4 |
8501 | Available Chef components displayed incorrectly when editing a VM |
8505 | Enable users to configure Chef in AWS without Elastic IPs or firewalls |
8506 | Synchronize "attached" floating IPs creates IPs without rasd entry, which can lead to failure in reconfigure or delete |
8507 | In Home view, can't double click and go to a vApp if its enterprise is not selected in list. Should be able to double click VApp in another enterprise and automatically switch to the enterprise and go to the VApp | 3.6.4 |
8508 | API will not add an unmanaged NIC to VMs that already have unmanaged NIC(s) | 3.6.4 |
8527 | Invalid requests to disk conversions are performed with shared templates for tenant admin user |
8536 | Inconsistency with SCSI diskcontrollers on ESXi | 3.6.4 |
8552 | ESXI - Reconfigure does not change disks from IDE 0:1 to IDE 0:0 | 3.6.5 |
8553 | Virtual machine check should update change to disk controller type in hypervisor | 3.6.5 |
8556 | AWS - Deleting a template also removes its recommended hardware profiles | 3.6.5 |
8557 | AWS - Deleting a template may delete more than one template with the same recommended hardware profiles | 3.6.5 |
8571 | Hyper-V cannot deploy persistent images (since CSV support was introduced) |
8577 | It is possible to add the same public cloud credentials into different enterprises |
8601 | Cannot deploy standard disks in ESXi version 4.1 and 5.0.0 | 3.6.5 |
Key | Summary |
8012 | Add VMDK_STREAM_OPTIMIZED as compatible disk format for ESX deploys |
8248 | Hyper-V plugin must prevent multiple concurrent connections to Hyper-V server. Users must set Abiquo Configuration Property |
8548 | Remote Services - in Abiquo UI, type should be set when editing an RS if it is already selected on the list |
8587 | Allow users to change the DiskController when attaching a volume or reconfiguring virtual machine storage on ESXi |
8589 | Allow administrators to force downgrade of hardwareVersion for new virtual machines on ESXi |
8614 | In Abiquo UI, enable users to change the DiskController when attaching a volume or reconfiguring virtual machine storage on ESXi |
If you are using Abiquo Reporting please contact Abiquo Support to obtain the latest Abiquo Reporting pack that is compatible with Abiquo 3.8 versions
Resolved issues
Key | Summary |
6115 | Incomplete message when trying to reconfigure a VM with an IP in quarantine |
7780 | All datacenters statistics are missing "Available" values and "Reserved" public IPs |
7871 | VM network description tab sometimes shows columns collapsed |
8242 | Hyper-V undeploy fails when cannot find a disk |
8325 | Manage correctly when a template of an AWS instance can't be imported. Manage the template in a similar way to a captured template in a datacenter |
8400 | Unmanaged IPs - network name is not updated |
8412 | When downloading a template, Cancel button does not work |
8421 | Sync events are incomplete for some public cloud providers |
8447 | Not able to synchronize if any instance has more than one network interface attached on AWS. Added support for multiple IPs on AWS |
8500 | New load balancer policies added in EC2. The "ELBSecurityPolicy-2015-05'" and such policies in load balancers with SSL refer to the cipher suites allowed to be used in the encrypted connections, not how the traffic is routed from the load balancer to the nodes behind it. Abiquo will not select the SSL cipher policies as load balancer algorithms |
8520 | Chef - individual components are not shown after returning from Attributes tab |
8526 | IPs in quarantine can be attached to virtual machines |
8563 | When trying to import template without PCR credentials, no popup error is shown |
8579 | Uploaded ISO disks are created as SCSI by default but should be IDE. The diskControllerType is now set to IDE by force |
8586 | Invalid checkDiskLimits when adding a disk to a virtual machine |
8588 | When user is set to inactive, the user is logged out immediately and cannot log in with another user |
8594 | All the cloud admins can be deleted (but a new account can later be assigned the role of cloud admin) |
8601 | Cannot deploy standard disks in ESX version 4.1 and 5.0.0 |
8607 | Hyperv - datastoreUuid might not be unique under certain conditions |
8608 | Refresh datastores must throw an error if shared datastore is from another datacenter |
8610 | Not possible to reconfigure a captured virtual machine that did not have a NIC (ESXi) |
8612 | Spec validation: return an error if vdcId is missing (API) |
8613 | Wrong info is displayed when an IP is put into quarantine |
8618 | Captured virtualmachines should supply value of isEnabled(Cpu/Ram)HotAdd and (disks/nics/remoteAccess) |
8621 | HD soft limits message doesn't show required MB correctly |
8631 | Amazon - Not able to deploy if the current user has public key configured and the template has no user created |
8633 | Can't import some Azure public templates because of long descriptions. Description field has been extended |
8634 | Not possible to create OVA template with a CD-ROM device that is not attached to an ISO. The template should be created ignoring the CDROM because passthrough CD-ROM is only supported in VM capture |
8635 | OVA - extracted content is not deleted after invalid OVF error |
8639 | Load balancer - Error message when trying to add a healthcheck without a port number in private cloud |
8640 | 2FA - Google authenticator app cannot authenticate if enterprise name contains spaces. Removed whitespace from the link for the QR code |
8642 | Creating alert from 2 identical alarms on different VMs, the UI seems to "lose" one. Added tooltip to display VM name |
8643 | Have to save metric definition before adding alarms. User can now create alarms from all metrics available to the virtual machine |
8644 | Typo in alarm panel |
8645 | Reconfigure fails with a captured VM which contains DVD and more than one hard disk on ESXi |
8646 | Load balancer - Error message when trying to add a routing rule without port numbers in private cloud |
8647 | External IP - Not able to put an external IP into quarantine |
Key | Summary | Other versions |
8334 | Instances of Virtual Machines with CBT enabled also copy the -ctk.vmdk file. Abiquo will now check if the virtual machine is configured to support CBT and attempt to remove the associated -ctk file before finishing the instance process | Abiquo 3.6.1 |
8664 | Add tooltip to display the entire VM label | |
8693 | Add an Event when an alert is disabled | |
If you are using Abiquo Reporting please contact Abiquo Support to obtain the latest Abiquo Reporting pack that is compatible with Abiquo 3.8 versions |
Resolved issues
Key | Summary |
5185 | VMware connection timeout is not properly set (and this stalls the abiquo.datacenter.notification queue) |
6640 | Links not properly validated returning 500 internal server error message. If a "rel" or "href" property of a link is missing, the API should return a 400 Bad request and a descriptive message |
7722 | Misspelled media-types in API requests are not controlled. Should return a 406 Not acceptable response |
7933 | Is it possible to capture VMs without NICs; these VM will not be manageable by Abiquo. Added API Error VM-145: Cannot capture a virtual machine without NICs |
8043 | Persistent template without any volumes. Will now be converted to a standard template |
8495 | 500 Internal server error trying to add an external IP that is already created in the network but set as "Not available" |
8509 | Odd UI behavior when removing an auto-generated IP in an unmanaged network from a VM |
8585 | Load balancer is not visible for users with manage other enterprises (M user); Load balancer events are not properly generated |
8636 | Create VApp from Spec fails when there are insufficient private IPs |
8638 | 500 Internal server error including a path when creating a health check if protocol is TCP and the plugin should ignore the "path" field |
8648 | While configuring a VM, the list of available IPs is incomplete if they have been filtered before at infrastructure level |
8651 | Invalid queryParam sent when retrieving the list of available external IPs at virtual machine level |
8654 | Inconsistent boot order in hot reconfigure storage. Abiquo should update the boot order from the hypervisor |
8655 | Cannot perform a power OFF if the VM contains an IP in quarantine |
8657 | Technical changes for some scheduling use cases |
8658 | The scheduler prints error tracers when there are no errors. Now send one WARN trace for each discarded rack (only for admins), and only if no machine can be selected and the scheduling fails. Now do not print traces, only print logs to show why a rack was discarded. |
8670 | VApp Specs are not currently supported in public cloud so user should not have option to create a VApp from a Spec in public cloud VDCs |
8672 | VApp Specs - Pagination does not work |
8673 | Alerts - Display of alerts is not updating when selecting virtual appliances from V. Appliances list with Control tab open |
8674 | Amazon - Dependency violation deleting a VPC with an Abiquo custom private network |
8675 | Events - Incomplete event information when deploying a VM fills up the IDE controller |
8676 | Volumes - Prevent editing disk controller and/or disk controller type at VDC level if VM exists in the hypervisor (ON,OFF, LOCKED, PAUSED) |
8677 | The theme_novnc.css file is not found in the released code |
8678 | 500 Internal server error - when an external network is moved to a different enterprise but is the default network in the VDC of the first enterprise |
8679 | User interface allows reducing the CPU and RAM for hot-add enabled VMs |
8680 | API accepts reconfigure tasks for hot-add enabled VM to reduce CPU/RAM values |
8683 | Create VApp from Spec displays "VApp created successfully" message, even if isn't successful! |
8691 | In Abiquo 3.8, properties to disable metrics on ESXi were prefixed "abiquo.esx.metrics". Changed to "abiquo.esxi.metrics" |
8697 | Backup configuration - the only validation performed is if there are missing day(s) for weekly option. Resulted in change to backup privilege: if the user has the Manage virtual machine backup schedule, then they must supply the date and time. Without this privilege, the API will return an error about the required privilege |
8701 | VirtualMachine addresses not updated in Firewalls / LoadBalancers with Neutron |
8703 | Creating a VApp from a Spec, the list of suggested templates should indicate Chef enabled templates with display of Chef symbol |
8705 | Issues with detection of virtual machine state changes and moves when using Neutron integration |
8706 | Backup configuration in VM view needs privileges: user manage all enterprise. Now enable display of backup tab for user with "Manage virtual machine backups" |
8709 | Firewall modifications not applied from PUT virtualmachine (Neutron - firewall device) |
8713 | Display of VM control panel wrong when selecting a physical machine and searching for a VM in Infrastructure |
8715 | Create load balancer dialog fills a drop-down selection list with non-persistent elements |
8719 | On Load balancer dialog, the certificate Name field is too short. Display full name with tooltip |
8720 | Amazon - Load Balancers - 500 Internal server error trying to create a LB with HTTPS routing rule and NO SSL certificate |
8722 | 500 Internal server error deleting a VApp with a VM, alarm and alert |
8727 | Amazon LB - routing rule ports are created the wrong way around |
8728 | Invalid link for LB device type in hypervisor types entity |
Key | Summary |
8667 | Include support in VM template for latest GuestOsIdentifier from vSphere 5.5 and 6.0. See Modify a VM Template#Operating system and OS version |
8698 | Create a new internal property to allow VMs to be deployed on a nested ESXi Hypervisor |
8710 | Update load balancers from PUT virtual machine to optimize API requests by UI |
8712 | Allow PUT virtual machine to reconfigure firewalls and load balancers while VM is powered on |
8742 | Improve user experience of disk controller management by restricting controller changes with privilege (by default assigned to all roles), and forcing same controller type as for template primary disk with property in abiquo.properties. Later we will add another improvement to enable admin to set controller per hypervisor type. Note that further changes to this improvement were introduced in Abiquo 3.8.5 |
8751 | Without VAPP_DEFINE_BACKUP_INFO privilege, do not display UTC selector |
8774 | NSX: Validate network overlap with configured abiquo.nsx.edge.public-network-cidr |
8784 | Document that it has been possible to import and capture VMs on datastores that are not enabled in Abiquo since Abiquo 3.8 |
8795 | The "cacheStamp" parameter in API requests by the UI may lead to the browser using cached responses. Zendesk ticket 4203 |
8797 | Backup results: show date using time zone of system |
8842 | Allow use of local domain names in Remote Services |
If you are using Abiquo Reporting please contact Abiquo Support to obtain the latest Abiquo Reporting pack that is compatible with Abiquo 3.8 versions |
Resolved issues
Key | Summary |
8524 | Conversions remain in the "ENQUEUED" state after duplicating a template |
8656 | VM links for HardDisk and Volume have differences. Fix added diskController and diskControllerType to Volume |
8671 | VApp Spec: Materialize private network - gateway IP should be used when original VApp had this configuration |
8681 | UI : It is not possible to edit a routing rule in a load balancer (NSX) |
8708 | Cannot edit virtual machine firewalls when the virtual machine is powered off |
8726 | Load balancer - certificates are being substituted and/or removed while adding many routing rules |
8730 | ESXi CPU metrics scale is not a percentage, but it is shown as one in the UI. Zendesk ticket 4140 |
8731 | Edit SSL certificate for a load balancer routing rule is ignored for NSX |
8733 | VM edition - sections are not properly displayed |
8741 | Load balancer - 500 internal server error setting a name for the certificate longer than 128 characters |
8744 | VSM cannot start monitors if a monitor exists from a nonexistent plugin |
8752 | VApps in the EMPTY state are not draggable to another VDC |
8753 | Get location is returning duplicated links |
8754 | ESXI 5.5 and 6: after resizing an attached NFS volume, guest doesn't see updated capacity |
8756 | Neutron firewall rule returns Gen-13 if IP is not correct |
8757 | UI: Firewall rule added in the wrong section |
8759 | In public cloud and SDN user should not be able to edit a private network except the name and default checkbox |
8760 | UI: Block fields of edit dialog for plugins that implement networking except network name and default checkbox |
8761 | Backup: 500 internal server error when adding a backup configuration to a VM that has some metrics selected |
8765 | Monitoring metrics are not displayed if some VM metrics are disabled in properties |
8768 | Incomplete event for delete of load balancer address |
8769 | NSX plugin fails if trying to add a load balancer routing rule on secure port without SSL certificate |
8771 | NSX - Not able to add a healthcheck with UDP protocol. Not properly documented by VMware for NSX |
8772 | Alerts - Materialize errors creating VApp from spec that contains info from another VDC hypervisortype |
8773 | Unable to create an NSX VApp spec with a load balancer that needs an SSL certificate |
8776 | VApp specs: For custom metrics, the description and units are not saved, so custom metrics are not properly materialized |
8787 | Saving a VM backup in metadata erases other metadata such as monitoring-metrics. Also in version 3.6.6 |
8789 | VApp specs: creating a VApp from a spec does not check that there are enough available public IPs to use or purchase |
8792 | Storage elements are displayed multiple times in edit VM on VApp List tab |
8793 | VDC combo shows previous selection when materializing a VApp spec |
8800 | In Dashboard recent events pane for a selected enterprise, events queryparam "enterprise" should be exact match, not a "like" match |
8801 | Infrastructure view - private networking is not filtered by Datacenter |
8802 | NSX - 500 internal server error performing a firewall synchronization. Fixed by setting description to name value if the plugin provider does not return it |
8803 | Read-only user role issues. See Privileges for a description of the new ENTERPRISE_VIEWER role and the list of privileges assigned |
8806 | Increase length of Enterprise name to 128 characters. Database changes also affect Abiquo Reports database |
8807 | UI: Pricing model name length should be between 1 and 255 characters |
8808 | API: Pricing model name length should be between 1 and 255 characters |
8810 | Virtual Appliance name field in accounting is smaller than in kinton |
8812 | Get Datacenters using XML headers returns 500 internal server error |
8817 | NSX: It should be possible to use an NSX network even when the NSX DVS is not enabled in Abiquo (but it exists in the host) |
8818 | Default value for property ''abiquo.dvs.enabled'' is true |
8821 | Azure: user should not be able to edit/update external network in cloud provider |
8825 | Should validate virtual datacenter device in firewall / loadbalancer creation and edition |
8826 | Neutron: VDC creation could select invalid rack |
8828 | Netapp: invalid log messages appearing (abiquo.storagemanager.netapp.debug=false -> enables logging) |
8833 | VApp spec: It is not possible to get the list of SSL certificates while creating a VApp from a spec |
8834 | VApp spec: It is not possible to create more than one SSL certificate while creating the VApp (duplicate name error is thrown) |
8835 | Very long enterprise name (128 characters) is not user friendly when displayed |
8841 | Allow for DVS names longer than 25 characters. Now 255 characters |
8847 | Abiquo should be loaded in offline mode. See Configure Abiquo UI |
8849 | Public cloud - VApp spec: Not able to create a VApp from a spec which contains a load balancer on Amazon because maximum name length is 32 characters |
8851 | Nodecollector should not connect to ports other than the ones used by the plugin connection |
8854 | Amazon - edit firewall on virtual machine in power OFF returns error message. Related to issue 8708 |
8855 | It is not possible to reconfigure Amazon VMs to modify loadbalancers (or modify virtual NICs when in loadbalancer) |
8856 | Floating IP RESTLinks are not generated causing issues when accessing floating IPs |
8859 | VApp spec: Materializing in public cloud doesn't assign Floating IP correctly if more than 2 VMs |
8861 | Billing will not show full enterprise name if longer than 64 characters |
8876 | VApp spec: Specs materializing Floating IP for public cloud fail in different enterprise |
8879 | Validate spec in private cloud fails even if we have enough public IPs |
This version includes the features of the private release for the 3.8.4 version
Key | Summary |
7043 | Detect all vSwitches and DVswitches in ESXi |
8724 | No tip explaining how to list VApp specs when no VDC is selected |
8729 | Perform JSON validation on Chef attributes screen |
8742 | Changes to the improvement introduced in Abiquo 3.8.3 with privilege to restrict disk controller changes and force same controller type. Now enable administrator to force same controller type and controller of template primary disks for additional disks |
8819 | Deprecate system property ''abiquo.dvs.enabled'' |
8820 | VM sync should handle disks added and removed from the hypervisor |
8888 | Add a new privilege to allow/deny the editing of a VM |
8889 | Have a maximum/minimum value for vCPU and vRAM |
8897 | Missing 'realName' attribute for deviceTypes |
8899 | Report VLAN Tag inconsistency |
8908 | Tool to check VLAN tag inconsistency |
8915 | Add a disclaimer label on the "Backup" tab of a VM |
8916 | Display information about load balancer IPs when materializing a VApp |
If you are using Abiquo Reporting please contact Abiquo Support to obtain the latest Abiquo Reporting pack that is compatible with Abiquo 3.8 versions |
Resolved issues
Key | Summary |
7422 | Can't reconfigure to remove a DVS NIC and add a new regular vSwitch in the same request | |
8732 | Wrong error when deploying VM with malformed JSON |
8764 | [NSX] Enforce firewall rules must have same ports in UI |
8836 | [NSX] Create SSL certificates with same key and certificate generates duplicated provider IDs in DB |
8840 | Improve display of Datastore list for long datastore names in Edit physical machine |
8843 | Uploading a template, you can't add disk twice |
8848 | Monitoring view is not refreshed when changing the virtual appliance |
8857 | Appliance Manager rejects OVF envelopes with a single VirtualSystem containing VirtualSystemCollection |
8869 | Spec search: click on icon "magnifying glass" doesn't work |
8875 | Load Balancer NSX - Inconsistency between Abiquo and NSX when creating load balancers |
8881 | [Azure] Floating IP is removed from VM when a deploy/schedule fails in validation |
8882 | [NSX] In UI it is not possible to create LB with Algorithm LEAST_CONNECTIONS |
8883 | [NSX] Edit load balancer routing rules is not working using edit button in LB details view at bottom of screen |
8884 | [NSX] Create/edit LB with protocol in lower case returns error |
8885 | [SPEC] Purchased IP event is incomplete |
8886 | NSX - Spec - Materialize process may attach public IPs from a device other than the configured one |
8887 | Spec materialize in public cloud will always create/purchase new IPs |
8890 | Unassign tag in a special outage situation can result in a bad situation |
8894 | Duplicate/Promote doesn't copy current CPU/RAM from source template |
8895 | ESXi - Deploy action may fail because of port group not ready after creation |
8896 | Licenses with devices are not well displayed in Configuration -> licenses |
8900 | VM instance cannot override CPU/RAM min/max value |
8902 | Prevent network name edition with not_deployed vms |
8904 | CPU/RAM not editable in public cloud template |
8913 | VM graceful shutdown not enabled |
8914 | noVNC mouse not working if device has touchscreen |
8918 | Race conditions when unregistering VMs from a Load Balancer in NSX |
8925 | Need constraint for firewall rules validation |
8926 | Specs materialize fail for public cloud regions not implementing FloatingIPs |
8928 | Fallback DHCP is never configured |
8932 | Virtual machine backup doesn't show selected days |
8936 | Modifying a device automatically removes its current credentials |
8939 | Limits - "Creating virtual datacenter..." popup blocks the UI if hard limits have been exceeded |
8942 | Change Google Charts library to nvd3 that can be used offline |
8943 | NSX - only one VDC is permitted each time the API is launched |
8944 | Liquibase update - Error if there are two DCs with the same backup configurations in 3.8.3 |
8951 | Infrastructure statistics have wrong labels for server and virtual machines |
Key | Summary |
8945 | Alert creation in the UI, threshold label should identify the units of the metric in the alarm |
8956 | Make all grid columns resizable |
8962 | Backup - Backup "now" - Enable instant manual backup in the user interface and in the Avamar plugin |
8963 | Backup - Restore in Avamar |
8965 | OpenID Connect Integration |
8966 | Mobility - Export VM templates to Rackspace |
8969 | Remote Console in Rackspace and OpenStack |
9003 | Add an external link in header (new icon) |
If you are using Abiquo Reporting please contact Abiquo Support to obtain the latest Abiquo Reporting pack that is compatible with Abiquo 3.8 versions |
Resolved issues
Key | Summary |
8926 | Specs materialize fails for PCRs not implementing FloatingIP |
8927 | ESXI - deploy action fails when using same VLAN name on vSwitch and dvSwitch. Enforce portGroup network belongs to the expected switch and only one network with the same name |
8929 | portGroup deleted after checking it's not used by any VMs can cause race conditions in another VM configure in another thread |
8954 | VM variables attribute has no maxLength defined. Maximum length for VM variables is now a key of 50 characters and value of 255 characters. Maximum length of enterprise variables is key of 30 characters and value of 50 characters |
8974 | Standard user cannot see the message of a protected virtual machine (cannot select the virtual machine). The user can now select the virtual machine |
8976 | Validation error when OVF specifies password="". Empty password should be interpreted as no password. |
8977 | Upgrade process - VMs with backup configurations that are no longer enabled from Infrastructure |
8978 | Upgrade process - VMs with metadata that contains chef attributes or start-up script strings |
8983 | Metering - Not able to insert information in metering table if virtualApp name is longer than 30 chars. Changed length of VApp name in metering table |
8984 | Cannot undeploy/deploy virtualmachine with disks synchronized from the hypervisor. Added error and force option to undeploy with non-empty disks that are only on the datastore |
8987 | Scheduled_resources is not updated accordingly when imported VMs are deleted in the HV. Customer tickets: 4421 and 4348 |
8989 | User Interface - Error trace from another VM is displayed by default |
8991 | Upgrade process - Delta failure if there is invalid metadata storage information related to Specs and backup |
8993 | 500 Internal server error when using API to undeploy a virtual appliance with force=true and a single VM is NOT_ALLOCATED |
8995 | Apps library - Cost code pagination when editing a template is not working |
8996 | Pricing - Sorting long list of cost codes quickly generates numerous GET requests |
8997 | Scope - A user from another scope is able to modify a shared template which belongs to a different scope. Blocked with the following error: VIMAGE-40: A user from a different scope should only be able to modify shared templates from enterprises which are inside the same scope |
9002 | Accounting process for backups is generating a lot of duplicated data because of issues with queries |
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