CSV Quickstart

CSV Quickstart

This guide provides steps to quickly get the billing system up and running for testing. It will generate CSV file output with usage data for all 'current' Enterprises.

1. Unzip the 'abiquo-billing-redist.zip' file into suitable 'install location' on your chosen machine.

2. Populate the Account Mapping table. For example, to add mappings for all enterprises you would use the following SQL:

INSERT INTO kinton.billing_account_mapping (idAbiquo, idMappingType, billingAttributeName, billingAttributeValue)
(SELECT idEnterprise, 1, 'ENTERPRISE', e.name FROM kinton.enterprise e);

3. Create a MySQL user account that can be used by the billing system to access the DBMS. You must also grant permissions as detailed below for example user 'billing':

CREATE USER 'billing'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT SELECT,EXECUTE ON kinton.* TO 'billing'@'%';
GRANT SELECT ON kinton_accounting.* TO 'billing'@'%';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.proc TO 'billing'@'%';

4. Modify the billing.properties file, updating the following values:

dbms_connection_url=jdbc:mysql://<DBMS IP Address>:3306/kinton

For more details, see Configure billing properties.

5. Modify the csv.properties files, updating the following red values appropriately:


6. Optionally enable CSV output of the Cost Code, Storage Tier, Local Storage Tier, Hypervisor, Costing, CPU ON, CPU OFF, Memory ON, Memory OFF, Firewall, Loadbalancer, Backup, and so on, and Custom Usages. Please see the main CSV Billing Integration page for further details of how to do this. 

7. Run the billing.sh file ('./billing.sh' from the install directory) to generate CSV usage data.

8. Review the generated CSV files that have been generated in the 'CSV_files' folder of the installation directory.

9. Optionally schedule the billing integration to run on a regular basis. 

For more details, see Abiquo Billing Integration User Guide

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