Manage storage in public cloud

Manage storage in public cloud

View and onboard storage volumes in public cloud

In public cloud regions, for Amazon, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, you can work with virtual storage to create volumes to attach to your VM.

Privilege: Manage virtual storage elements

Volumes of external storage can be persistent and independent of VMs. Volumes are

  • EBS disks in AWS
  • Managed Disks in Azure
  • Zonal persistent disks in Google Cloud Platform 
  • Block volumes in OCI

To display all volumes of your tenant, including recently onboarded volumes:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Volumes
  2. Select All virtual datacenters

The platform will display all volumes from public and private cloud.

To display all volumes in the platform in a public cloud region:

  1. Go to Cloud virtual datacenters view → Locations
  2. Select the location
  3. Go to Volumes

The platform will display all volumes in the public cloud region.

To onboard volumes from a public cloud region and synchronize existing volumes,

  1. Go to Cloud virtual datacenters view → Locations
  2. Select the location
  3. Go to Volumes
  4. Click the double arrow synchronize button

To display all volumes in a virtual datacenter:

  1. Go to Cloud virtual datacenters view
  2. Select a virtual datacenter
  3. Go to Volumes


  • To onboard and synchronize volumes, your user must be able to access All virtual datacenters in the tenant. 
  • By default, the platform will destroy the VM system disk (hard disk) when you undeploy or delete the VM. 
  • In the Amazon console, when you create a VM (an Amazon Instance), you can select an EBS disk and configure it as "Delete on Termination". This means that the provider will destroy the disk when you terminate the VM. If you onboard a VM with these disks into Abiquo, when you undeploy or delete the VM, the platform will destroy the disks. To keep the disks, before you undeploy the VM, detach the disks from the VM in Abiquo, and the platform will synchronize them as volumes.
  • In OCI, Abiquo imports shared volumes that are attached to a VM. You cannot create shared volumes in Abiquo
    • For each VM using the volume, Abiquo reports a new volume
    • You can import shared volumes attached to a VM only
    • You cannot reconfigure or delete shared volumes because you cannot detach them from VMs
    • You can resize shared volumes

Create a storage volume in public cloud

API Documentation

For the Abiquo API documentation of this feature, see Abiquo API Resources and the page for this resource VolumesResource.

To create a new storage volume:

  1. Select the virtual datacenter
  2. Click the + add button and complete the form:

Create a storage volume in Amazon

Create a storage volume in Google Cloud Platform

For more details see GUI Create volume Storage Public

After you create the volume, to attach it to a VM

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters and edit the VM
  2. Go to Storage and drag a volume into the storage pane. See VM storage

Modify a storage volume in public cloud

To modify a storage volume in public cloud:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Volumes
  2. Select the volume and click the edit button

If the volume is attached to a deployed VM, you can also edit its size in Azure, AWS, and GCP, and its tier in Azure and AWS. To make changes to volumes in Azure, the VM must be in the "deallocated" state.

Modify a storage volume from the Volumes tab



For more details see GUI Edit volume Storage Public

Using Expanded Disks

Expanding a disk can damage the data or operating system installed on the disk. You may need to apply additional operating system tools or processes before you can use an expanded disk, for example, resizing partitions and filesystems.

After resizing a disk, remember to resize the partitions and filesystems. For example, with the Linux ext3 filesystem, you can execute the following commands when logged into a shell on the VM:

 $ umount /dev/xxx (/dev/xxx is the partition of the resized volume, inside the VM)
 $ parted /dev/xxx
 # resize Y start end (Y is the partition number, and start/end of the partition varies in each case)
 $ resize2fs /dev/sdx

Move a storage volume to another virtual datacenter in public cloud

You can move volumes between virtual datacenters if they are not attached to a VM.

The source and destination virtual datacenters must belong to the same public cloud region and cloud tenant.

To change the virtual datacenter of a volume:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Volumes
  2. Drag the volume into the new virtual datacenter in the virtual datacenters list. 
  3. Click Confirm to complete the move.

 Click here to show/hide the screenshot

Move a storage volume to the public cloud region

You can move volumes to the public cloud region if they are not attached to a VM. This means that they will be available to move to all virtual datacenters in the public cloud region in the same tenant.

To move a volume to the public cloud region:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Volumes
  2. Drag the volume into All in the virtual datacenters list. 
  3. Click Confirm on the popup to complete the move.

 Click here to show/hide the screenshot

Delete a storage volume in public cloud

You can delete or remove volumes that are NOT attached to a VM. 

To delete a volume:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Volumes
  2. Select the volume and click the trash delete button

When you delete a storage volume in public cloud, it will be deleted in the public cloud region and all the data on the volume will be destroyed.

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