Configure an Enterprise in a Cloud Location

Configure an Enterprise in a Cloud Location

A cloud location is a specific datacenter or public cloud region. 

To configure the limits and resource access of an enterprise in a location.

  1. Go to Users → edit Enterprise → Datacenters
  2. Select and edit an Allowed datacenter or public cloud region or provider

Set allocation limits for a tenant in provider

When you edit a provider, you can set a limit that will apply to each region in the provider. The platform will count resources that are already in the provider as part of the limit.

To configure a limit for a provider:

  1. Go to Users → edit Enterprise → Allowed Datacenters
  2. Select and edit a provider in the right pane 
  3. On the Allocation limits tab set valid allocation limits

For more details about

For more details see GUI Edit enterprise provider Allocation limits

Set allocation limits for a tenant in a datacenter or region

At the location level, you can limit resources and set defaults. This means you can set an allocation limit for an enterprise in each datacenter or public cloud region.

To limit resources in a datacenter or public cloud region, set allocation limits:

  1. Go to Users → edit Enterprise → Allowed Datacenters
  2. Select an Allowed datacenter or Allowed public cloud region in the right pane 
  3. Click the pencil edit button. An Edit dialog will open at the Allocation limits tab
  4. Set valid allocation limits

This is process is very similar to that of setting enterprise limits, so for more details, see Manage Enterprises 

For more details see GUI Edit enterprise datacenter resources Allocation limits

Set the default network for a tenant in a datacenter

Every time the administrator creates a virtual datacenter, the platform creates a private network, and assigns a default network to the virtual datacenter.

If a user deploys a VM without creating a NIC, the platform will assign a NIC on the default network.

Before you begin:

  1. Select the network type. The default network for an enterprise in a datacenter can be any of the following:
    • The default is a private network (" An auto-created private VLAN " called " default_private_network "). Configure this at Configuration View#Network
    • An external network, or an unmanaged network. Create it in Infrastructure view and for an external network, make IPs available. See Manage External Networks  

To set the default network for an enterprise in a datacenter:

  1. Go to Users →  create or edit an enterprise → Datacenters → edit an Allowed datacenterDefault network 
    • The current default virtual network will be highlighted in bold text
  2. Select a different network
  3. Click Accept to save the changes to the Allowed datacenter

The platform will assign the new default network to all new virtual datacenters that users create.

 Click here to show/hide the screenshot


  • Virtual datacenter networks can be defined at the following levels:

    • virtual datacenter (default or custom)
    • enterprise (default) 
    • platform
  • To override the enterprise's datacenter default network for a specific virtual datacenter:
    1. Go to Virtual datacenters → select virtual datacenterNetwork → select network type → edit Network → select the Default option
  • See Cloud networks for an overview of the platform's network types

Allow a tenant to use storage tiers in a datacenter

You can control access to storage tiers that define different storage service levels. Before you begin, configure storage in Infrastructure view (see Manage Storage). 

To set the allowed and restricted storage tiers for an enterprise:

  1. Go to Users → edit EnterpriseDatacenters → edit Allowed datacenter → Tiers
  2. To allow tiers, select one or more tiers from the Prohibited tiers column and drag to the Allowed tiers column
  3. Continue with enterprise configuration or click Accept to save the enterprise configuration in the datacenter.

 Click here to show/hide the screenshot


  1. Allowed tiers override the basic tier configuration in Infrastructure view
    1. If "Allow tier for all enterprises" is selected for the tier on the General Information tab, all new enterprises will have access to the tier by default
    2. For each tier, on the Enterprise access tab, the administrator can add or remove general access to the tier
  2. You cannot restrict access to the tier for an enterprise that has created volumes in the tier

Allow a tenant to use datastore tiers in a datacenter

You can control access to datastore service levels with datastore tiers. 

To allow or prohibit access to a datastore tier for an individual enterprise

  1. Go to Users → edit enterprise → Datacenters → edit allowed datacenter → Datastore tiers
  2. Drag datastore tiers to the Allowed or Prohibited lists for this enterprise
  3. Click Accept to save the Enterprise datacenter resources

 Click here to show/hide the screenshot

You can also set limits for the tenant for the datastore tiers within each datacenter. See Configure an Enterprise in a Cloud Location#Setallocationlimitsforatenantinadatacenterorregion


  • You cannot restrict the access of enterprises that have already created disks in the tier
  • Changes in Infrastructure view to the Datastore tiers on the Enterprise access tab will override these settings


Allow a tenant to use backup policies in a datacenter

Backup policies enable users to select partially or fully pre-configured backups for their VMs. 

To allow a tenant to use backup policies:

  1. Go to Users → edit enterprise → Datacenters → edit Allowed datacenter or Allowed public cloud region → Backup policies
  2. Select the Backup policies to allow for the tenant


  • The enterprise that creates backup policies will automatically be able to use them. For all other enterprises, select the backup policies to allow for each datacenter.
  • Users will require backup privileges to enable and configure backups

Related links:

  • To configure backup systems and create backup policies see Backup
  • For information about how users will work with backup policies on VMs, see VM backups

Allow a tenant to use hardware profiles

Hardware profiles can enable users to easily select appropriate hardware combinations for their virtual machines. Before you begin, you can create hardware profiles for the datacenter in Infrastructure view on the Hardware profiles tab. In public cloud, all hardware profiles may be automatically allowed.

To use hardware profiles:

  1. Go to Users → create or edit an enterprise → Datacenters
  2. Create and/or edit an allowed datacenter or allowed public cloud region → Hardware profiles
  3. Select the checkbox to Enable hardware profiles mode for the tenant
  4. Select the Hardware profiles that the enterprise will be allowed to use (available hardware profiles)
  • If a tenant enterprise does not have any hardware profiles available, then the tenant's users will not be able to deploy VMs
  • If a tenant enterprise already has VMs deployed when you enable hardware profiles, Abiquo will try to assign existing hardware profiles. If an existing profile is inactive, Abiquo will activate this profile and assign it. Otherwise, Abiquo will create a new hardware profile named ABQ_HP_{cpu}_{ram}_ID

After you enable hardware profiles for a tenant, you can do the following steps in the Apps library:

  • Check VM templates have hardware profiles within template CPU and RAM limits
  • Recommend hardware profiles for each template
  • Enable users to only work with recommended hardware profiles

See Modify a VM Template

Abiquo will now require users to select hardware profiles when they create VMs.

Disable hardware profile mode

You can disable hardware profiles mode if the provider also supports CPU and RAM. When you disable it for an enterprise in a datacenter, the hardware profile details will simply “disappear” from VMs, and users will work with CPU and RAM values again. When editing the enterprise, however, the profiles that you made available are still marked, in case you decide to enable hardware profiles again.

If you enable hardware profile mode again, Abiquo enables hardware profiles in the same way as when you first enabled hardware profiles. After re-enabling hardware profile mode, you should check templates and recommended hardware profiles.

Disable specific hardware profiles

To restrict enterprise access to a specific hardware profile, if the enterprise does not have any deployed VMs using it, you can edit the enterprise’s allowed datacenter and unselect the hardware profile in the available list.

You can also make Abiquo hardware profiles inactive in Infrastructure view, at any time and even if they are used in deployed VMs. See Hardware profiles#Prevent users from working with a hardware profile

Set default user roles for virtual datacenters in a provider or location

To give users different levels of access to virtual datacenters (VDCs) in specific providers or datacenters, administrators can assign a default role (with fewer privileges than user roles) for all VDCs in a location. So this is a default value for the VDC role that you can set when you create or edit a VDC, that the administrator can later edit.

To control access for users of a tenant in a provider or cloud location with a default role:

  1. Go to Users → create or edit an enterprise → Datacenters → edit a provider or an allowed location → Defaults
  2. Select a default Role
  3. Continue configuring the provider or location or click Accept

At the provider level, the platform will copy the default role to all provider regions. The default role for a region will apply to all new virtual datacenters in the region.  

Privilege: Manage enterprise datacenter default roles, No VDC restriction

Users with the Manage roles and No VDC restriction privileges can then edit the role for the virtual datacenter and define exceptions. See Set a VDC role to limit user access.

Troubleshooting VDC creation

The platform may prevent a user from creating a VDC (even when they have the Manage virtual datacenters privilege) if they will not have enough privileges to work with resources in the VDC. This can occur if a restrictive default role will apply to the user. The default role applies to users without the "No VDC restriction" privilege. In order for these users to create a VDC:

  • the default role must have more privileges than an ENTERPRISE_VIEWER type role; or
  • the user must have the privilege to Manage roles so that this user is able to change the role of the virtual datacenter

Configure enterprise resources with the API

API Documentation

For the Abiquo API documentation of this feature, see Abiquo API Resources and the page for this resource EnterpriseLimitsByDatacentersResource.

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