Manage Remote Services via API

Manage Remote Services via API

This page describes basic remote services management with the Abiquo API.

When you create a location (datacenter or public cloud region), you will supply the URLs of remote services. These remote services will be registered in Abiquo and they will also be assigned to the location you are creating.

The following table describes Abiquo remote services required for datacenters and public cloud regions. 

Remote service

DatacenterPublic cloud regionType in AbiquoProtocolDefault portPath

Virtualization Manager

(tick) (blue star)(tick) (blue star)VIRTUAL_FACTORYhttp://8009virtualfactory

Monitor Manager

(tick) (blue star)(tick) (blue star)VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_MONITORhttp://8009vsm

Appliance Manager

(tick) (info) + NFS APPLIANCE_MANAGERhttp://8009am

Discovery Manager


Business Process Manager

(tick) (info) BPM_SERVICEhttp://8009bpm-async

DHCP Service

(tick) (star) DHCP_SERVICEomapi:// or dnsmasq://7911 or 823 
DHCPv6 Service(tick) (star) DHCPv6omapi:// or dnsmasq://7911 or 823 
Remote Access Manager(tick)(tick)REMOTE_ACCESSguacd://4822

You can configure the ports as required, for example, for example, to avoid CORS issues, you might decide to configure AM access through HTTPS on port 443.

When you delete a location, the location-restricted remote services will be deleted, but the other remote services may remain in Abiquo. These remote services will not be assigned to any location.

Key to symbols

(info) - Location-restricted remote services: the appliance manager and the business process manager CANNOT BE SHARED and each Appliance Manager remote service requires a separate NFS repository to hold the Datacenter Apps Library. These remote services can only be assigned to a single datacenter and you must supply the datacenter when they are created and they must be deleted when the datacenter is deleted. 

(blue star) - When sharing these remotes services, they require access to ONE shared remote service Redis instance

(red star) - To create a vCloud Director public cloud region, you must have already registered a Discovery Manager remote service in Abiquo

(star)  - You do not need Abiquo DHCP servers when VMs receive their network configuration outside Abiquo (e.g. unmanaged networks, SDN, guest setup). For standard Abiquo cloud networks, the DHCP Servers are essential to the proper functioning of VM networking.



Before you begin working with remote services, create a datacenter, using the UI or the API, as described in the API Infrastructure Tutorial.

Retrieve Existing Remote Services

To retrieve all the remote services currently registered in Abiquo, use a GET request to the RemoteServices Resource.

See https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/RemoteServicesResource.html#list-remote-services

Check Remote Services

The following example shows how to check a remote service from the IP address (as with the check button in the UI). In this case we are checking a NARS remote service. If you want to check other remote services, just replace the remote service details in the example below. 

Check a remote service from the IP address


curl -X POST https://example.com:443/api/config/action/remoteservicecheck \ 
	-H 'Content-Type:application/vnd.abiquo.remoteservice+json;version=5.0' \
	-d @requestpayload.json \ 
	-u admin:xabiquo --verbose

Success status code: 204

Request payload:


Response payload:


Check a remote service that is already registered in Abiquo

To check a remote service that is already registered in Abiquo, you can use the link in the remote service entity or its ID. 

See https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/RemoteServicesResource.html#check-a-remote-service

Modify a remote service to add it to locations

To modify a remote service to add it to public cloud regions or datacenters, perform a PUT request with a remote service entity containing the links to the locations where you want to add the remote service. 


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