Upgrade steps from 5.1.x to 5.2.x for Azure

Upgrade steps from 5.1.x to 5.2.x for Azure

Run Redis Script to update Azure VSM subscriptions

If you have VMs deployed in Azure, on the Remote Services server, run this script that will use the Redis address and port configured in abiquo.properties. The script will add the VM's Resource Group to the VSM Redis subscription of the VM. We assume that VMs are in the same Resource Group as their virtual datacenter. This is certainly true if the VMs were deployed from Abiquo. In any case, if you previously onboarded a VM in a different RG, the virtual machine definition synchronization process will update it. This script gets the resource group from the VDC provider ID with the format resourceGroup/vdcproviderId, e.g. abiquo-westeurope/abqvnet-vdcname.

  1. First run the tool in dry-run mode and check the VMs to update

    java -jar /usr/share/doc/abiquo-model/scripts/azure-resourcegroup-migration-tool/vm-resourcegroup.jar
  2. Run the tool in production mode to update the subscriptions

    java -jar /usr/share/doc/abiquo-model/scripts/azure-resourcegroup-migration-tool/vm-resourcegroup.jar -no-dry="true"

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