Install MariaDB on slave server
Install the same MariaDB server package that Abiquo API server is using on the slave server. This can be achieve by installing the corresponding abiquo-release package on the replica server and executing the command below:
yum -y install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
Configure DB replication on master DB server
Create the replication configuration file in master DB server:
cat <<EOF >/etc/my.cnf.d/replication.cnf [server] log-basename=master log-bin binlog-format=row server_id=1 EOF
Restart mysql service:
service mysql restart
Create a replicator user and grant it replication permissions by executing the query below on DB prompt. Replace REPLICA_USER, REPLICA_PASS and SLAVE_SERVER as you wish:
grant replication slave on *.* to 'REPLICA_USER'@'SLAVE_SERVER' identified by 'REPLICA_PASS'; flush privileges;
Configure DB replication on slave DB server
Create the replication configuration file in Maria DB slave server:
cat <<EOF >/etc/my.cnf.d/replication.cnf [server] server_id=2 EOF
Restart mysql service:
service mysql restart
Remember that, if you are using multiple slaves, each one must has a different server_id defined in /etc/my.cnf.d/replication.cnf, and it must be greater than the server_id of the master.
Initial replication
Open a new session on master DB server and execute the commands below at the mysql prompt. This will show master current status including the file and the current position in the log. We will need this later when replicating the DB in the slave. Leave this session as it is until replication is completed:
flush tables with read lock; show master status; +----------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | +----------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | master-bin.000001 | 3712878 | | | +----------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
On a different session, dump kinton and kinton_accounting databases on Maria DB master server:
mysqldump --databases kinton kinton_accounting --routines > dump.sql
Configure slave replication point
Copy dump.sql from previous step from master DB server to slave DB server. Once copied, import it into slave DB server. If this is a new installation you may need to create kinton database.
mysql < dump.sql
Once imported, configure slave DB server replication. In the command below, replace MASTER_SERVER, REPLICA_USER and REPLICA_PASS.
Also replace MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS from the show master status (e.g. from above "master-bin.000001" and "3712878") .
Run this command on the slave server at the mysql prompt:
Start slave DB replication from slave mysql prompt:
start slave;
You can check replication status by executing on the slave:
show slave status\G *************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event ... 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
When Slave_IO_State is "Waiting for master to send event" replication is finished.
Check the master status again.
mysql --execute 'SHOW MASTER STATUS;'
Then release locks by closing the first session on master DB server where locks were set and the master status was requested and you are done!