Abiquo is designed to offer a cloud platform to multiple cloud tenants, which are called Abiquo enterprises. You can manage tenant enterprises and their users in Users view. To control user access to the platform, you can assign roles, scopes and privileges, which are also managed in Users view.
The different components of the platform are isolated for each enterprise, ensuring that the resources allocated by an enterprise will not affect other enterprises' allocated resources, and that each enterprise will be free to manage its own resource cloud. Here are some examples of the components that are isolated at enterprise level: virtual datacenters, virtual appliances, Apps library, hard and soft limits, and events.
Manage Tenants
Click the Users icon at the top of the screen to access Users view.
The Users view will vary depending on a user's privileges. Administrators can work in list view or cards view, and change by clicking the tabs in the top right corner of the Users tab.
The main Cloud Administrator will be able to see a list of all enterprises in the left pane and all users in the right pane because they have both the Manage enterprises and Manage users of all enterprises privilege and access to all enterprises through the default global administration scope. As they also have the Allow users to switch enterprise privilege, they can switch to a different tenant in the Users view.
Screenshot: List view for Cloud Admin
The default Enterprise Administrator role only has access to their own enterprise and does not have the Manage enterprises or Manage users of all enterprises privileges. So this user will only see the users of their enterprise. If this enterprise admin is a basic reseller, then they can log in to each of their enterprises in order to manage the users.
A standard enterprise administrator with the additional Manage enterprises privilege will see their own enterprise in the left pane, and an edit button is displayed but the main purpose of this privilege level is to support resellers. A reseller administrator with the Manage enterprises privilege will be able to see all the enterprises in their scope. However, they will only be able to manage their own enterprise.
A reseller user with an administration scope of more than one enterprise and the Manage enterprises and Manage users of all enterprises privileges can manage all the enterprises in their scope and the users of these enterprises too.