Abiquo 5.3.1 introduces Abstract datastore tiers to enable you to control the storage that each tenant can use in a specific storage service level,
To display and manage datastore tiers at the private cloud level, go to Infrastructure view → Abstract datastore tiers.
There is a new widget to storage usage by platform-wide service levels.
As usual, you can configure this widget and add it to the Home view dynamic dashboards.
To create a group tier for your datastore tiers, go to Infrastructure → Abstract datastore tiers, click the + add button, and enter a a Name.
To add service levels to the group, edit existing datastore tiers to assign them to the platform datastore tier group. Or create new ones and assign them.
To restrict the total storage that a tenant can use in a specific service level, add a limit for the platform tier. Just edit the enterprise and set Allocation limits.
Note that all the platform-wide storage service levels will display, even if the tenant does not have access to them.
So you will still need to grant the tenant access to individual tiers in each datacenter. Within each enterprise, when you edit the datacenter, only the tiers that the enterprise can access will display.
You can also set limits at this level and they will be independent of the enterprise limits.
The datastore tier limits per tenant apply to new deploys, reconfiguring VMs, and VMs that are captured from hypervisors to onboard them into the platform.