The platform can import hardware profile prices from public cloud for use in pricing.
- The prices are for Linux instances
- For AWS, the only currency available is US dollars.
Before you begin:
- Check that there is a public cloud region for the provider. See Create a public cloud region.
- Check that the tenant has a pricing model assigned. See Create a new pricing model
- For Amazon regions, use US Dollars as the currency
- Obtain credentials to retrieve pricing information from the provider
- For AWS pricing, an IAMs user must have the AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess permission. You can add the permission to the regular public cloud user account or create a separate user. See Obtain AWS credentials
For Azure, see Obtain Azure ARM credentials.
Tenant type Format_of_Access_ Key_ID_for Pricing_____ Secret access key Notes Standard account
subscription-id#app-id#tenant-id#offer-durable-idApplication secret key Add the text string "normal#" as a prefix to the pricing credentials. To facilitate upgrades, existing credentials will remain valid CSP account owner csp#tenantId#accessToken#refreshToken Application secret key You MUST add the text string "csp#" as a prefix to the credentials Customer of CSP - - Do not enter credentials because the platform will use the CSP credentials
To retrieve the hardware profile prices:
- Add pricing credentials for the tenant
- From the username menu go to Edit credentials or go to Users → edit enterprise
- Go to Credentials → Public (for compute or for combined credentials in Amazon) or Pricing (for separate credentials)
- Enter the credentials
If the tenant is a CSP and/or reseller, go to Properties and enter the following properties as appropriate:
azurecompute-arm_discount=0.2 amazon_discount=0
Note that CSP accounts return the prices with the discount factor applied, so the platform will not apply it again.
To configure a custom suffix of the discount properties, set in See Abiquo Configuration Properties#enterprise.If the tenant is a customer of the CSP and/or reseller, go to Properties and enter the following properties as appropriate:
azurecompute-arm_price_factor=1.25 amazon_price_factor=1.17
To configure a custom suffix of the price factor properties, set in See Abiquo Configuration Properties#enterprise.
- When you save the tenant, if the pricing credentials are present, the platform will retrieve the prices.
To display the prices of public cloud hardware profiles:
- Go to Pricing → Pricing models → edit pricing model.
- Go to Resource Prices → select the provider
- For each hardware profile, enter a New price as required
- Click Save
The platform will update the hardware profile prices from the public cloud provider every 24 hours.
- To set a custom interval, set abiquo.pricing.import.check.delayInHrs in See Abiquo Configuration Properties#pricing