Check public cloud features
- Azure features table
- Google Cloud Platform features table
- AWS features table
- OCI features table
- Hetzner features table
Check integrations
- VMware vCloud Director integration
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integration
- Google Cloud Platform integration
- Microsoft Azure ARM integration
- AWS integration
- Hetzner Cloud integration
Create a public cloud region
This section describes how to create a public cloud region.
For an introduction to public cloud in Abiquo, see Public cloud
A public cloud region represents a region of a cloud provider in Abiquo, to enable users to have compute access: to use virtual resources and deploy VMs in the cloud, and/or billing access: to display cloud billing data on the dashboard.
Privileges: Access Infrastructure view and PCRs, Manage public cloud regions
Before you begin:
For vCloud Director, obtain credentials for the Administrator or Organization. For more details see VMware vCloud Director integration
To create a public cloud region:
Go to Infrastructure → Public
Click the + add button at the bottom of the Public cloud regions list
On the Create public cloud region dialog, enter the base Name and select the Provider.
Select the Regions
The platform will create a region with Name, and for the next regions it will add a suffix of
, and so on, and the region’s location.If the platform cannot create a region, it will go on to the next region on the list.
Click Next
For the Virtualization manager, in the remote services IP address field, enter the domain name of the Remote Services server.
You can share the remote services with multiple public cloud regions or private cloud.
You can select the Remote Services server from the pulldown, and click Duplicate IP address
We recommend that you Check the remote services before you save your regions
Click Save
The platform will create your public cloud region.
To allow users to deploy in the public cloud region, edit your enterprises to:
Edit Datacenters and add the new region to the Allowed datacenters list
Add Credentials for the cloud provider API. See Obtain public cloud credentials
You will require one separate account for each enterprise using a public cloud region, which means one account or subscription per enterprise
For certain regions, such as those in China, you will require separate credentials, which you can enter separately after you select the appropriate provider, such as
Amazon CHINA
For vCloud Director, you will require Organization and Administrator credentials
To allow administrators to manage the public cloud region, edit your user scopes and add the new region
Obtain Azure ARM credentials for CSP
Contact Customer Service to arrange to consent to use Azure CSP credentials
Display Azure billing data
To display Azure billing data for resellers and their customers:
Abiquo can obtain Azure billing data with the credentials you enter when you configure Abiquo to:
Create a reseller with CSP pricing credentials; OR
Create an enterprise with compute or billing only credentials, with a
See Onboard an Azure CSP or AWS organization account.
Edit the CSP reseller enterprise and set the following enterprise properties:
azurecompute-arm_discount: decimal value (with dot separator), used to calculate the user invoice for billing dashboard. CSP APIs return prices with a discount applied, which we remove to display for customers. We use the formula: total = TotalFromCSP/(1 - azurecompute-arm_discount). This is a required property
azurecompute-arm_currency_code: The default is
. Three character currency code of the bill. Warning - this is different from currency_code used for conversion factor. This is a required Two digit ISO code representing the country where you purchased the subscription. The default of
is set
on Remote Services
Optionally, configure price factors for markups. See Manage price factors
Edit reseller customer enterprises and add this enterprise property:
azurecompute-arm_discount: Decimal value (with dot separator), used to calculate the user invoice for billing dashboard.
If the customer enterprise has Azure plans, they may have a keynode enterprise and several standard enterprises below it to use the plans credentials. Edit the standard enterprises and add this property.
azurecompute-arm_only_bill_subscription: If this property is
, for an Azure plan, only bill for usage - do not include the customer's products and services in the billing data for this enterprise.
Abiquo properties for Azure billing data display
On the Abiquo Server, you can configure the following properties for Azure billing. By default, the platform will retrieve billing data for the last two months. To change this set the following property to the number of months to retrieve.
Default value:2 By default, Abiquo will bill SaaS resources, such as a Twilio subscription, to the enterprise that the subscription is assigned to. This corresponds to the billing scope ID of a billing line item. To exclude products from specific publishers from Azure billing, add the following property, and enter a string of publishers to exclude from billing line items in CSV format. With the public-cloud-billing-check-tool for Azure, use the
option. Default value:Microsoft Office
On the Remote Services, you can configure the following properties for Azure billing. For Azure price factors. Two digit ISO code representing the country where you will obtain the product list. Default value:
Obtain AWS credentials
This document describes:
How to obtain user credentials from an AWS standard or reseller account
Example AWS permissions to use compute and billing features in Abiquo
How to obtain user credentials for the customer of a reseller account
For required configuration of billing features, please see:
This is a general guide to AWS credentials but AWS functionality may vary between accounts and change at any time. If you have any doubts, please check the AWS documentation.
You may require separate credentials for some groups of regions, such as regions in China.
Only use ONE set of AWS keys for each enterprise in each public cloud region
AWS lets you generate two sets of active keys for each IAM user. But in Abiquo you can only add one set per enterprise.
Obtain credentials for an AWS standard or reseller account
This section describes how to create a new user and obtain credentials for an AWS standard or reseller account. For reseller customers, see the section below.
An AWS IAM user for Abiquo:
Requires programmatic access
Does not require a password for login or MFA.
To obtain AWS access, you will need to assign a group and/or access policy to your user, as described in the sections below. If you already have a group and/or access policy, you can use them again.
AWS credentials are an Access Key ID
and Secret Access Key
that allow access the AWS APIs.
Before you begin:
Check the access policy examples in the sections below with your Security Administrator
To create a user in a new group with a new access policy, do these steps.
Open the AWS console
On the top left menu, go to Services → IAM
On the left sidebar, go to Users
Click Add user
Enter the User name
Select Programmatic access
Click Next: Permissions
Under Add user to group, select a group or click Create group.
To create a group do these steps:Enter the Group name
Select existing policies, or click Create policy
In the Create policy section, go to JSON, and enter your access policy, as provided by your Security Administrator. See below for example policies
Click Review policy
Enter the Name and Description, check the resource access, and click Create policy
Go back to the previous browser tab with the Create group dialog open
Click Refresh
If you can't see the policy, search and filter by Name to display it, and select the policy
Click Create group
On the Add user to group page, select the group
Click Next: Tags and enter the Key and Value of tags as required
Click Next: Review
Click Create user
To obtain user credentials, do these steps.
Copy the Access key ID
Click Show and copy the Secret access key.
To download a credentials file, click Download .csv.
By default the file will be saved ascredentials.csv
in your Downloads folder.Close the Credentials window
Manage credentials
For an existing user, to manage access keys.
From IAM → Users, click on the user name
Go to Security Credentials
Create, deactivate, and delete access keys as required
Credentials file format
This is an example of the format of the credentials.csv
file when you open it in a text editor:
The Access Key ID is the string of characters before the comma, which is
in the above example.The Secret Access Key for the Access Key ID is the string of characters after the comma, which is
in the above example.
AWS Policy examples
These policies are examples only. Please check your policies with your system administrator.
Example compute policy
This is an example of a policy that will let you work with the compute features in AWS.
Standard account pricing and billing policy
The following policy lets the user manage pricing and billing for a standard account that is not a partner organization.
Billing features require additional configuration. Please see Display Amazon billing data
The “Sids” for specific actions are as follows.
Pricing requires:
To run the billing check tool requires:
To run the billing process requires:
Reseller pricing and billing policy
The following policy lets the user manage pricing and billing for an AWS partner organization.
Billing features require additional configuration. Please see Display Amazon billing data
The “Sids” for specific actions are as follows.
Pricing requires:
To add billing only credentials requires:
To run the billing check tool requires:
To run the billing process requires:
Policy to create an account using Abiquo
To use the Create account feature in Abiquo, add this statement to your AWS account policy.
Policy to create an account in an organizational unit using Abiquo
To use the Create account feature and select or create an organizational unit in which to create the account, add this statement to your AWS account policy, to replace the basic Create account policy.
Obtain billing-only credentials for customers of AWS resellers
For the customer of a reseller account, the AWS credentials are the customer Account ID.
In AWS, go to the customer account, NOT the main AWS partner account
Obtain the customer’s Account ID
Add this customer credential to a customer enterprise on the Public tab and select the Billing only checkbox
AWS account policies
Display Amazon billing data
This document describes how to configure Amazon billing data for standard accounts and resellers with partner accounts
Changes to AWS billing
The following changes apply to AWS billing:
In Abiquo 6.1.0+, replace the
enterprise property with the Abiquo price factors for Amazon. See Manage price factorsIn Abiquo 6.1.2+, you can also add a managed costs using a price factor. See Manage price factors
Configure AWS to supply billing data
To configure AWS to supply billing data for standard or reseller accounts, do the following steps.
Create an S3 bucket, for example,
Within the bucket, create a folder where AWS will store your reports. Give it the name of your report, for example
Note the billing bucket name, for example,
Create a new user, such as
to create the reportsAssign the
policyActivate the IAM user's access to billing information. See
Configure Cost & Usage Reports
Go to Cost & Usage Reports
Enter the Report name, and note the value to enter in Abiquo later, then click Next
Click Configure and select the S3 bucket. Click Next, then select I have confirmed that this policy is correct.
By default, Amazon will put the reports in a folder with the name format
. Note this as the value for theamazon_bucket_prefix
in Abiquo. Click NextReview your configuration and check that the following parameters are set:
bucket name
path (folder/subfolder)
time detail:
GZ or ZIP format
The AWS account with credentials to use in Abiquo should be an account with pricing and billing permissions.
For partner accounts, see
For standard accounts, see
Configure dashboard display in Abiquo
To configure billing dashboards in Abiquo, do these steps in Abiquo.
Edit the enterprise and create the following enterprise properties:
amazon_bucket: bucket_name
amazon_bucket_region: code for the AWS region of the bucket, such as
amazon_report_name: amazon_bucket/amazon_bucket_prefix/amazon_report_name/file.csv
amazon_bucket_prefix: amazon_bucket/ amazon_bucket_prefix /amazon_report_name/file.csv
amazon_mpa: set to
to use blended costs; if not present orshared
, use unblended costs
Additional configuration for resellers
This section describes additional configuration for reseller accounts.
Create an additional enterprise property for resellers:
amazon_discount: as agreed with Amazon, usually with a value such as
In Pricing view, create price factors as required for the reseller, the customers, and for a percentage of managed costs. See Manage price factors
For your customer enterprises, add credentials for compute and/or billing
Assign the privilege to
View bills
to user rolesOptionally, configure Abiquo properties
By default, the platform will retrieve billing data for the last two months. To change this value, on the Abiquo Server, set the following property
By default, the platform will process all items in the CSV file, so the partner discount (
) value can be visible on customer dashboards. To discard items from the CSV file, on the Remote Services server, set the following property with a list of codes of any items to discard.abiquo.ec2billing.parser.lineItemType.ignore=SppDiscount
Reseller hierarchy
Example privilege changes for adding public cloud
Adapt user roles for public cloud
Also add public cloud regions to administrator and user scopes
Add credentials for customers
- Create account
- Create user
- Obtain Azure ARM credentials
- Obtain AWS credentials
Enterprise properties for customers of resellers
Enterprise properties for resellers
Create reseller pricing models
Assign pricing models to the customers
Use the reseller enterprise to create customer pricing models
Add pricing credentials to the reseller
Pricing model + credentials triggers price list synchronization
The platform can import hardware profile prices from public cloud for use in pricing.
The prices are for Linux instances with no pre-installed software
For AWS, the only currency available is US dollars.
Before you begin:
Check that there is a public cloud region for the provider. See Create a public cloud region.
Check that the tenant has a pricing model assigned. See Create a new pricing model
For Amazon regions, use US Dollars as the currency
If you are onboarding price lists for a customer of the CSP and/or reseller, go to Pricing → Price factors and create price factors to add markups or discounts to the cloud provider prices.
See Manage price factors
Obtain credentials to retrieve pricing information from the provider.
For AWS pricing, an IAMS user must have the AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess permission. You can add the permission to the regular public cloud user account or create a separate user. See Obtain AWS credentials
For Azure, see Obtain Azure ARM credentials.
Check you have the pricing credentials in the right format. See Public cloud pricing credentials table below
To retrieve the hardware profile prices:
Add pricing credentials for the tenant
From the username menu go to Edit credentials or go to Users → edit enterprise
Go to Credentials → Public (for compute or combined credentials in Amazon) or
Credentials → Pricing (for Azure or separate Amazon credentials)Enter the credentials
If the tenant is a CSP and/or reseller, go to Edit enterprise → Properties and enter the following properties with appropriate values:
azurecompute-arm_discount=0.2 amazon_discount=0
Note that CSP accounts return the prices with the discount factor applied, so the platform will not apply it again.
To configure a custom suffix of the discount properties, set in See Abiquo Configuration Properties#enterprise.When you save the tenant, if the pricing credentials are present, the platform will retrieve the prices.
To display and edit the prices of public cloud hardware profiles:
Go to Pricing → edit pricing model.
Go to Resource Prices → select the public cloud region
For each hardware profile, enter a New price as required
Click Save
The platform will update the hardware profile prices from the public cloud provider every 24 hours.
To set a custom interval, set abiquo.pricing.import.check.delayInHrs in See Abiquo configuration properties#pricing
To prevent the platform from updating the prices from the public cloud provider, remove the pricing credentials
Public cloud pricing credentials table
Tenant type | Format of access key ID for pricing | Notes |
CSP account owner |
| You MUST add the text string |
Customer of CSP | - | Do not enter credentials because the platform will use the CSP credentials |
Standard account |
and | Add the text string |