Filter local public cloud templates
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Public cloud libraries can have many thousands of VM templates (e.g. AWS has 19,000 AMIs) that are difficult to find and manage. In addition, administrators cannot control the content of public cloud templates. In the Catalogue, you can define a cache of details of your approved or certified public cloud templates. And you can customize the templates' representation to make it even easier for cloud users to find the right template.
To display VM templates:
Go to Catalogue → Public
Select the public cloud region
To change to the list view, click on the list view symbol in the top right-hand corner.
To display the details of a template, move the mouse over the template. A tooltip will display the template information.
Filter local public cloud templates
You can search and filter templates for all public clouds and other clouds that use their own registry, such as vCloud Director.
To filter templates in the Catalogue:
Click the funnel filter button.
Enter filter values that are not case sensitive
For the ID, you can enter a template ID, for example, ami-0354b96a
For the Name you can enter any text, including wildcards, to search for in the template name and description.
Click Search
To reset filter values to defaults, click Clear.