To display racks and cloud hosts:
Go to to Infrastructure → Private
Select a datacenter and go to Servers.
The Physical servers list displays racks and physical machines.
To go directly to a virtual datacenter, virtual appliance, or a VM:
Click on the link to the entity in the VMs grid
To filter physical machines by rack:
Enter text in the search box at the top of the physical servers list to filter racks and press Enter.
The platform will only display the racks with names containing this text
To display a summary of the properties of a physical machine below the VMs pane:
Select the physical machine.
Put a hypervisor host in maintenance mode
To put a physical machine in maintenance mode:
Use vMotion to move VMs
Click the Stop slider button (users cannot deploy, reconfigure, undeploy)
Put the hypervisor host in maintenance mode or shut it down
Physical machine details
To display the details of a host on the following panels, select the host in the Infrastructure view.
General: provides information about CPU, RAM, Hard disk, IP address, Hypervisor type and Port for the hypervisor connection, and the Description.
Network interfaces: displays a list of interfaces and the service type tags that are assigned to them. Service type tags are also assigned to VLANs.
State: contains the used resources (CPU, RAM, Hard Disk) in the physical infrastructure, which are updated every time a user deploys or undeploys a virtual appliance or during each infrastructure check of the physical machine. The infrastructure check runs as an automatic periodic check or you can force a check when you edit the physical machine by clicking the State Check button.
Control VMs running on servers
To send email notifications about a physical machine in private cloud or about VMs in private or public cloud:
Go to Infrastructure → Private → Servers OR
Infrastructure → Public → Public cloud region → Virtual machines
Select a managed server or VM and click the email icon
Optional: To add the email from your user account as the Sender address, select the checkbox.
For a VM, the platform can send a notification to the owner of the VM
For a physical machine, select checkboxes to send notifications to:
All administrators of enterprises using this physical machine.
Administrators have the "Define Enterprise Manager" privilege.
All users who have VMs deployed on that machine.