Administer compute resources in datacenters
This page contains some additional topics about how to administer compute resources in private cloud datacenters.
For the main compute page with details of how to add hypervisors in the multicloud platform, and group them in logical racks to manage cloud networks, see Compute in datacenters .
Display racks and physical machines
To display racks and cloud hosts:
Go to to Infrastructure → Private
Select a datacenter and go to Servers.
The Physical servers list displays racks and physical machines.
To go directly to a virtual datacenter, virtual appliance, or a VM:
Click on the link to the entity in the VMs grid
To filter physical machines by rack:
Enter text in the search box at the top of the physical servers list to filter racks and press enter.
The platform will only display the racks with names containing this text
To display a summary of the properties of a physical machine below the VMs pane:
Select the physical machine.
Put a hypervisor host in maintenance mode
To put a physical machine in maintenance mode:
Use vMotion to move VMs
Click the Stop slider button (users cannot deploy, reconfigure, undeploy)
Put a hypervisor in maintenance modePut the hypervisor host in maintenance mode or shut it down
Physical machine details
To display the details of a host on the following panels, select the host in the Infrastructure view.
General: provides information about CPU, RAM, Hard disk, IP address, Hypervisor type and Port for the hypervisor connection, and the Description.
Network interfaces: displays a list of interfaces and the service type tags that are assigned to them. Service type tags are also assigned to VLANs.
State: contains the used resources (CPU, RAM, Hard Disk) in the physical infrastructure, which are updated every time a user deploys or undeploys a virtual appliance or during each infrastructure check of the physical machine. The infrastructure check runs as an automatic periodic check or you can force a check when you edit the physical machine by clicking the State Check button.
Control VMs running on servers
To view the VMs created on a physical machine, go to Infrastructure → Private → Physical servers and select a rack and then select a server or cluster.
To go to the VM, or the virtual appliance or virtual datacenter that contains the VM, click on the active name link in the list.
To display the details of a VM and the available controls, select it in the list.
If a VM is retrieved by the platform but not managed by it (marked with a warning symbol), then you can capture it.
If a VM is managed by the platform (created in the platform or captured), then you can perform the standard VM actions, as appropriate and/or supported by the provider. You can also release a captured VM, although this functionality is designed to "undo" an incorrect capture, not for platform off-boarding.
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Pages related to racks and physical machines
The Abiquo infrastructure guide describes how to configure your infrastructure before you work with the platform
Main page for Infrastructure view with links to other sections
For previous steps, see the links at the top of this page
Next steps:
Give tenants access to datacenters: Manage enterprises | Allow a tenant to access datacenters and cloud providers and Configure an enterprise in a cloud location
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