The platform will connect to the Microsoft products service to obtain details of the service and the licenses purchased.
Panel |
Privileges: Use enterprise services |
Abiquo can connect to a Microsoft account and manage the users.
Panel |
Privileges: Use enterprise services and Run actions on usable services, or Manage enterprises |
Go to Users view
Select your keynode enterprise and go to Service configurations
On the "Microsoft users service", on the right hand side of the screen, from the options menu, select "List users"
The platform will list the users in the Microsoft account.
Abiquo can connect to a Microsoft Azure account and manage the subscriptions.
Panel |
Privileges: Use enterprise services and Run actions on usable services, or Manage enterprises |
Abiquo can connect to a Microsoft Office account and manage products.
Panel |
Privileges: Use enterprise services and Run actions on usable services, or Manage enterprises |
Go to Users view
Select your keynode enterprise and go to Service configurations
On the "Microsoft Office service", on the right hand side of the screen, from the options menu, select "List products assigned to a user"
Select the user