Include Page |
| Display virtual appliance specs in the Cataloguecatalogue |
| Display virtual appliance specs in the Cataloguecatalogue |
Edit a virtual appliance spec detailsTo modify a VApp spec, on its icon click on the options menu, and select Edit See GUI Edit spec General information Share virtual appliance specs with other tenants Include Page |
| Share a spec with multiple tenants |
| Share a spec with multiple tenants |
Define the locations where users can work with a spec Include Page |
| Define locations where a spec can be used |
| Define locations where a spec can be used |
Define the version of a spec to use Include Page |
| Define the version of a spec to use |
| Define the version of a spec to use |
Delete a virtual appliance spec Include Page |
| Delete a virtual appliance spec |
| Delete a virtual appliance spec |