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Table of Contents

To make new virtual machine templates available in Abiquo, you must add them to your appliance library. 

Download templates from the Docker registry

Upload Templates from the Local Filesystem

You can upload a template with a multi-part upload over an HTTP connection from your browser to the Apps library. 


Upload VM Templates to Datacenter Apps Library

You can upload VM templates from a local filesystem in OVA format (multiple disks) or as a single disk.


Privilege: Upload virtual machine template

Template disks must be Before you begin:

  1. Check that your template disks are in a compatible format
. After you add a single-disk template to the platform, you can edit this template to add more disks. After you add the template, it will be converted to the format of each hypervisor in the platform. If you do not have any hypervisors, it will be converted to all possible hypervisor formats. Before you add templates to your Apps library, add one physical machines of each hypervisor type so as to optimize your NFS repository space. See V2V Conversion.

To add a new template:

  1. In the Apps library view, select the datacenter and click the add button
  2. Select one of the options
    • Create from remote template repository 
    • Create from local or ISO file
    • Create from OVA file
Include Page
TEXT Download from a Remote Template RepositoryTEXT Download from a Remote Template Repository
titleClick here to show/hide Docker information
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TEXT Download from the Docker RegistryTEXT Download from the Docker Registry

Privilege: Upload virtual machine template

The platform supports browser upload of files larger than 2 GB but for very large files, it may be convenient to use another method.

The requirements to upload different template types are described in the following table.

Template typeRequirementsLocal fileEnter the
  1. for the platform.
  2. Check that you have the template details ready to enter, or that your file meets the requirements, depending on your upload:
    1. Local file: number of CPUs, RAM and the Capacity, which is the deployed size of the VM hard disk. See Determine the size of a VM Disk File.
    2. ISO file
You must enter the
    1. : number of CPUs and RAM for the VM
    1. OVA file
    1. : Abiquo reads OVA files such as those created with VMware. The name of the OVA file must end in the extension ".ova". You can upload a multi-disk template for a single VM. The OVA file must contain an OVF description file for the template.
    1. The platform
    1. uses the Name tag in the VirtualSystem as the template name. If the Name is not set, Abiquo falls back to the ID. See OVF Reference.  
  1. You can upload a template with a multi-part upload over an HTTP connection from your browser to the Apps library. The platform supports browser upload of files larger than 2 GB but for very large files, it may be convenient to use another method.
  2. If you do not have any hypervisors, the platform will convert the template into ALL possible hypervisor formats. So before you add templates to your Apps library, add one physical machine of each hypervisor type that you will require conversions for, in order to reduce unnecessary use of the NFS repository space. See V2V Conversion.

To add a new template:

  1. In the Apps library view, select the datacenter and click the add button
  2. Select one of the upload or download options and enter the appropriate data

Upload an OVA file

To upload an OVA file: 

  1. Select Create from OVA file, and select the file.
  2. Abiquo will display the filename. Click Save. Abiquo will upload the file and create the template.

When the template has been uploaded, Abiquo will open the Edit template dialog. Check the template details and click Save.


Image Added

Upload from local or ISO file

General information tab

Complete this form to create a new VM template in the appliance library.

Include Page
GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem
GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem

Disk from local file

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GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Disks File
GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Disks File

Disk from ISO file

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GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Disks ISOGUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Disks ISO

Disks tab
title* Capacity of the Hard Disk

You must enter a correct value for the Capacity of the hard disk - see Determine the size of a VM Disk File. Otherwise, deployment , otherwise, when your deploy may fail with a message such as "is not a virtual disk". The hard disk size of a deployed virtual machine VM is the physical size of the template disk for fixed formats, and the provisioning size for sparse formats and compressed formats, e.g. stream-optimized. The Hard disk size entered in this field is recorded in the template definition (a short version of an OVF description) and used to create the disk on deployment.

Disk from ISO file

Include Page
GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Disks ISO
GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Disks ISO

Disks tab

The disk you upload is saved as the 0 disk in the boot sequence. Abiquo will send this disk to the hypervisor as the boot disk. If your disk is not a bootable system disk, then move the disk to a different position in the boot sequence when you add a bootable system disk.

You can edit the uploaded disk but you cannot delete it before you save the template.

You cannot resize the disk before you deploy the VM.

Variables tab

To add variables to a VM template, enter the Key and Value, then click Add. To edit an existing value, click the pencil icon, enter the new value, then click ok. To save your changes to the template, click Save.

The variables will be added automatically to new VMs. Users can edit the variables when configuring the VM.

Advanced tab

Include Page
GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Advanced
GUI Uploading from the Local Filesystem Advanced

Click Save to upload the template file. Abiquo will check that this template upload will not exceed the repository limits for your enterprise or your enterprise in the datacenter.

After you save the template, you can edit the template and add more disks, edit, reorder and delete disks. You can also add a cost code.

titleDownloading virtual machine templates

Downloading to client requires access to the Appliance Manager IP address configured for the current datacenter.

titleIncompatible Virtual Machine Templates

Troubleshooting VM template uploads

The GUI upload process is handled by the browser and there are some limitations. If a file is not compatible with GUI upload, you can upload it manually. Manual upload requires access to the filesystem, so it should be done by a system administrator. See Importing Templates into the Appliance Library

OVA upload

 To upload an OVA file: 

  • Select Create from OVA file, and select the file.
  • Abiquo will display the filename. Click Save. Abiquo will upload the file and create the template


    When the template has been uploaded, Abiquo will open the Edit template dialog. Check the template details and click Save.

    ExpandImage Removed

    For more Information about VM Templates, see Virtual Machine Template Guide

    Note that downloading templates to the client requires access to the Appliance Manager IP address configured for the current datacenter. 

    Include Page
    TEXT Download from a Remote Template Repository
    TEXT Download from a Remote Template Repository

    Download templates from the Docker registry

    titleClick here to show/hide Docker information

    Include Page
    TEXT Download from the Docker Registry
    TEXT Download from the Docker Registry

    Include Page
    TEXT Add VM Templates to the Apps Library Public Cloud
    TEXT Add VM Templates to the Apps Library Public Cloud
