This page describes a basic environment that is suitable for testing Zerto with Abiquo.
Windows 2019 - Zerto 01A is attached to the standard network ZNET.
Windows 2019 - Zerto 02A is attached to the standard network VM Network
Zerto Virtual Manager
To install the Zerto Virtual Manage (ZVM) you need to create a VM with Windows Server. For a test environment, you could use Windows Server 2019, without firewalls and with RDP installed and enabled.
Get the ZVM from the Zerto support/download page. At the time of writing, it was:
From this zip file, we used the following executable:
Zerto Virtual Replication VMware Installer.exe
Run this installer inside the Windows Server 2019 and follow the steps.
You will need to approve or change the default parameters:
- IP Used by the Zerto User Interface (Windows VM IP)
- HTTP Port (ZVM) 9080
- HTTPS Port (clients↔ZVM) 9669
- HTTPS Port (ZVM ↔ ZVM) 9071
- TCP Port (ZVM → VBA) 9180
After you deploy Zerto, you have to access the GUI to finish the deployment.
In the GUI:
- Assign the License key.
- Pair with the other location.
- Deploy the VRA to each ESXi host.
Link the two Zerto environments
To link the two Zerto environments:
- Log in to the Zerto that does not have the license
- Go to Sites → Generate pairing token and obtain the Token
- Log in to the other Zerto (the one that has the license)
- Go to Sites → Pair
- Enter the Host name / IP of the other Zerto and the Token
Zerto Virtual Replication Appliances
You need to deploy a Virtual Replication Appliance (VRA) as a VM on every vCenter host that will use Zerto.
The VM requires at least 1GB RAM and 1 x vCPU, and you must attach it to a ZNET network in the vCenter.
You also need to assign an IP, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and the datastore.
After this, you can create Virtual Protection Groups (VPGs).