All versions
In all versions, Abiquo metrics usage system: abiquo-metrics-usage-system
Abiquo 6.2
Abiquo 6.1
Abiquo properties
In Abiquo 6.1, on the API server, these properties related to cron jobs.
New billing for public and private cloud | abiquo.billing.task.cron | Cron expression to run the consolidation of usage and cost from public cloud providers. If the cron expression is not compatible with Quartz, the platform will use the default. | 0 30 0 ? * * * |
abiquo.pricefactor.type.product.check.cron | Cron expression to run the periodic checks of price factor bill type and products. | 0 0 0 1 * * | |
abiquo.tagging.synccheckcron | Cron expression to run the periodic tag synchronization by enterprise. If the cron expression is not compatible with Quartz, the platform will use the default. | 0 0 */4 ? * * |
Abiquo accounting
On the Abiquo server, or the separate database server there should be a default accounting cron job at /etc/cron.d/abiquo-accounting
similar to the one below.
# Runs every hour 0 * * * * root mysql -uADMUSER -pADMPASS -hlocalhost -e "CALL kinton.UpdateAccounting();" # Runs every Sunday at 12:00 and deletes records older than a week. 0 12 * * 0 root mysql -uADMUSER -pADMPASS -hlocalhost -e "CALL kinton.DeleteOldRegisteredEvents(168);"
Old push Abiquo private billing data for dashboard
For old billing (before the entry of new billing in 6.1 or before the activation of new billing).
The cron entry that executes the process nightly is at /etc/cron.d/abiquo-billing-private
Old Abiquo billing integration
From Abiquo deployer, billing scripts
- name: Add cron job to run abiquo-billing hourly copy: content: "15 0 * * * root cd /opt/abiquo-billing; /usr/bin/bash | tee --append billingrun.log" dest: "/etc/cron.d/abiquo-billing" when: not ansible_check_mode
Notes from the billing comparison page
Before you enable on-premise billing, stop the
cron job