This document refers to Proxmox. From 6.2.3 we include an initial version that it’s going to be improved in the following releases. If you are an abiquo customer use our support portal to request improvement or provide feedback.
Abiquo and Proxmox
Abiquo can manage Proxmox virtual Environment in your multi-cloud platform
Follow Proxmox documentation for an standard installation
Supported versions
Abiquo has been tested with the following latest versions.
Product | Version | Build number | Notes and known issues |
Proxmox virtual environment | 8.2.4 |
Proxmox Features
This section describes the Proxmox Virtual environment features supported by Abiquo. You can manage Proxmox technology in Abiquo.
Feature | Description |
Kernel based virtualmachines (KVM) | Abiquo integration allow to deploy virtualmachines on Proxmox |
Command line interface & Rest API | Abiquo integration is done using both interfaces. By experiencie CLI interface nowadays is reacher than the rest API |
Live/online migration | Abiquo detects Proxmox Live/Online migration |
Container based virtualization | Abiquo does not support fault tolerance because it requires two VMs with the same name to be present in a cluster at the same time. |
Proxmox VE HA | Abiquo detects Proxmox HA |
Linux Networking Stack | Abiquo integration works with the standard bridged mode supported by proxmox |
Software-Defined Network (SDN) | Initial version not supported to avoid to increase enviromental requirements. Anyway if you have specific needs on SDN please contact abiquo team. |
Templates | Q2COW ( default format) |
DVD | The ISO feature supports DVDs, and you can import CD-ROM configurations on VMs with IDE and SATA controllers |
Remote access | Uses standard Abiquo remote access with guacamole technology to allow remote access |
Network drivers | E1000, PCNet32, VMXNET3 |
CPU hot-add | With supported guest operating system. The user can mark supported templates and perform hot-add |
Hot-reconfigure of NICs, disks | With supported guest operating system. The user can mark supported templates and perform hot-reconfigure |
Snapshots | Abiquo lets users obtain a snapshot of their VM through the UI. |
GuestOS | Support in VM template |
Metrics | Customize the built-in metrics to obtain from ESXi |
Proxmox guest tools | Supported, allowing to config vm password and some basic stuff |
Proxmox Backup | Not supported. As well we are monitoring veeam in order to see when they enable support for proxmox |
Cloud-init | Supported |
Storage features
Feature | Description |
Storage disks | Abiquo support standard Proxmox storage configurations. Please share any special configuration that should be considered by Abiquo |
VM disk controller types |
VM SCSI controllers | Defined at VM level |
VM system disks | By default, for VMs deployed on Proxmox hypervisor:
Disk resize | System disk resize |
Node Discovery
This section describes the required parameters to add Proxmox nodes to Abiquo.
Please refer to in order to know how to create a Physical Machine.
Below, the steps and attributes for each step will be represented.
Add Proxmox as a Physical Machine
Hypervisor type: Proxmox VE
Manager IP: Address where proxmox is deployed.
Agent user: User from Proxmox
Manager user: User name from API Tokens section on Proxmox.
Agent password: Password from Agent user
Manager password: API token from Manager user. Its structured as TokenName=Token
Agent port: Port to access with Agent Users *Not Required
Manager port: Port to access with Manager Users *Not Required
Select Hosts
It is possible to add any of the nodes, or multiple nodes. Please refer to in order to enable the hosts and create the Physical Machine.
Host configuration
This section describes configuration of Proxmox hosts.
Proxmox nodes as hosts
You can add each node of a Proxmox cluster as a host within abiquo, so Abiquo will add this hosts and admin is going to be able to see this nodes agregated by cluster.
This allow then to add multiple clusters within the same abiquo datacenter, within the same Rack or in different datacenters and racks, allowing to benefit from Abiquo flexibility allowing to offer different levels of service for each cluster.
The main advantages of Proxmox clusters and discover all hosts within abiquo are:
You can make more efficient use of your infrastructure, because when users deploy VMs, Abiquo will allocate in the best node the cluster
More control and granularity within abiquo.
Capacity to offer multiple SLA for your customers
All of the VMs in the cluster will be directly listed under the cluster and not on individual hosts.
Even in a test system, do not add the same Proxmox servers in more than one datacenter
Host datastores
Abiquo will deploy VMs to datastores that you register in the platform.
For vCenter clusters, you should use shared datastores, so when VMs move, they will always be accessible to all hosts.
For vCenter hosts, when you use a shared datastore, Abiquo creates a different datastore on each physical machine that is using the datastore. This means that a shared datastore can be enabled on one host and disabled on another, either as a result of user configuration or an issue (e.g. an NFS communication error on one host).
If you need to work with local datastores, create a datastore tier for the host, and add local datastores with shared datastores. This will ensure that the platform can always create or access VMs on a valid datastore. Do not create a tier containing local datastores from different hosts.
Datastore discovery
Abiquo should discover and list all of the datastores that you will use for deploying VMs. When you add your Proxmox node, you will select datastores from this list to use in Abiquo.
Abiquo expects to be able to identify each datastore with a UUID, so it will initially try to create a UUID folder on each datastore.
By default, Abiquo retrieves a datastore if it is accessible and not in maintenance mode on all the hosts in the cluster that mount it.
So by default, if there is a host that has all the datastores mounted, but Abiquo cannot access them (e.g. because the host is down), Abiquo will not return any datastores. You can configure Abiquo to return a datastore mounted on at least one host.
You can also configure Abiquo to ignore datastores by name.
Abiquo will automatically ignore datastores that are not accessible.
See Configure datastore discovery for VMware
Datastore checks
As part of the infrastructure check, Abiquo will check datastores to ensure that it can deploy VMs.
Abiquo checks for the following conditions:
datastore is accessible
datastore is mounted as read/write
datastore is not in maintenance mode
If you activated a datastore, but it fails the datastore check, then Abiquo will automatically deactivate it. If it passes a check in the future, then Abiquo will automatically activate it again. If a deactivated datastore fails the datastore check, then Abiquo will ignore it!
Configuration of VM disks
Abiquo supports thin provisioning, and IDE, SCSI, and SATA disk controllers, and you can configure defaults for the platform.
See Configure VM disks for VMware and for more options, such as ISO disks, see Configure SATA for VMware hypervisors.
VM templates
You can upload OVA and disk files to the Catalogue so users can create VMs from VM templates by self-service.
See Template compatibility table , Add VM templates to the catalogue and Importing templates into the catalogue
VM snapshots
Abiquo enables users to manage VM snapshots in the user interface. For a full feature description and configuration details, see Abiquo VM snapshoting.
Capture VMs
To prepare and onboard existing VMs into the platform, see About import and capture virtual machines and Import and capture virtual machines.
Remote access to VMs
The platform supports remote access to Proxmox VMs with guacamole.
See Troubleshouting access with Guacamole
Datastore UUID is null, not used
To build providerIds we need to use the cluster name but note that cluster name must be unique but is setted at installation time only if two proxmox clusters are sharing network. This means that the name of the cluster in a client can be duplicated and is not an editable property.
In the case that we need to onboard multiple proxmox clusters, we need to ensure that all the names of the nodes are unique, to avoid providerid collisions in Abiquo.
Unable to get com.abiquo.hypervisor.model.DiskDescription.capacityInBytes (maybe using qemu-img, it requires an agent)
Skipping physical cdrom “cdrom,media=cdrom”
Snapshot size is not available
Is not possible to hot-reconfigure disks controllers
Not possible to configure QEMU guest actions per vm like: freezefsonbackup or fstrimcloneddisks (Possible problems with Windows templates)
Proxmox plugin properties
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