Public cloud billing improvements

Public cloud billing improvements

Abiquo 5.3 introduces many improvements to public cloud billing. In the user interface, users with reseller or standard accounts can easily generate billing data on demand for public cloud platforms including AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Abiquo has improved the performance of requests to public cloud billing in the back end. And Abiquo has added more parameters and configuration to the API to support these improvements.

To request billing data on demand, administrators will require the new privilege to Generate billing. The administrator edits an enterprise and goes to the Credentials tab, and then clicks the play arrow Generate billing button beside the Create account button.

Create an account in a public cloud provider
Create an account in a public cloud provider

On the Generate billing dialog, the administrator can enter the dates to generate bills for, and select the enterprises, including enterprises in their reseller hierarchy.

Generate billing for a public cloud provider
Generate billing for a public cloud provider

The system administrator can configure an Abiquo property to limit the number of times in a day that an administrator can request billing data. Abiquo will record the history of administrator requests for billing data.

You can also allow cloud users with standard (non-reseller) accounts to generate billing for their own tenant through the platform. In this case, the UI does not display the enterprise selection list.

In future versions, a user with an Enterprise administrator profile will be able to generate bills from their enterprise Credentials tab that they can access from the User icon menu.

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