Control display of events
This page describes how to restrict or allow access to events with privileges assigned to user roles.
To turn off the display of the Events icon on the main menu, and to prevent the user from accessing the Events view:
Remove all event privileges from the user role.
To allow users to display events from their own tenant only:
Assign theĀ
Display all events for current enterprise
privilegeĀ to the user role. This is a default privilege for the cloud user and enterprise admin roles.
If an administrator can switch enterprises, to enable them to view events for all enterprises:
Assign the
Display all events
privilege. This is a default privilege for the cloud admin role only.
Privileges: Display all events for current enterprise, Display all events, Allow user to switch enterprises
By default, for performance reasons, Abiquo displays 7 days worth of events. To display earlier events, users should search for events with a start date.
To control the number of days of events that Abiquo displays:
On the API server, edit the
fileSet the following property to another value as required
Restart the Tomcat server
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