Obtain Google Cloud Platform credentials
Introduction to GCP credentials
These instructions are a guide only. Always check your cloud provider documentation for up to date information.
Note that when you are first configuring your account, you may need to wait a little while for information to propagate throughout the Google Cloud Platform.
To use GCP with Abiquo, you will need credentials to access your GCP account.
These credentials are as follows:
Access key ID: project_id#client_id#client_email#private_key_id
Secret access key: private_key (be careful with the private key format when downloading it from Google Cloud Platform. Sometimes, the format is lost. To add the correct format, replace the "/n" characters in favour of new lines).
Only use ONE set of GCP keys for each enterprise in each datacenter
GCP will allow you to generate more than one set of active keys for each Google Cloud Platform user. However, in Abiquo, you can only add one set per enterprise. If you try to add another set, for example, using the API, you will get an error message.
Generate credentials in Google
To obtain GCP credentials
Go to the Console of the Google Cloud Platform
Create a project and enable billing
If the GCE API is not enabled, enable it
Select a Project
Go to Project settings → Service accounts → Create service account
Enter the account details
Assign the appropriate Role, for example, Compute Admin, and Big Query Admin (for billing dashboards)
Add a credential
Download the credential file in JSON format to a secure location
From the credential file, you will need the following values.
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