Customize emails for two factor authentication

Customize emails for two factor authentication

  1. Log in to the Abiquo API Server as an administrator

  2. In the config folder, if there is no mail folder, create a mail folder and set the owner as the tomcat user

  3. In the mail folder, create the following files

    1. Email file


      <p>Hi {{username}},</p> <p>You can use the following verification code to complete the authentication process:</p> <p><strong>{{code}}</strong></p> <p>The code will be valid until: {{expiration}}</p> <p>If you did not request the verification code, please ignore this email.</p> <p>Thank you,</p> <p>The Abiquo Team</p>
    2. Properties file


      subject=Abiquo two factor authentication code

       If you change the subject property, you must restart the Tomcat server to apply your changes

    3. You cannot set the usernamecode, or expiration. If you set these values, the platform will overwrite them

    4. Optionally add custom variables and content

      1. In the email body, to add a custom variable, use double curly braces (also called double mustaches). For example

      2. Then in your properties file, set value for your custom variable

         To return unescaped HTML as part of a template property, use the triple mustache, which is "{{{" and "}}}".
        The Mustache templating software that adds the property values will escape HTML variables in double mustaches by default.

    5. If your users have a language other than English, rename the file to change the language code to the user language 

      1. For example, for "Spanish - Spain" change the en_US to es_ES

      2. The user language is the UI language when you create the user

    6. Change the owner of the files to the tomcat user

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