Abiquo Broker Enterprise Properties
This document describes all the enterprise properties for each type of customer and for all features including billing dashboard and price list synchronization.
These properties apply to Abiquo 4.x versions only
Customer of CSP and reseller
The customer does not have their own pricing credentials because they use the reseller credentials. Within the CSP account, the customer is identified by their compute credentials.
Provider | Property | Description |
ALL | internal_customer_id | If the customer is a key node. |
AWS | amazon_price_factor |
Azure | azurecompute-arm_price_factor |
VCD | VCD_CREDENTIAL_MODE | STANDARD or RESERVED (only one of these per enterprise) |
VCD | VCD_PRICE_FACTOR | If the customer is a key node. |
Standard customer
The customer is not a customer of the reseller.
The customer must enable programmatic billing and access to billing records, and pricing in the provider, and supply their own credentials for compute, pricing, and billing dashboard.
Provider | Property | Description |
ALL | internal_customer_id | If the customer is a key node. |
AWS | amazon_price_factor |
AWS | billing_bucket | The name of the bucket with the billing data files. See Display Amazon billing data |
AWS | report_name |
AWS | report_prefix |
Azure | azurecompute-arm_price_factor |
Azure | OfferDurableId | Use value from Azure account. See Obtain Azure ARM credentials |
Azure | Currency | Used for billing dashboard. Default is USD |
Azure | Locale | Used for billing dashboard. Default is en-US |
Azure | RegionInfo | Used for billing dashboard. Default is “US”. Two digit ISO code representing the country where you purchased the subscription |
VCD | VCD_CREDENTIAL_MODE | STANDARD or RESERVED (only one of these per enterprise) |
VCD | VCD_PRICE_FACTOR | If the enterprise is a key node. |
This document describes all the enterprise properties for each type of customer and for all features including billing dashboard and price list synchronization.
Customer of CSP and reseller
The customer does not have their own pricing credentials because they use the reseller credentials. Within the CSP account, the customer is identified by their compute credentials.
Provider | Property | Description |
ALL | internal_customer_id | If the customer is a key node. |
AWS | amazon_price_factor |
Azure | azurecompute-arm_price_factor |
VCD | VCD_CREDENTIAL_MODE | STANDARD or RESERVED (only one of these per enterprise) |
VCD | VCD_PRICE_FACTOR | If the customer is a key node. |
Standard customer
The customer is not a customer of the reseller.
The customer must enable programmatic billing and access to billing records, and pricing in the provider, and supply their own credentials for compute, pricing, and billing dashboard.
Provider | Property | Description |
ALL | internal_customer_id | If the customer is a key node. |
AWS | amazon_price_factor |
AWS | billing_bucket | The name of the bucket with the billing data files. See Display Amazon billing data |
AWS | report_name |
AWS | report_prefix |
Azure | azurecompute-arm_price_factor |
Azure | OfferDurableId | Use value from Azure account. See Obtain Azure ARM credentials |
Azure | Currency | Used for billing dashboard. Default is USD |
Azure | Locale | Used for billing dashboard. Default is en-US |
Azure | RegionInfo | Used for billing dashboard. Default is “US”. Two digit ISO code representing the country where you purchased the subscription |
VCD | VCD_CREDENTIAL_MODE | STANDARD or RESERVED (only one of these per enterprise) |
VCD | VCD_PRICE_FACTOR | If the enterprise is a key node. |
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