Edit virtual machine cost codes
To assign a cost code to a VM:
Privileges: Access pricing view, Assign a cost code when editing a VM template
Edit the VM
Go to Cost codes
You cannot change cost codes that are inherited from the hardware profile or templateClick the + add button
Select a Cost code
For a cost code of Usage user licenses, enter the number of Users for the VM
After you finish editing the VM, click Save
Protect a VM
Restrict virtual appliances and VMs
Relocate a deployed VM to another host
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Deploy errors
States of VApps and VMs
Manage workflow tasks
Retrieve a VM using the API
Manage VM power states using the API
To manage the virtual machine using the API, first you need to retrieve the virtual machine and find the links for different actions. Remember to see VirtualMachinesResource for full details of virtual machine operations using the Abiquo API.
To perform a power action (except for reset) on a VM using the API:
Perform a GET request to obtain the VM object and find the VM state link
Create a virtualmachinestate object
Send a PUT request to the VM state link
The VM state link is a link in the VM object with the "rel" attribute set to state. The "title" attribute contains the current state. You can send a PUT request of a virtualmachine state object to the link (in the "href" attribute) to change the power state of the VM.
{ "title": "ON", "rel": "state", "type": "application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachinestate+json", "href": "https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454/state" },
Here are some examples of virtualmachinestate objects and notes about changing VM states
Hard power off
{"state": "OFF"}
When you perform a power off via API, the response will include a link where you can monitor the progress of this operation. For an example of a hard power off, see https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/VirtualMachinesResource.html#change-the-state-of-a-virtual-machine
Graceful shutdown
{"state": "OFF", "gracefulShutdown": true}
To perform a graceful shutdown, your VM will need to have guest extensions installed on it. After an operation completes, you can view the status of the task by going to the link in the accepted request link of the response. In this case, the graceful shutdown was successful.
curl -X PUT 'https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454/state' \ -k --verbose \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.abiquo.acceptedrequest+json; version=5.0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachinestate+json; version=5.0' \ -d '{"state": "OFF", "gracefulShutdown": true}' \ -u user:password | jq .
{ "taskId": "d62be542-f34c-4fed-b9f8-6443f2db4cc1", "userId": "10", "type": "SHUTDOWN", "ownerId": "19454", "state": "FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY", "creationTimestamp": 1596040226, "timestamp": 1596040226, "jobs": { "links": [], "collection": [ { "id": "d62be542-f34c-4fed-b9f8-6443f2db4cc1.2cd94a0c-179d-4506-a71d-fabaf29a4d43", "parentTaskId": "d62be542-f34c-4fed-b9f8-6443f2db4cc1", "type": "SHUTDOWN", "description": "Shutdown task's shutdown on virtual machine with id 19454", "state": "DONE", "rollbackState": "UNKNOWN", "creationTimestamp": 1596040226, "timestamp": 1596040226, "links": [] } ] }, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454/tasks/d62be542-f34c-4fed-b9f8-6443f2db4cc1" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454/tasks" }, { "rel": "result", "type": "application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachine+json", "href": "https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454" }, { "title": "user", "rel": "user", "type": "application/vnd.abiquo.user+json", "href": "https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/admin/enterprises/336/users/10" }, { "title": "ABQ_2fb11009-8157-4d61-915d-40fa45f440ac", "rel": "virtualmachine", "type": "application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachine+json", "href": "https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454" } ] }
Power on
{"state": "ON"}
{"state": "PAUSED"}
Azure power off and deallocate
Azure has two power off states - powered off and deallocated.
To power off a VM in Azure via the Abiquo API, use the graceful shutdown
To deallocate a VM in Azure via the Abiquo API, use the hard power off
The deallocated VM will have a "deallocated" attribute that is set to "true".
To reset a VM using the API, use a POST request to the reset action link. If you are using a test environment, you may wish to add the --insecure option.
curl -X POST 'https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454/action/reset' \ -k --verbose \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.abiquo.acceptedrequest+json; version=5.0' \ -u user:password | jq .
Success status code: 202
Request payload:
Response payload:
{ "message": "You can keep track of the progress in the link", "links": [ { "title": "status", "rel": "status", "type": "application/vnd.abiquo.task+json", "href": "https://nardo40.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/2486/virtualappliances/2990/virtualmachines/19454/tasks/edec6cf1-8874-451d-a4c0-57f4c24da371" } ] }
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