When you make changes to a host, captured VMs will now behave more like deployed VMs.
delete a physical machine, the platform will put deployed VMs of all
types in the “Not allocated” state, without changing the state of the VMs on the hypervisor.
If you later add the
physical machine again or upgrade to
using clusters as
physical machines, the platform will automatically update all VMs from the hypervisor,
returning captured VMs on the hypervisor to a deployed state
In the API
these resynchronized VMs will have the same ID and URL as before.
Note: VMs deployed from a template or instance can be recreated by deploying from that template or instance. However, as captured VMs don’t have a template, it is important to create an instance if you wish to recreate them on a new hypervisor. Remember that Abiquo’s V2V and Export features may help you to deploy on a different hypervisor type, or export to public cloud.
On deleting the physical machine, the VMs are put in a Not allocated state
After adding the physical machine (or upgrading to use clusters as physical machines), the VMs are automatically recovered as captured VMs. Here the list of VMs is sorted by virtual datacenter name.
The VMs in the virtual appliance are deployed, and in the ON or OFF state