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These are the release notes for Abiquo v1.8.x. For the release notes of the current version, see Release notes
Abiquo 1.8 Pilaf includes the following new features:
Full Role Based Access Control - Define unlimited roles and select from over 45 privileges for each. Create your own roles and assign their privileges. Global roles and Enterprise roles are available to adapt your platform to your needs.
LDAP/AD Integration - Users and roles optionally defined in LDAP. Login authenticated through LDAP.
VMware Distributed Virtual Switch - Abiquo can work in VMware infrastructures with dVS, allowing advanced network management.
High Availability - Restart VMs if host fails. First release of generic Abiquo HA. If a host fails, Abiquo moves the VMs to another host.
Persistent Volume Management - iSCSI volumes can be added to an enterprise's virtual storage pool using the IQN and LUN. For companies that want to manage storage devices other than NetApp, Nexenta or LVM. System administrators can create volumes in the storage device and assign these volumes to an enterprise's virtual storage pool.
Cisco UCS Discovery and Power Management - First UCS integration in the Abiquo platform. Detect UCS devices, discover blades and power on/off blades.
Secure VNC Connections to VMs - VNC connections are now password enabled.
Configurable Reservation - Allows you to restrict an enterprise to reserved machines. In enterprise creation you can now strictly reserve machines for an enterprise. Otherwise, an enterprise with reserved machines can use these machines and the shared pool of resources for all enterprises.
API Extensions - Allows VM Start/Stop/Pause and Rules management. New features in the API for this release. Now you can power on/off, reset or pause a virtual machine and all rules management is through the API.
Accounting enhancements - Allows you to define cost codes for VM images (e.g. for Windows licenses). You can charge a different price depending on the template selected by the user.
Basic Power-on Order - Now you can determine the deploy order of VMs inside a virtual appliance based on VM names.
Storage Improvements - Storage management is now more usable with a more streamlined storage attach process.
Billing URL - This feature allows the cloud provider to integrate Abiquo into the billing system.
Minor GUI and Error Message Enhancements - Improved usability.
Bugfixing of issues detected - For example, orphan issues and IQN re-use.
Installer Changes - Significant improvements to the installer. We have improved the installation workflow and defined default values to help users install more quickly.
Resolved issues
719 - Do not allow modification of the appliance manager if the repository is being used and it changes location
992 - The default action for adding an image with an instance is incorrect
1174 - Sometimes link construction is wrong in the API
1225 - Conversions sent to non-existent or failed BPM should fail
1252 - Can add an image that is not compatible after creating a new PM
1259 - The Volumes list cannot be sorted by status
1298 - Modify error "The health check for this virtual appliance was not successful" when a VM is crashed
1368 - Grammar error in Not enough resources message
1451 - No NFS repository means you should not be able to download Apps
1452 - Modify message for softlimit to enterprise admin
1455 - After a reboot, network configuration of Linux nodes disappears.
1468 - Cannot update appliance library while image is downloading
1470 - Wrong information in the Soft/Hard Limit Pop-up (IP)
1480 - Wrong WORKLOAD_SOFT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED trace in Events
1482 - Edit enterprise - Reservations tab behaves strangely
1483 - Cannot see the edit tooltip
1509 - When an email address is added to the Cloud Administrator account, the CA can't change to another Enterprise
1512 - Google maps latitude limit erroneous
1542 - Server error when powering off a VM and selecting other VMs during the process
1546 - It is possible to create a Rack / Datacenter / Physical Machine without a name
1552 - Null server response when saving a Vapp which has been deleted by another user
1554 - Shouldn't be possible to remove the "Appliance Manager" Remote Service if there are images in a Virtual Appliance
1556 - Cosmetic error showing the size of the pools
1557 - V2V fails if the image name has spaces
1573 - Background process causes a problem when the Soft Limit pop-up is displayed
1574 - Public IP statistics is not refreshed properly in home screen
1575 - Not possible to power off a captured VM in Hyper-V
1577 - Show event when generating an instance
1579 - Statistics: Virtual datacenter not updated properly when changing enterprise
1593 - Cloud admin removed with impersonate
1604 - [don't restrict access] button on user edit doesn't work
1607 - The field "Message" doesn't send in the Email
1609 - When the NFS only has read permissions and you try to download an image, no trace appears in events and server.
1610 - Infinite loop when trying to download an image with the NFS stopped
1611 - Cannot modify a user role
1612 - Modify confirmation message for instance
1625 - Use the ISO 8601 standard for dates
1626 - When an enterprise with reserved Physical Machines is removed, the DB isn't updated
1629 - Networking Resource Upgrade fails if all the VLAN tags are public
1631 - In XENSERVER, if you add a new node and edit the CPU and RAM, it's not possible to deploy this VM
1632 - If you configure a hypervisor's datastore with a slash at the end of the path, retrieve VMs fails
1633 - Null message when creating restrict shared server rule with no enterprise
1638 - Captured machines shouldn't be registered in the "accounting_event_detail" table
1639 - After changing the AM repository, all images have idRepository NULL
1641 - It's not possible to remove a VDC which has more than one associated VLAN
1642 - When a VDC with Public IPs added is removed in less than an hour, it isn't registered in the "accounting_event_detail" table
1644 - When a VDC with added Public IP is removed and then created in another VDC with the same Public IP, the tables "accounting_event_ips" and "accounting_event_detail" aren't updated
1645 - When a VDMK_FLAT image is dowloaded, it's converted to VDI but it's not necessary (No added Physical Machines)
1646 - Change "not managed" virtual machine icon
1647 - Preserve current state when background process updates data
1650 - Update some label concepts
1656 - When a QCOW2 image is downloaded, all conversions fail
1660 - There is a typo in the message shown for setting an invalid netmask when creating VLANs
1662 - If the option "Restrict servers reservation" is enabled without reserved PM, a message should display that you can't deploy with any PMs
1663 - Error when capturing VMs with invalid characters in name
1666 - Local Upload dialog doesn't appear in Internet Explorer 8
1671 - Wrong message for the User and Enterprise_admin when they try to create a volume with stopped RS
1672 - MAC address is not shown in the standard format for vBox
1676 - abiquo-tomcat.jar shows abiquo 1.7.5
1677 - abiquo-tomcat.jar has virtualCpuForCore set to 4
1678 - VLAN scheduler doesn't work
1679 - Public VLAN must be in range of rack
1691 - Remove VM's VLAN rack assignment when removing a physical machine
1692 - Remove deprecated parameters in config file
1709 - The Statistics aren't updated properly (Storage and External Storage)
1710 - Error deploying over KVM/Xen with QCOW2 source image
1722 - When a Persistent Image is created, the External Storage statistics aren't updated properly
1726 - "machien" instead of machine in error message
1727 - Error adding a host with a long datastore name
1728 - Wrong resource checked in persistent deploy
1732 - Unexhaustive generic message when saving allocation rules
1751 - Delete property for enabling VirtualBox or not
1765 - ESXi does not update the device mappings when NetApp reassigns LUNs
1794 - Long physical machine name causes an ALLOC-1 error
1802 - The details of a VM cannot be edited when it is in running state
1805 - Alloc-1 error exceeding CPU or RAM resources when editing a VM
1808 - Add information when creating VDC with VLAN hard limit that exceeds allowed VLANs per VDC
1816 - VSM doesn't detect MOVE event on KVM cluster
1819 - Incorrect message when creating Volumes and VDC limits will be exceeded
1822 - Not possible to delete images from the Apps library
1823 - OK message when a local image has not really been uploaded to the Apps Library
1824 - API: Can create a virtual datacenter with a user from another enterprise
1833 - The error message RACK-4 contains a typo
1847 - Cannot deploy in KVM, XEN if some ports are already in use
1852 - The maximum allowed characters for "name" and "description" of a volume, don't match the DB
1861 - Cannot cancel a downloading image
1862 - Failed to retrieve VM if datastore is "/"
1866 - Can remove a datacenter assigned to an enterprise with VDC already created
1880 - Canceling virtual image download does not effectively stop the HTTP connection
1889 - External Storage current usage is not properly computed
1890 - Limit exception thrown when creating the 9th VDC
1897 - If using two different folders on the same NFS server as NFS repository, ESXi cannot distingish between them
1898 - Add abiquo-aim.ini support to abicli
1904 - Badly formed message after sending an email from a physical machine
1905 - There is the option to send email to all owners of a "Virtual Machine" when sending an email from a Physical machine
1906 - Sending an email to all the Administrators of the current enterprise, the mail is really sent to all the Administrators of the Abiquo environment
1915 - After edit an existing volume, if you try to create a new volume with the default Tier, a NULL server response is displayed
1922 - Modify literals for network resource security quotient in VLAN scheduler
1923 - The tiers shown for creating a persistent VM when there is more than 1 datacenter correspond to another datacenter
1924 - Wrong behavior when the "Edit Storage Pool" pop-up is displayed
1926 - Enabling a physical machine after HA results in indefinite move of VM
1932 - Deployment failed updating a virtualapp when the soft limit is reached
1938 - Use integer scale for Virtual CPUs and VLANs
1951 - It is possible to filter Volume List by any field except volume_id and total size.
1956 - Unable to connect to configuration server
1961 - When you try to delete anything, the icon which appears in the pop-up is not the correct icon.
1962 - The values sent by the server when the Soft_Limit pop-up is displayed are incorrect
1963 - Update the 'Reserved" Public IP value
1972 - Null pointer exception when sending an email to a user with an empty mail address
1974 - Wrong message is displayed for the instances from Virtual Machines' images
1981 - Wrong hard tracer VDC limits
2008 - The used external storage doesn't work propertly because of the units sent by the server
2009 - "Workload engine" instead of "Reglas de asignación" in the Spanish UI
2021 - The edition of a physical machine cannot be canceled if a datastore is not selected
2044 - Incorrect driver prevents persistent image starting correctly in Xen
299 - OMAPI connection error not traced in the GUI.
873 - Avoid the case where a VAPP has state = crashed/unknown and substate = in_progress
1019 - Pools Support in XenServer
1246 - Streamline attaching/mounting a volume on a VM
1248 - Processes with volumes should be done without undeploying a VM
1286 - Allow user to choose the provisioning type for storage pools
1465 - Optimize vertical axis of statistic graphics
1651 - Deletion dialogs - missing VM names sometimes
1652 - Improve Physical Machine Creation
1654 - Change the "expanding icon" from rack list
1657 - Improve the deployment of persistent VMs
1787 - 'All' filter doesn't work
1818 - Review deploy process with multiple VMs to try to mantain an order defined by user
1840 - [ESXi] trying to enable software iSCSI results in an exception
1933 - Change First login approach
2014 - Show the results in the same order in vsm console page
2039 - [VFR] reconfigure networks
New features:
Support for VMDK sparse images on ESX
Resolved Issues
1865 - In Hyper_V, when a virtual machine is undeployed, the disc is not removed, so it's not possible to deploy this virtual machine again
1964 - (API) 500 error response trying create a non-existent UCS rack
1991 - Body message not sent in mail to administrators
2018 - Semaphore is not shown for a UCS blade that has no licenses for Abiquo
2102 - API error discovering UCS blades
2129 - Not possible to power on a persistent image with an attached volume if its Vapp is deployed
2132 - Edit VNC password fails due to bad hdSize
2138 - [ESX] Do not use ''independent'' disk mode for RDM
2152 - Cannot undeploy when Abiquo interacts with vCenter
1774 - Remove unused components of ESX
2105 - [ESX] support for VMDK sparse disks
Resolved issues
1706 - "A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session" when updating Virtual Appliance
2160 - A user without the privilege "USERS_MANAGE_SYSTEM_ROLES" should not edit and remove global roles
2195 - Enterprise Admin can create Cloud Admin
Resolved Issues
2358 - Timeout causes remote servers to be unusable. Distributed installation issues (such as off-site remote services).
Resolved issues
1580 - Change error message "SP-5 - Could not get the Storage pools from the target device"
1706 - "A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session" when updating VApp
1865 - In Hyper_V, when a virtual machine is undeployed, the disc is not removed, so it's not possible to deploy this virtual machine again
1964 - (API) 500 error response trying create a non-existent UCS rack
1967 - When a Soft_Limit (VDC) is reached, if you go to Events, a wrong trace is displayed (the severity should be "INFO")
1991 - Body message not sent in mail to administrators
2019 - With the privilege "USERS_MANAGE_ENTERPRISE" the enterprise list should be loaded with the own enterprise
2020 - If a role has the privileges ENTERPRISE_ENUMERATE and USERS_MANAGE_USERS, the function "getEnterprises" only returns the own enterprise (in Home)
2022 - A user with the privileges USERS_VIEW, USERS_MANAGE_ENTERPRISE and USERS_MANAGE_OTHER_ENTERPRISES cannot assign datacenters
2023 - (API) It's not possible to modify the user's own enterprise with only the privilege USERS_MANAGE_ENTERPRISE
2025 - (API ) If you try to create a role in a different enterprise from the user's own one with the privilege USERS_MANAGE_ROLES enabled, the role is created in the own enterprise
2030 - (API) Grammatical error retrieving or editing a non-existent rack
2038 - Removing a persistent image from the virtual appliance decreases statistics to 2
2042 - A Virtual Machine shouldn't be able to be edited during a power on/off process
2046 - The VLAN hard limit popup has an invalid format
2058 - "IPMI" and "Port" fields are overlapped when editing a VBox physical machine
2059 - "Automatically open it after creation" check is shown when editing a Vapp
2060 - "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons are not centered when editing a physical machine
2074 - Incorrect popup is displayed when trying to remove a role
2075 - 2 different states are shown for a Vapp in "unknown state"
2076 - Gramatical errors in "Enlaces a la Wiki" in Spanish UI (Wikilinks)
2077 - Incomplete message trying to delete a virtual image which has persistent images associated
2078 - When you power off a VM and edit the CPU or RAM to force a VDC hard limit, the displayed popup has an invalid format
2079 - When a VM is powered off, and you try to edit the CPU or RAM and the PM doesn't have enough resources, the load level rules are not working
2082 - Gramatical errors in "Roles" in Spanish UI
2084 - A user without events privileges should only see his own events and he shouldn't be able to see the events history of his enterprise
2100 - When a volume/persistent image is being removed, the icon is duplicated for a moment
2102 - API error discovering UCS blades
2104 - Review DESTROYED event process
2107 - "Crear persistente" instead of "Crear Persistente" in the Spanish UI
2115 - Grammatical error in the message shown when setting a RS already in use
2122 - Wrong action is displayed when a Public VLAN is removed (in Events)
2123 - No traces are shown when a storage device is created, edited or removed
2124 - Wrong traces are shown in Events when allocation rules are deleted
2128 - In Events, when a User is removed, there is no trace information
2129 - Not possible to power on a persistent image with an attached volume if its Vapp is deployed
2132 - Edit VNC password fails due to bad hdSize
2138 - [ESX] Do not use ''independent'' disk mode for RDM
2150 - An ENTEPRISE_ADMIN cannot create a Virtual Datacenter
2152 - Cannot undeploy when Abiquo interacts with vCenter
2160 - A user without the privilege "USERS_MANAGE_SYSTEM_ROLES" shouldn't edit or remove global roles
2161 - Hypervisor password can be overflowed
2165 - vAPPS appear to be autoundeployed with DVS enabled ESXi
2166 - Undeploying a vAPP in 1.8.0-HF1 does not complete entity removal
2167 - Deployment into a cluster with DVS enabled caused the ESXi node to disconnect from Abiquo
2173 - The current limit in the creation user form for the User field is too small
2176 - (API) It's not possible to create a UCS_RACK using the API with HA enabled
2178 - Cannot edit the name of a UCS_RACK
2184 - Unknown virtual appliance is set as running by infrastructure check
2193 - UCS discovery only gets one NIC per blade
2195 - Enterprise Admin can create Cloud Admin
2200 - Enterprise admins can change the settings of the shared images
2208 - Remove checkbox "open it after creation" in virtual appliance edit
2236 - Get over users resource not working (Always lauches 415-UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE)
2237 - A user can delete himself/herself using the API
2257 - (API) Grammatical error trying to create a public IP that doesn't match the specified mask
2314 - Changes on Rules resources in API
2321 - Load level datacenter allocation rules pop-up has label "All Racks" instead of "Rack"
2328 - Datacenter allocation rules do not work properly
2366 - Can't add Hyper-V to Abiquo
2379 - Virtual Datacenters are not shown
2385 - Create a filter to get either 'PUBLIC' or 'EXTERNAL' VLANs in Datacenter's networks
1774 - Remove unused components of ESX
2105 - [ESX] support for VMDK sparse disks
2194 - No default gateway if you remove the default IP
2374 - Performance of platform impacts negatively on user experience
1393 - Move Datacenter-VLAN actions (basically reports) to the API.
1395 - Move VDC-VLAN actions (basically reports) to the API.
1397 - Move the main functionality of the private VLANs to the API
1405 - Move all the methods to configure the network in a Virtual Machine
1410 - Create PublicVLANResource in APIPremium and migrate logic from server
1994 - Nodecollector to community
2168 - virtualappliance power on/off/pause and resume through API
2201 - Customer Requirement: Difference between External and Public VLANs
Technical tasks
1396 - VirtualDatacenterResource should return the list of IP addresses
1398 - Let users create a VLAN in the API
1399 - Delete a VLAN in the API
1400 - Edit a VLAN in the API
1402 - Create the GET method for a private VLAN
1403 - Return the list of IPs for a given VLAN network. Develop the filters in order to have compatibility with the server
1404 - Return info to configure the DHCP server
1406 - Move the Gateway Functionality to VirtualMachineResource
1407 - Move the NIC functionality in a VirtualMachine
1411 - Put CRUD functionality at PublicVLANResource
1412 - Migrate Quarantine methods
1413 - Return the list of public VLANs (premium)
1414 - Migrate the VirtualDatacenter actions to retrieve the list of public IPs (premium)
1415 - Allow to purchase/release Public IPs via API (premium)
2134 - Create the new flow to enable/disable public IPS
2203 - Create the External VLANs
Resolved issues
2131 - NullPointerException when a vSwitch is defined
2273 - Incorrect NIC id when creating a virtual machine with external network set as default
2433 - With external network selected as default for new VDC, no VLAN is displayed as default when creating VDC
2445 - In upgrade from 1.8 to 1.8.5, public VLANs assigned to enterprises are not totally converted to external VLANs
2446 - Cannot move or copy a virtual appliance to another virtual datacenter
2455 - API token auth not working
2465 - Does not allow modification of enterprise for external VLAN that is default VLAN in VDC
2467 - NullPointer if a vSwitch has no port groups
2469 - Internal Server error when buying a public IP for a virtual datacenter
2470 - The QCOW2 conversions fail
2471 - Big images are displayed as deployed even if this is not true in the hypervisor
2485 - Since 1.8.0-HF1, compatibility ESXi with VMDK_SPARSE has disappeared
Resolved Issues
2616 - Alert when abandoning a role change mistyped
2619 - KVM live migration between two hosts is not detected by Abiquo
2620 - Error uploading images when selecting disk format QCOW (flat or sparse)
2632 - Permissions for network are broken
2662 - API does not encrypt passwords when creating a user
2677 - API does not encrypt the password
2680 - Remote services throw a null pointer when adding a lease entry into the DHCP
2681 - External network fails if it is the default network
2682 - Rebranding resource Usage page
2685 - "Data Center" instead of "Datacenter" in popup message when trying to remove a DC
2694 - Using the API, a Cloud Admin cannot create VDCs in other enterprises
2594 - Need an 'info' button on the deploying dialog
2686 - Warning text in 'Are you sure' Popup when undeploying non-persistent VApp is not strong enough
2660 - Add 2 extra properties for DVS
Resolved Issues
2803 - Very broken error message when changing a VM config and exceeding allocation limits
2825 - Nodecollector REST client calls with proper timeouts
2836 - Reserving Physical Machines for Enterprises not saving
2860 - Destroy duplicated VM deployed with VCenter
2861 - Do not deploy if NFS is down
2864 - 48 core AMD machine seen as 32 cores (and possibly HT)
2867 - Fixes to server logic in the 15 minute infrastructure check that would incorrectly put hosts in an 'orange' state.
2868 - Fixes to a race condition in the virtual factory that would leave VApps permanently in a deploying state.
2869 - Improved rollback of VApp deployment in the event of an error condition when deploying
2870 - Improved cleanup of VSM subscriptions when deleting a machine
2874 - Security issue with hypervisor credentials
2866 - Added property to define polling time
Resolved issue
1924 - Wrong behavior when the Popup "Edit Storage Pool" is displayed
1954 - Cannot create a UCS rack
2663 - Cannot delete a virtual image from Apps Library after creation and deletion of a persistent VM
2736 - API JSESSIONID cookie
2782 - VSM Fixes
2783 - VNC port official fix
2784 - Remove *.xml from .WAR files
2721 - Add a UI property to Configuration / System Properties / General Tab that allows the administrator to disable the link for users to change their own password and personal details
Resolved Issues
2803 - Very broken error message when changing a VM config and exceeding allocation limits
2825 - Nodecollector REST client calls with proper timeouts
2836 - Reserving Physical Machines for Enterprises not saving
2860 - Destroy duplicated VM deployed with VCenter
2861 - Do not deploy if NFS is down
2864 - 48 core AMD machine seen as 32 cores (and possibly HT)
2867 - Fixes to server logic in the 15 minute infrastructure check that would incorrectly put hosts in an 'orange' state.
2868 - Fixes to a race condition in the virtual factory that would leave VApps permanently in a deploying state.
2869 - Improved rollback of VApp deployment in the event of an error condition when deploying
2870 - Improved cleanup of VSM subscriptions when deleting a machine
2874 - Security issue with hypervisor credentials
2866 - Added property to define polling time
Resolved Issues
1375 - Sometimes trace events do not correspond to the source events.
2892 - Second (External) NIC appears when changing image name.
2576 - MultiThreading in AIM. Abiquo AIM version 1.4.
2908 - Add German labels