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title | Start here if you are upgrading from Abiquo 3.1 |
If you are upgrading from 3.1, Abiquo 3.2 requires a new Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) libraries for Java 8 so you will need to install the new encryption libraries. Upgrade from Abiquo 3.1.x to 3.2.x Upgrade redis schema Execute the Redis delta script on each Abiquo Server running Redis (Abiquo Server and Abiquo RS nodes) to update the schema to the 3.2 version. This script can be found on following path on the Abiquo Server Code Block |
/usr/share/doc/abiquo-server/redis/3.2.0/redis-delta-3.0_to_3.2.py |
And in the next path in the Abiquo Remote services Code Block |
/usr/share/doc/abiquo-remote-services/redis/3.2.0/redis-delta-3.0_to_3.2.py |
Now continue with the sections for the following 3.x versions |
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title | Start here if you are upgrading from Abiquo 3.2 |
Execute this script on the Abiquo Management Server: Code Block |
/usr/share/doc/abiquo-server/redis/3.4.0/00-failed-templates.sh |
And this other script on the Abiquo Remote Services: Code Block |
/usr/share/doc/abiquo-serverremote-services/redis/3.4.0/01-old-vsm-definitions.sh | Now continue with the sections for the following 3.x versions |
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title | Start here if you are upgrading from Abiquo 3.4 |
Execute this script on the Abiquo Management Server: Code Block |
yum -y install python-redis
python /usr/share/doc/abiquo-server/redis/3.6.0/02-null-creation-timestamp.py |
And this other script on the Abiquo Remote Services: Code Block |
yum -y install python-redis
python /usr/share/doc/abiquo-remote-serverservices/redis/3.6.0/01-vdc-provider-id.py |
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title | Upgrade to Abiquo 3.6.x |
Execute this script on the Abiquo Remote Services: Code Block |
python /usr/share/doc/abiquo-remote-services/redis/3.6.2/00-digitalocean-v2.py |
Add Abiquo Configuration Properties to the abiquo.properties file as required.