Versions Compared


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Code Block
# Log in as root
sudo su -

# Check that the Abiquo RabbitMQ queues are empty (API or Datanode).
# The number of messages in all queues must be 0.
rabbitmqctl list_queues messages name

# Stop  services
systemctl stop httpd
systemctl stop abiquo-tomcat
# (API or Datanode)
systemctl stop rabbitmq-server

# Back up the UI
tar cvfz /var/www/html/ui.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /var/www/html/ui

# Copy the api.xml file to back up the database connection details
cp /opt/abiquo/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/api.xml /opt/abiquo/api.xml-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# Back up the /opt/abiquo folder
tar cvfz /opt/abiquo.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /opt/abiquo
# Back up Redis
redis-cli save
cp -a /var/lib/redis /var/lib/redis-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# On DB Server, back up the Abiquo MySQL DBs
mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton            > kinton.sql-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton_accounting > kinton_accounting.sql-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# IF you are using SAML with multiple IdPs, back up security beans files
cp /opt/abiquo/tomcat/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/springresources/security/saml/security-saml-generated-beans.xml /opt/abiquo/tomcat/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/springresources/security/saml/security-saml-generated-beans.xml-$(date  +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# Install latest yum release package for your target version using link
yum remove 'abiquo-release-*'
# Find the correct link at
# For 6.2
yum localinstall

# Prepare yum repository for your target version with yum-utils
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-base
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-updates

 # Perform update
yum clean all && yum makecache

yum update
# 6.2.0: - Note: MariaDB-server requires a manual update after running the gpmigrator in the next steps

# 6.2.0: - Download and install the guestpasswordmigrator package
yum localinstall

# Run the tool to prepare to migrate the guest passwords of the current VMs to a new column that will be added in 6.2.0.
# The tool requires access to the kinton database and to the API Redis
cd /opt/abiquo/utilities/
java -jar gpmigrator.jar --jdbc-url="jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/kinton?user=root&password=root" --redis-host=localhost
# Save the guestpasswords.sql file to run after you update the Abiquo database

# 6.2.0: - On all database servers, upgrade MariaDB 
rpm --nodeps -ev MariaDB-server-10.4.10-1.el7.centos.x86_64
yum install MariaDB-server

service mariadb start
# OR for datanode: galera_new_cluster


# Update the Abiquo databases
abiquo-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] update

# IF the database upgrade fails because of checksums
abiquo-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] clearCheckSums
abiquo-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] update

# 6.2.0: - Run guestpasswords.sql file
mysql kinton < guestpasswords.sql

# Post-upgrade step for API
chown -R tomcat /opt/abiquo

# Run Redis
# On each Remote Services server (including Monolithic sever) 
cd /usr/share/doc/abiquo-redis/redis/
bash ./4.2.3/

# 6.2.0: - Edit the tomcat configuration file and update the database connector configuration 
# Edit /opt/abiquo/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/api.xml
# The latest version of the file should contain new options
# Update the file and/or variables marked with ${} for your environment
# For a DB cluster, change the datasource.url to point to your Galera cluster
# This will not affect the multi-master configuration of the cluster

# Add the Java keytool path to your $PATH variable:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk-21+35/bin/

# Check your cacerts certificates
keytool -v -list -cacerts | grep ${ENV_NAME}

# If necessary, restore your certificates following the instructions
# See


Code Block
# Log in as root
sudo su -
# On V2V servers, check for active conversions
# ps aux | grep v2v
# ps aux | grep mechadora

# Back up the /opt/abiquo folder
tar cvfz /opt/abiquo.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /opt/abiquo
# If you are using remote services with TLS, back up the connector
cp /opt/abiquo/tomcat/conf/server.xml /opt/abiquo/server.xml--$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) 

# Back up Redis
redis-cli save
cp -a /var/lib/redis /var/lib/redis-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# Stop services
systemctl stop abiquo-tomcat

# If you have multiple NARS remote services in your datacenter, check for a results-nars or similar shared folder 
# as defined by the system property abiquo.nars.async.fileresults.path):
mount | grep -i "nfs\|results" | grep -v sunrpc on /opt/abiquo/results-nars type nfs4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,sync,vers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=,user)
# Unmount the previous shared folder if you have it mounted
umount /opt/abiquo/results-nars

# Install latest yum release package for your target version using link
yum remove 'abiquo-release-*'

# Remove docker
rpm -e --nodeps docker
rpm -e --nodeps docker-client
rpm -e --nodeps docker-common

# Find the correct link at https://
# For 6.2
yum localinstall

# Prepare yum repository for your target version with yum-utils
# yum install yum-utils if you do not have it yet
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-base
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-updates

# Perform update
yum clean all && yum makecache

yum update

# If you have a NARS shared folder, remount it (note this will also mount any other folders you have unmounted)
mount -a

# Post upgrade steps for RS
chown -R tomcat /opt/abiquo
chown -R tomcat /opt/vm_repository
chmod -R a+r /opt/vm_repository

# Refresh VM definitions
cd /usr/share/doc/abiquo-redis/redis/
bash ./4.2.3/
chown -R tomcat /opt/vm_repository
chmod -R a+r /opt/vm_repository

# If your remote services use TLS, restore the connection data server.xml 
# See

# Add the Java keytool path to your $PATH variable:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk-21+35/bin/

# Check certificates in your Java key store
keytool -v -list -keystore /opt/abiquo/tomcat/conf/${KEYSTORE_NAME}.jks

# If necessary, restore your certificates following the instructions
# See


In Abiquo 6.2.0 the Reporting feature has been removed. If you are using on-premise billing, you can retire the Reporting server.

8. Guacamole server

For the update from Abiquo <6.1.2, we recommend that you Upgrade Guacamole server.