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Table of Contents

Introduction to datastore tiers


Display datastore tiers


Create datastore tiers



This section describes how to manage datastore tiers to offer storage service levels in private cloud datacenters. To create combine storage service levels across the cloud to set cloud storage limits for tenants, use abstract datastore tiers.
For details of how to create policy with datastore tiers, see Manage datastore storage policies
For a general introduction, see About datastore tiers and About abstract datastore tiers


Create datastore tiers

To create a datastore tier:


Privileges: Access infrastructure view and Private DCs, View datacenter details, Manage storage elements

  1. Go to InfrastructurePrivate

  2. Select a datacenter and go to Datastore tiers

  3. Click the + add button

  4. Enter the Name and Description

  5. Optionally, select an Abstract datastore tier to add the tier to a group to control storage service levels for tenants in more than one datacenter. See Manage datastore storage policies

  6. Click Save

The platform will create the tier and allow access to all future enterprises that you create. 


Set access to tier service levels for datastores


nameSet access to tier service levels for datastores

This section describes how to define access to datastore tiers.

When you create a datastore tier, by default the platform will allow access to the current enterprise only.

To allow access to different service levels you can set access for these levels:

  • all enterprises

  • enterprises in a datacenter

To modify enterprise access for all enterprises:

  1. To modify enterprise access for all enterprises,

  2. Go to Infrastructure → Private

  3. Select a datacenter and go to Datastore tiers

  4. Create or edit datastore tier and go to Enterprise access

  5. Select Allow all enterprises or Restrict all enterprises

  • Changes here will override the settings defined for an individual enterprise

  • You cannot restrict the access of enterprises that have already created disks in the tier

Set access to a datastore tierImage Added

To display a list of enterprises that currently have access to a datastore tier:

  1. To modify enterprise access for all enterprises,

  2. Go to Infrastructure → Private

  3. Select a datacenter and go to Datastore tiers

  4. Create or edit datastore tier and go to Enterprise access

  5. Click Cancel or select Do not change enterprise access

    Display a list of all enterprises with accessImage Added


Allow a tenant to use datastore tiers in a datacenter



nameAllow a tenant to use datastore tiers in a datacenter


You can control access to datastore service levels with datastore tiers. 

To allow or prohibit access to a datastore tier for an individual enterprise

  1. Go to Users andedit an enterprise

  2. Go to Datacenters and edit an allowed datacenter

  3. Go to Datastore tiers

  4. Drag datastore tiers to the Allowed or Prohibited lists for this enterprise

  5. Click Accept to save the Enterprise datacenter resources

 Allow an enterprise to use datastore tiersImage Added

You can also set limits for the tenant for the datastore tiers within each datacenter. See Configure an enterprise in a cloud location



  • You cannot restrict the access of enterprises that have already created disks in the tier

  • Changes in Infrastructure view to the Datastore tiers on the Enterprise access tab will override these settings


Edit a datastore tier and add multiple datastores


Recommend datastore tiers for a VM template


Set default storage service levels with datastore tiers


nameEdit a datastore tier and add multiple datastores

You can edit a datastore tier and select multiple hypervisor datastores to add them to this service level.

To add multiple datastores to a tier:

  1. Go to InfrastructurePrivate

  2. Select a datacenter and go to Datastore tiers 

  3. Select a datastore tier

  4. In the Datastores pane on the right, click the + add button

     Add multiple datastores to a tierImage Added
  5. From the popup list, select the datastores to add

     Select datastores to add to a tierImage Added
  6. Click Add



  • Generally, you cannot add datastores with managed VMs deployed on them to a datastore tier

  • Exception: if a datastore with managed VMs deployed on it does not have a tier (e.g. as a result of datastore synchronization), you can assign it to a tier and the platform will automatically assign all disks to that tier

You can also add datastore tiers to services levels when you create or edit a hypervisor. See Compute in datacenters