In Abiquo, users can download templates from remote template repositories. A A remote template repository exposes a list of the templates it contains. Effectively it is an HTML file (ovfindex.html) and a collection of templates.
A remote template repository is indexed by a template definition list in the Abiquo API.
Creating template definition lists
API: use the Create a Template Definition List call in the TemplateDefinitionListResource:
from an OVF index URL:
from individual template definitions
GUI: open the remote template repository in the GUI and the UI client will create a default template definition list from the ovfindex.html
The Abiquo UI only displays the templates included in the ovfindex.html
Other templates can be accessed using the Abiquo API and the link to the template
When you download a template definition to the datacenter, a virtual machine template is created, which means, for example, that the virtual machine system disk will stored in the Apps library (NFS repository).
Creating a template definition list from template definitions
Create an empty template definition list
To include a template definition in the list:
Edit the template definition to add the template definition list link
Perform a PUT on the template definition
Modifying template definitions