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For a test platform, you may wish to


let users


work with more compute resources than are present in your servers.

To allow oversubscription for a test platform, create compute load level rules for CPU and RAM for each server. 


We do not recommend the use of oversubscription for a production environment.
The platform allocates the resources to the virtualization technology, but the virtualization technology is responsible for managing the resources.
Always consult the virtualization provider's documentation to determine safe values for your environment, for example,



PrivilegePrivileges: Access infrastructure view and Private DCs, View datacenter details, Manage allocation rules

  1. Go to InfrastructurePrivate


  1. Select a datacenter

  2. If you are in Map view or Statistics view,


  1. to go to Servers view, at the top of the Datacenters list, click the Server symbol

  2. Go to Allocation rules

  3. On the Global panel, click the + add button

  4. Select the


  1. Load level compute


  1. rule


Image Removed






  1. type




Select All or a specific rack




    1. If you are using


    1. vCenter clusters as servers, select


    1. Server


    1. If you are using vCenter


    1. hosts




Select to create a rule for the sum of all resources in a group (datacenters, racks, or clusters). This means that the platform will sum all of the resources in the group and calculate the load level percentage of the total in order to determine the available resources for the group.


Service Port


The port used by the cloud nodes to connect to the storage technology




Percentage usage of memory to allow. We DO NOT recommend the overallocation of RAM


CPU cores


    1. , select Server or Cluster

  1. Complete the dialog:

    1. Optionally, select a specific server

    2. For RAM and CPU cores set values above 100%


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